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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. You seem to have the belief everybody watches these characters like hypnotized idiots. Some do but it seems a majority of them are on the left, at least presently. Tucker isn't saying too many things I don't already believe or know. I agree with about 95% of what he says. Whether you like it or not, these people are crucial to bringing this country back down to earth. He's got a lot more reach than most people. So if he's preaching 95% of the things I think this country needs to hear to bounce back, he's got my vote. Having said that, Maher just lost me recently. In an argument with Megyn Kelly about Trump vs Biden. He uttered the words "I do believe Biden is deeply flawed but he believes in our way of life". To say Biden believes or thinks anything right now... your dilusional AF. To vote for a vegetable because of their TDS, tells me everything I need to know about a person. Beware of anyone who says Biden has done a good job, that he has good mental health, or that this country is in better shape now than it was under Trump (all politicians on the left). They're either dilusional, liers, indoctrinated brainless zombies or all 3. Before you guys pull out your torches and pitchforks, let me remind you.... I voted for Biden last election.
  2. You have a lot of strong opinions and beliefs for someone who supposedly doesn't trust ANYONE on tv.
  3. Damn! Tucker just came out guns a blazin. If the establishment didn't like him before... can't imagine how they feel about him after this.
  4. I think you're the only one who believes, thinking a nuclear war is possible. Is tin foil hat material.
  5. Yeah no.... Putin has already stated that he's thinking about changing Russia's "Nuclear Doctrine", from "we will only use nukes if a nuke is used against us". To: "Putin said that nuclear weapons would only be used in , exceptional cases…when there is a threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country,” So in other words they're willing and able to push the button if they feel they're at the Alamo.
  6. Yeah... I can't say how I know but the US military is also conducting some suspicious testing. Let's just say it "looks like" they're doing tests to make fallout shelters better/safer for the occupants (has to do with radiation). This was very recent (during this administration). They have also been upping their testing and improving on defense of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM) using interception missiles. You don't prepare for something you don't believe is a possibility. Also I highly doubt those test to improve fallout shelters that tax payers are funding. Are meant to protect us, the average pawns, from a nuclear holocaust. They ain't building them shelters for us.
  7. Yet America was a 1000Xs in better shape under Trump, than it is after this administration. By the way tax cuts for the rich is not all that bad. And raising their taxes, like some are pushing for, is just plain stupid. The rich hire the poor. If the rich get taxed more they are forced to cut jobs. It's the same as those who don't comprehend that raising the minimum wage is actually doing the opposite of helping people. Nobody wins with these wage increases, infact everybody loses(rich, poor & middle class). As bad as you think those people Trump appointed were. 1. They did well enough to not fck shit up. 2. Look at what surrounds Biden. The who's who of America's shit stains. Covid... He did much better then this administration. You call it sucking Putin's dick. I call it having good international relations. And not putting us the closest we've ever been to nuclear war like this admin has managed to do. They keep poking the bear too, as if they're in a hurry to blow this bitch up before they leave office. "He definitely pandered to big oil interests though giving them the go-ahead for coastal drilling and frac fucking the environment." 1. Who hasn't. 2. Really? Oil drilling and mineral mining was green and planet friendly before Trump came in? Not saying you're wrong for hating Trump. Just saying you're amplifying the crap out of some of your points.
  8. Nice...I wouldn't be surprised if Crooks turns out to be one of those masked Antifa nerds who walk around in full on tactical gear. They need to dig deep into his finances. There's a belief out there that these Antifas are being funded by the left to harass the right and to stir shit up. It's exactly like the pro Palestine protestors and the fact that somehow, they managed to get unlimited quantities of Palestinian flags, keffiyehs(head dress), and matching tents. Antifa, for being mostly young leftist anti-gun nerds. Somehow they all sport some pretty impressive tactical gear and hardware. If this is the case. Those secret financiers are probably scrambling to erase all evidence, whether it be in document form or human form.
  9. Damn, things are starting heat up even more than they already were between the left and the right after the assassination attempt. I'm already seeing a couple "influencers" trying to ignite fires in righties minds. I know I'm the official conspiracy nut in destruction. But even I had to block this roided out looking dude on YouTube. That is taking articles he admits are probably false and is using them to stir the pot on the right. This is a perfect opportunity for the left to use their radical leftists in Republican's clothing (undercover DOJ agents). To push the radical righties off the deep end. I'm not gonna sit here and pretend there aren't actual radical righties who are gonna come out of the woodwork and do the same. I'm just saying keep your eyes open, keep your heads on a swivel, and stock up on some essentials. Cause things may pop off. Things are so crazy these days it's hard to predict what's gonna happen. If nothing happens, as they say, it's better to be safe than sorry.
