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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. I'm no expert on the hunting point system but what it is. Is every year there is a big game draw usually at the beginning of the year. Depending at what game animals are in your state you can put in for what ever one you want to. Here I put in for Elk and deer. Every time you put in for a certain animal and you don't get drawn. You get one point for that animal. The more points you accrue the higher your chances are for getting drawn next time. I've put in for elk 3 times/years so I have 3 elk points. When you get drawn you start back from zero again.
  2. I currently have 3 Elk points and 1 deer point. Have never been drawn. I have gone on an Elk hunt with a friend that got drawn and it's probably the best activity I've ever done. So I'm looking forward to getting drawn at some point. I have hunted for coyote and dove. Shot some doves, have yet to shoot a coyote 😆. I've heard wild pig meat isn't amazing, it's ok/edible at best if you cook it right apparently? Those hogs have taken over Texas and are already starting to be a problem in eastern Arizona. I've been wanting to go shoot me some pig. Even if we don't eat any of them, it sounds like a hell of a time!
  3. I've always done the low calorie method. I just kept my calories low and the carbs stayed reasonably low automatically. My best success came from not going extreme low calorie and would go down in stages. You're just begging to fail if you're always starving. Supposedly, inactive males need about 2k-2200 cal per day to maintain. Being that on average I was eating roughly 2.5k-3k cal p/day. To start I would go down to 2200k cal for a week and drop it by 100 cal a week until I was at about 1700. In my teens I got down from 215 to 185 using this method, lifting weights sped progress up. Most recently (10 years ago) I started at 286 and went down to 235 without exercise. I've kept it off. I range between 240-248 since. Which is a win for me as I can easily maintain 300 lbs. I pay attention to how my clothes fit. If they're starting to feel tight, I go back to watching what I eat and reel it back in. I used to hang on to my 286 lbs clothes which made it easy to just switch over to the fatter clothes when the smaller clothes started to get tight. Finally decided to throw it out and it has helped me maintain. I'm 240 now. The big difference between all my previous diet attempts and the carnivore diet. Is that this is by far the easiest diet to start. With other diets the first 2 months were hell. I was always extremely hungry & craving everything. It was a mission to stay under my target calories. So far with this diet it's the complete opposite. When i first set up my target max calories. I was thinking 2k cal p/day was good to start. But I'm struggling to get "up to" even 1700 cal. All the protein and fat makes it so that you get full faster and takes longer for hunger to strike. 1700k calories is about 10 ounces of 90/10 grnd beef, 4 eggs, an Oz of pork cracklings, and 1 oz of pork lard(as oil replacement & is homemade. Using lard is just a personal test others use butter). I split this between 2 meals a day. Doesn't look like a lot but so far I'm not hungry when my 2nd meal comes around and struggle to eat. I'm sure this will get easier once I get used to it. Eating more is actually recommended. I'm sticking to max 1900 p/day. I will say tho, I'm not going 100% carnivore diet. I'm shooting for 90/10. I'm still gonna allow for my weekly drinking night with friends and will eat whatever we make for food that night. Hanging out with friends every weekend is something that I look forward to all week. Getting rid of 100% of what you enjoy in life, to lose weight makes it even more miserable and harder to stick to IMO. This will slow my progress a bit and might reduce the amount of health benefits I might get from going 100%. But I'm good with that. I've done this with every diet and I've always lost weight. Might not work for everyone but it has for me. Something I've noticed about some carnivore groups. Is it looks like some folks are throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. One year a group decided they're going to add extreme amounts of butter to their diets. To the point where they not only cook with butter, spread butter on everything including coffee. They also carry sticks of butter with them as a quick snack when cravings arise. They take a bite of butter every time they get a craving. JESUS! Then the next year that same group of people are like "well... that didn't work. We started getting fluffy around the midriff with all that butter". NO shit...! I'm gonna ignore all the looney challenge people and am sticking to the basics. Sorry for the long post. Posting on this thread as way to keep track of stuff.
  4. Knowing that I'm gonna duke it out with Mike all day cause we disagree with each other on about 95% of what each of us posts is what wakes me up in the morning 🌞 😃. Good times 🤘
  5. I agree they'll never learn. And it's the "blue no matter who" syndrome as well. The roof is on fire there but if it were possible for Newsom to run for a third term. Those stubborn zombie sheep would vote for him again. $20 says they find another Nazi libtard exactly like Newsom to elect in 2026. I'd say the right can be just as bad when it comes to stupidly voting for the worse candidate just because they belong to their party. But right now the jackass destruction pendulum is leaning to the left. At some point it'll swing back over to the right, as it always has.
  6. What scares me is that we're going to need like 4 more administrations who have similar ideas to Trump. To repair everything the Biden admin managed to destroy in the short 4 years they were in office. Trump might succeed in slowing the madness down. But it's gonna take more than 4 years for this country to recover.
