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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. Yeah ok, the left is so used to idiots in their party believing the bullshit they say that they expect for the rest of us to just shut up and listen. HA good luck convincing those who actually have a brain.
  2. Hey man, you're the one using the phrase "indisputable truths". And by the way I'm not talking about what Trump says when I talk about the destruction the left have bestowed upon us. I'm talking about what the average person "WE" are going through and reporting. I've never posted anything Trump has said in this thread as far as I can recall.
  3. I agree, but don't tell these guys that because all the shit the left purposely wrecked and is still wrecking is all an "illusion". We are imagining it all.
  4. Right back at you. You can't know for sure we're not going to war but you say it with such conviction and assurance, but it's also just an opinion. This was my point. You're opinion is worth just as little as mine. But you keep contradicting my opinions with your opinions and somehow in your mind you believe you're opinion is fact.
  5. I get it from the same place you get it from. >>"No one is going to war." << Tell us where you got these "facts" from, source? Is this another indisputable fact?
  6. I called it months ago. These MFers are throwing a hail mary. They want to make sure we go to war before they leave office so there's nothing anyone can do to make peace and so they can insure those who profit from war keep raking it in no matter who's in office. Please 🙏 keep telling us how Trump is the threat to humanity, democracy, America.
  7. You lost me at "indisputed" and "fact". Maybe indesputed by a few radicals on the left. What Mike said is partially true. The lie is that woke marxist left leaning pervert/pedophile ideology is not being heavily pushed in the education system. For being an "indisputed fact', there are a lot of people disputing it. These things aren't really happening by the way is just our imagination 😆.
  8. What? I'm not going to agree with a lie, the educational system is currently shit because it's leaning radically left. There's a reason why "all you hear is blah blah blah the left did it". It's BECAUSE the left did it. "Everybody is saying it so it must be a lie 🤣". So all im doing is bitching? Half of your destruction posts are of you bitching about Trump.
  9. Saying that we're talking to brick walls would be an insult to brick walls. They're trying to convince us that all the bad shit the left is doing is all an illusion I call out tr8er for trying to convince us that reality isn't reality and he doubles down on it and says that saying that we have a radically left leaning educational system is a conspiracy.
  10. Sound familiar??? Absolutely bonkers! But this is what we're up against.
  11. Damn so to confirm, you say you're a neutral bystander in this? Just blew a gasket over Trump. That's anything but neutral.
  12. Well, I agree with one snippet of your comment "Destruction is a waste of my and your time". ⬅️👍. "I argue against Trump and the wilful blindness of Republicans and the insanity of MAGA voters." ⬅️ You've said this multiple times in here. But when I ask you to list examples of what MAGAS are doing that is so crazy or what Republicans are willfully blind to, so far, you can't list anything. Have you any examples finally or are you still just saying it to say it?
  13. Wow, you're actually saying that Americans are imagining these things? So there's really no reason for me to take you seriously or engage with you in here. As much as Mike and paradime disagree with me and I with them. They have yet to deny reality to make an argument for the left. You sir, are on a whole nother level. I think I'm gonna do us both a favor and block your comments.
  14. Speaking of thinking. Do you take any of the destructive things your party did under Biden Kamala regime I listed above into consideration when you sit here trying to polish that turd? I'm wondering which is the strongest force in you siding with Kamala. Is it that you are ok with and agree with all the nasty shit they did this term and would be happy with it continuing for another 4 years. Or is it 100% your TDS talking? I think these are the only two options why someone would still be backing this admin.
  15. "But she then clearly answered her position, actions and policy decisions." ⬅️ Ha, what a joke!! Who gives a damn what she "said". It's just hot air coming out of her cock holster. Actions speak louder than words. She's been in the white house for almost 4 years. She is still there. We've seen what this admin believes in, what they've done, and what they're still trying to accomplish. They are FOR ; mutilation and perversion of children, DEI, censorship (ending freedom of speech), attacks on Christians/Christianity(freedom of religion), weaponization of DOJ, division through race & gender, Racism, unnecessary endless wars, defunding police, chaos through making previously illegal crimes now legal, socialism, terrorism, making parents criminals if they don't affirm gender, taking kids away from their parents for same trans ideology, controlling and using social media against us, forced an experimental vaccine on us and fired those who didn't comply, opened borders to terrorist, sex/drug traffickers, and all other forms of criminals, made it ok for men to parade naked in women's spaces and around children, allowed male rapist prisoners to be put in women's facilities if they said they were women (women were raped), Palestine protest where jews were being attacked, making being proud to be an American racist, replacing the American flag with gay flag in schools, allowing cities to burn to the ground because of their leniency towards criminals, drugs, and refusing to clean things up, and making it nearly impossible for families to afford to eat or to have a roof over their heads. These aren't things we "think" the left will do. They already did these things. Libtards might fall for the bullshit that Kamala is spewing out her ass. But the rest of us, conservatives, many independents, and some old school dems, aren't falling for that shit.
  16. This is true. At least it seems this is the case for mid 80s millennials and older generations of Blacks, Latinos, and Asians.
  17. I've been a boxing fan most of my l life. And I've noticed that there are 2 types of boxing fans. The kind that see their boxer win no matter how badly they get their ass beat. Then there are those who call the fight how it truly was and don't let the fact that they like one fighter over the other distort how they score the fight. Not saying the first type is necessarily purposely being dishonest. They just want their fighter to win so badly that they see what they want to see. You seem to be the first type. You saw what you wanted to see. What I saw is that Kamala did way better than I expected but she still came in second place. Even tho Trump was debating 3 people he still came out on top.
  18. Well I'm done with this clown show. It's clearly 3 vs 1. By this point in the game those that haven't realized how full of shit Harris/left are and that they say they will bring good things while at the same time their actions show that they are burning the country to the ground. There's absolutely no hope for those people, and they're gonna vote for Harris no matter what reality is.
  19. Exactly Trump is debating 3 people. The reason he is not answering questions is because he's not being asked questions. He's getting attacked by 3 people and spending the entire time having to defend himself. These animals are ruthless and I guarantee that the libtards doesn't realize this.
  20. Man, you're twisted. Well you, and half the country. "Republican party will be difficult to salvage"??? RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard are now endorsing Trump, because they believe that your party has gone off the rails and is a threat to the future of this country. Many other intelligent highly respected dems are also publicly denouncing your party and are voting for Trump for the same reasons. And you are sitting here claiming the opposite. Hhhmmm... who should democrats listen to? When the only people that agree with you in your party are the riff raff and the blood thirsty animals that will profit financially from a Harris win. This is when some come to the realization that it's time to re-evaluate the data/situation. Instead some of you are digging your heels in the sand and are doubling down on the crazy.
  21. Delusion such as this ⬆️⬆️ is the reason why I'm weaning myself off these threads. It's impossible to have a debate or a worthwhile conversation with people who either deny reality or refuse to accept reality because they are so devoted to their clan (TDS). "We know Harris could be the end of us, but if it means beating Trump, fuck you and our country, go blue team!".
  22. Shit.... I'm embarrassed to admit i even have a Facebook account. Only reason I got it was because I buy and sell things on there sometimes and there are 2 Nissan 720 groups where I post questions. I'm registered under a fake name and I have zero friends on there, no real life freinds or online friends added on my account. The only reason I know about these preteen tik tok style questions/ challenges is because they show up in my YouTube shorts occasionally. I've never been on tik tok, snapchat, twitter, instagram or any other trending teen apps. How bout you?
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