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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. Nobody is talking about this. They just slipped her right in.
  2. So you believe they're too stupid to get it even after it all comes crumbling down on top of them? I guess the KGB agent has an ounce more faith in them than you do. Either way it's scary how this KGB agent somehow knew where this ship was headed back in 1984. I think we're at that crossroads in America where we can either let it go completely down in flames, or we can start turning the ship around. There might just be enough people who haven't drank the kool-aid who are starting to slowly push back on this madness.
  3. Holy smokes! This interview of former KGB agent was filmed in 1984. This is exactly where America is right now (reality is not reality, black can be blue , men are women if they say they are). All educational institutions are pushing Marxist/Socialist ideas as being great. So according to this guy. It will take these leftist "Socialist sympathizers" getting kicked in the ass by the boot of a concentration camp guard to understand the fact that socialism is bad and for America to start the healing process from this woke nonsense. So after this mass idiot awakening happens it will take another generation (15-20 years) of the education system teaching with patriotism and reality in mind for America to become great again. We got a long ways to go. I'm probably the only one in this thread that enjoys long form interviews. So I highly recommend at least watching the short clip below to see what I'm talking about (Mike). After I watched the short clip, it got interesting so I watched the long version. Short Version of interview Long Version of Interview
  4. This is just one of many reasons why I'm voting for Trump. I could care less if it turns out he sucked off a leprechaun and took his pot of gold as payment. You are in here making a case FOR Harris/the left based only on how you "feel" about Trump. ⬇️⬇️ This is the left⬇️⬇️. The left is willing to bend the law and put American's lives in danger to follow their personally ideologies. Scary to see that this cancer has spread all the way up to congress. Many democrat judges and senators believe and make decisions based on these types of radical ideologies. Sadly I believe we're forever stuck with this cancer in congress & judicial system.
  5. My point was that their noses weren't clean. It's that they've never gone after any presidents other than for Trump.
  6. If you can find a low mileage 94-97 Honda Accord I'd recommend it. I own one and it's been good to me. Easy to work on and reliable. Replace timing belt along with all parts that are removed while doing a timing belt change (I replace all parts with OEM parts, at least those that are still available) and keep up with regular maintenance. And you should be good to go. If you want to see what 90s cars are better, just keep a look out for 90's cars next time you go out. Keep a count of how many 90s hondas, toyotas, nissans, and American cars you see on the road. I bet you see 8 hondas to maybe 1 toyota/nissan. American 90s cars are unicorns now, you don't see them for a reason.
  7. No sir.... It wasn't that they kept their noses clean. It was that up until Trump, no president has ever been investigated, prosecuted, or convicted. Hard to believe you eat this shit up, calling Trump a felon just like the lefty mob. Every President in history has skeletons in their closets. With how hard they've been going after Trump, for them to only be able to find what they found is unbelievable. Instead of bashing Trump for what, in any other case/person wouldn't have even reached the courts. Why don't you bash the fact that the left ILLEGALLY weaponized the Justice and Judicial systems to try and remove the opposing Presidential nominee. <<<< This should scare the Ba-Jesus out of people, that the Government did this and got away with it. People's TDS is so great that they become blind to what is truly a threat to our democracy right now (THE LEFT). The left is running their campaign on phrases like "Trump is Hitler", "Trump will be the end to Democracy" etc. And the lefty pawns are just nodding along like idiots because of their hate for Trump, not realizing the LEFT is actually the threat. <<< "Therefore by their fruits you will know them."
  8. IZRL

    4X4 Engine

    Not sure if this will help but here's an install of a z24. Might give you some ideas?
  9. More than likely there is a ground loop somewhere as Mike explained. I included a video below of things to check to see if you have a ground loop that you can try. If fixing ground connections doesn't help then try what I did below. Mine was not so much a static sound but more of a "whining" alternator sound which also went up and down with vehicle RPMs. I got an alternator "whining" noise when I installed a small amp for my mid-range speakers. I tried most of the tips in the video below and none of them worked (these tips are worth a try in case your noise is caused by ground). I also bought a filter that didn't work. What ended up working for my situation was adding "Ferrite Core" Snap on rings to the +12v (Power wire) of the amp I installed. You want to install the ferrite clamps as close to the stereo/amp as possible. It takes a bit of experimenting to get the best results. It also seems to work best if you wrap the wire multiple times through the ferrite core. Surprisingly enough it also matters how many times you wrap it. For my system I got the best results wrapping it twice. Wrapping it once didn't remove the sound and wrapping it 3 times was less effective than wrapping it only twice. I added a second smaller ferrite core on the wire, but I don't recall if it actually helped or if I just added it for kicks? I also ran all the speaker wires as far away from the power wires as possible. I found through some research that it's best NOT to put ferrite cores on the speaker wires as it might interfere with the speaker sound. The sound didn't go away 100%. I can still hear it if I turn the stereo volume down to zero, but even then I have to really listen closely to hear it. Can't hear it at all even if the music is at lowest setting so it's a win. Here's the link to the snap on ferrite core clips I purchased if you decide to give this a try https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01N0AV746?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details This is what worked with the power wire on my amplifier. This is a video of someone fixing CB Radio Static with Ferrite Cores. This is what you can use to troubleshoot if you're problem is caused by ground loop.