  10. Yeah but I'm pretty sure the bible wasn't saying that the definitive sign that the anti-christ has arrived is a man who has miraculously been healed of a serious infection 😆.
  11. Look at you getting all biblical on us 😆. But I'm not sure an ear shot can be classified as a fatal wound. It will heal tho......... in about a 2 weeks.
  12. On a side note. Have you guys noticed that there is always a gorgeous woman sitting behind these senators/congressman in these hearings. Sometimes they show full body footage of them sitting with them wearing short skirts. Them long sexy legs make it real hard to pay attention to what is being said.
  13. Do conspiracy theories rarely come true or are people so hook line and sinker believing that your gov could do no wrong and always tells you the truth that no amount of evidence to the contrary will ever convince you otherwise. I could see people being blind to this pre 2000. If in 2024 you're not 100% convinced that the gov has lied to us countless times over the years and has committed many egregious acts to further their agenda, you've drank the cool-aid and/or are living under a rock.
  14. The only mentally ill attendant was the shooter who was clearly a left wing nut. A psycho leftist attempts to kill Trump and still you sympathies with the shooter and talk shit about Trump ⬆️ ⬆️. There seems to be many who are doing this, it's just unreal 🤯. You're talking about the left here ⬆️⬆️ correct? A great majority of the misinformation is coming from the left. They mostly speak in lies and best case scenario, they speak in half truths. I would ask you to list a few examples of the misinformation you speak of.... but so far those who speak ill of the "insane MAGAs" and Trump on this thread, can't seem to provide any evidence to support their claims. Only thing I can think of is Jan 6th. I agree that group of Trump supporters were in the wrong.
  15. There was an assassination attempt on the guy. I'm sure his first thought was, "how can I make this sound cooler". Strong is the TDS in this one. If you wanted cool points, which Im sure is the last thing on Trump's mind, just the fact that you survived an assassination attempt is cool enough. I've only had 2 instances where it crossed my mind that I might get shot. First time was on our highschool ditch day at a lake. Rival Gang members from our school invited their older fellow gang banger friends/families. And they had a big shoot out in the middle of the party. A couple people were wounded, there was one death. Believe me you don't have to sauce the story up to make it interesting.
  16. So the bullet went through an attendee's head(R.I.P), then it hit a teleprompter, and the glass hit Trump's ear? This is starting to sound eerily familiar 🤔. All we need is for the bullet to have made a u-turn at some point and we'd have ourselves a typical gov cover up story for all the conspiracy deniers to believe and preach as if it were the word.
  17. Wow....I will say it again. How do people still believe the gov would never do anything to hurt us intentionally to further their agenda. 9/11 "conspiracy", Covid "conspiracy", JFK "conspiracy" and now Trump assassination attempt.... What more do people need to finally wake up and smell the roses? You, I, and everybody who's in the way of this Ultimate plan is expendable, and they will step on you like a roach. A few thousand American deaths to keep us in the middle east "small price to pay". If a current/former president's life doesn't mean a damn thing to them, what do you think you're average joe life is worth? With the little info I googled. They're saying the bullet went through an attendee's head and then hit Trump in the ear. This is the only reason the shooter missed. $20 says this guy was a trained shooter possibly ex-military. If they dig deep enough I'm betting they find ties to either the CIA or FBI. But of course they'll cover it all up, throw another one into the "conspiracy pile", and move on to the next one. Leave it up to those "conspiracy deniers" who believe everything the gov tells us no matter how ridiculous it might be. To call us crazy and to convince us the gov "would never🫢".
  18. Interesting.... Sounds like the left is trying to use project 2025 as a fear tactic to try and reel some voters back to their side, as I initially suspected.
  19. Mellow Jams Friday..... Song 5 "Wonderful Tonight"(1977) by Eric Clapton.
  20. Mellow Jams Friday.... Song 4 "Kodachrome"(1973) by Paul Simon.
  21. Mellow Jams Friday..... Song 3 "Mexico"(1970) by James Taylor
  22. Mellow Jams Friday... song 2 "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover"(1975) by Paul Simon.
  23. Mellow Jams Friday.... Song 1 "How Sweet It Is"(1975) by James Taylor.
  24. If your truck doesn't have the chrome pieces and you're not planning on buying some. I don't see the point in getting the grooved seal. Does your truck currently have the grooved or un-grooved? Might look better without the groove if you don't have the chrome?
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