  10. Agreed... No need to put up a disclaimer though. This is the problem with the world today. Everybody is walking on egg shells worried about everybody else's feelings. This is the reason we got to this point we are in now during this administration... fear. People who think the way you and I do about the insanity that is being pushed on this country today, staying quiet as to not hurt anybody's feelings. Thankfully it seems people are getting fed up of stepping on eggshells for others and are starting to speak up.
  11. "So Rebut me"? What I need to do is rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ😆. You actually made an argument "FOR" Harris. There's no point in me debating this with you after that. Not even TDS sufferers here in the states have anything good to say about Harris.
  12. I'm gonna ask you another tough multiple choice question so that you can dodge it just like other's I've asked. You're now an American, Trudeau and Trump are the two presidential nominees. Who do you vote for? ("Neither" is not an option). This ^^^ is the predicament we're currently in. Biden, Harris, Clinton, Obama(the Left) are America's Trudeau presently. "Trump outright hates women. He doesn't hate Christian values but he doesn't give a shit about them... lair, adulterer, racist, rapist, criminal but will sell them bibles to make himself look good." <<<< Let's just put aside the fact that this shoe fits pretty much every politician in history. Even if it were true that Trump was all this (which he isn't), he would still be the better choice. It's very simple. We've seen what a Trump's America looks like and we've now seen what a Biden/Harris America looks like. I believe I'll take my chances with a second Trump term.
  13. It shouldn't, that's the point. The left has made this a thing in recent times. Now they're trying to use this new race card to their benefit.
  14. The game is being rigged and played to create an "elitest" eutopia. A world where the elites own all and rule all. This future eutopia is not America, it includes it. It is not crucial to this agenda for the US, or any other country to be at the top. This is why the elites are ok with the US falling apart. When I say the "left", I'm talking about 3 different groups. The average low level American lefty pawns, the upper level lefty and some righty pawns (politicians on both sides of the isle), and the Elites. The two lower levels are both working towards building this eutopia for the elites. But they are both getting played IMO. The upper level pawns(politicians) are the dogs under the elitest table fighting to catch the scraps that fall off of it. They know that they're destroying America but are ok with it because they are hoping they will be allowed to keep their place under the table. The bottom of the barrel average joe lefty Americans are just useful idiot pawns who will get shafted in the end just like the rest of us. It's not that they purposley want to destroy the house they live in. It's that they're so indoctrinated/ programmed by the people at the top. That they have no clue that what they're doing is destroying the country. In fact they're so lost they actually believe they're doing good.
  15. White people should be proud to be white. Most Republicans seem to be proud to be who they are. This whole anti-White anti-American movement is being pushed by the leftist elites to weaken/destroy America from the inside out. Noone is going fight or put their lives on the line for something they hate(America). Then on top of that you groom boys into believing it's toxic to be masculine and that they'll get even more lefty points if they turn gay or trans. Edit: correction... just dawned on me. They're not trying to destroy America. They're pushing this nonsense on all countries. What they're doing is creating a world of weak, stupid, easily manipulated, sheep that can't fend for themselves and wouldn't dare resist against full gov/elitest control. They pretty much have it in the bag. They hit us where it counts, the young. They own the educational system. Their minions are already starting to disrupt the business world. They have these dumb kids/people begging for their rights to be taken from them and for us to become a socialist/ communist country.
  16. I think the problem is these lefties trying to drill the lie that minorities are victims therefore they should be given special treatment for it. The younger generations are eating this BS up. "I'm white therefore I'm automatically the bad guy or evil"."You're a minority so you're automatically a victim." This is a dangerous mind virus. If you think about it. Just like every other crazy lefty belief this actually does the opposite of helping those it is meant tob help. If you're a minority you should be insulted by this. For a presidential candidate to try and use this victim mind virus to get votes is just sad.
  17. Saw that BS. The Olympics are a big deal for young boxers. This is just tragic that this is being allowed by these twisted governments. The possibility of dying in the ring is a risk all boxers knowingly take. Men have died while fighting men. The government is putting women's lives in extreme danger to appies a tiny minority of mentally ill individuals and to further whatever their agenda is. Only positive about this crazy move. Is that I see this as being the straw that breaks the camel's back. As I said, the Olympics is huge for a young athlete. I see women rising up after this. Hopefully all the pussy men in who have sat back and allowed their daughters/sisters be victims of this, will also stand up.
  18. Here's a more recent Manson song. "Broken Needle"(2020) by Marilyn Manson.
  19. "Your Woman"(1997) by band White Town.
  20. Just came up on this song today. Don't love the song(vocals/Artist), but I really like the music(guitar riffs/instrumental part). "Slow Dancing In A Burning Room"(2007) by John Mayer.
  21. They just don't learn do they? Budlight loses like 27 billion dollars and these knuckleheads still fail to realize that it's only a sliver of the population that wets their panties when they promote this abomination. They're working real hard to try and make this the norm for all of us. I'm tired of having this nonsense constantly paraded in my face, which is probably what their goal is. To just constantly throw this in our face until people feel tired and defeated and finally say F'it do what you want.
  22. When these fruitcakes and lefties are physically and verbally attacking religious and pro-life groups who are trying to exercise their first amendment rights out in public. Yeah I think we have the right to be offended by their shenanigans and bullshit. It's only an attack and only offensive when they get attacked or offended. If other's are offended or they infringe on other's rights that they disagree with it's justified and correct. Well I say 🖕 to that.
  23. I took a couple of the flares off my truck. I stood back a ways to get a better look..... and I promptly put them back on.
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