  7. Therein lies the dilemma. Going down this rabbit hole of investigating and prosecating every president from now on has the potential to destroy this country. Which is another reason why people are concerned and pissed off about this. Best case scenario is that Trump gets off scot-free and his felony gets expunged. Then he should take the high road and not go after Biden. We need to just go back to how it used to be. I think most of us would be just fine with that or at least I would.
  8. That's not the point. The justice system has never gone after a President for anything they've done and we've all been able to live with it. The point is that I and all those who disagree with this, if I understand it correctly. Is that if we're all of a sudden going to change that, an going to investigate and prosecute one president. Than things should be equal and we should investigate every living former and current presidents and prosecute them all. This is clearly just being done to try and get rid of the opposition. And by the way, Biden's been caught, theirs plenty of evidence, he just hasn't been prosecuted. Thankfully it completely blew up in their faces and was the final nail in their coffin IMO.
  9. You're just making excuses like everyone else. It's simple, I steal a toyota corolla so that I can use it to drive to work and take the kids to school. You steal a Honda Accord to sell it to a chop shop. It's that same flippin crime and we will both be prosecuted equally. Regardless if you swear that you're memory is bad and that you don't recall doing the crime. This is just insane to me how obvious it is that the gov is laying the smacketh-down on one guy and letting the other guy off scot-free. And people are trying to justify it. You and I would never get away with this shit as average citizens and we accept it. But somehow this crooked sack of shit is given a free pass while he is at the same time pushing to get his political opponnent locked up for the same crime with the backing of the FBI, and all of a sudden its ok. All those who are ok with this bs clearly have a serious case of TDS.
  10. California is an all around shit hole now. The taxes, the crime, the homelessness, the drugs, and now add to that a huge spike of illegals. Many families and businesses have no choice but to leave. What they need is an increase in police and to start prosecuting all crimes again. They also need to find a way to reverse the drug problem by helping drug addicts kick the habit instead of accommodating to themto make it easier to get high. Instead of trying to strong-arm Mexico into letting the US come in and deal with the cartel like they're trying to do. It's like deciding to shut down all fast food restaurants cause we have an obesity epidemic and fatasses won't stop eating🤦‍♂️. Why should businesses and law abiding citizens have to adapt and change their lives/ businesses to make the sack of shit criminal's lives easier? You can forget about California ever loosening up on their gun laws. They've fought tooth and nail for decades to get to this point. Why would they give that up? Especially if most of the population is begging for even stricter gun laws.
  11. "Thank You"(1969) by Sly & The Family Stone.
  12. "Stomp!" (1980) by "The Brothers Johnson"
  13. "Fantastic Voyage"(1980) by "Lakeside"
  14. Couldn't agree more! This ⬆️ is also what makes him the best interviewer when it comes to top tier music artist, musicians, producers, and engineers IMO.
  15. I ain't gonna lie, I don't know. But what traditional media outlet can you 100% trust right now? For sure not the left leaning media. They're getting caught on the daily for putting out misinformation.
  16. I've always been the complete opposite. I would've never shifted my diet to eating mostly meat & eggs prior to today. But it's never even crossed my mind to cut it completely out. Most veggies I could live without.
  17. Wait, I'm not sure if you're joking or not? Cricket powder? I just googled that. I had no idea this actually existed and was something people were already consuming here in the states?
  18. Damn that's too bad. Most of the Denver metropolitan area looked to be very clean and at least had the look of a pretty safe area to live in. At least it did to me when I lived there. There were some areas that were clearly bad. But even when i had to go to those areas, they didn't seem as bad as ghettos in other cities. I'm sure you're also right that the increase in illegals is most likely making things worse. I haven't been up there in about 4 or 5 years.
  19. He's way too optimistic. People are too groomed, sheepish, stubborn, and stupid to stop trusting and start questioning EVERYTHING the gov says. This goes for both the left and the right. Vivek is correct in saying we need to get rid of the FBI and possibly also the CIA. Unfortunately his ideas are way to ambitious and extreme for our crooked and corrupt system. Hypothetically speaking if he were to somehow win the presidency he would undoubtedly end up shooting himself 2 times in the back than hanging himself.
  20. So far from what I've read. Carnivore people still use seasoning/salt. Also fat is kept in the diet(butter and 80/20 meat is allowed). Coffee is also allowed as they say there's no real evidence that coffee is bad for you. My biggest addiction is diet coke. So I've decided to switch to coffee. Like you I'm a grazing maniac. If the snacks are on the counter I grab a handful every time I walk by. I'm so bad sometimes I don't realize I grabbed it until I'm stuffing the chips in the chew hole. So far the grazing has reduced. I've been wondering for some years now about cooking with natural pork lard. In my mind it's as natural as it can get so it can't be worse than the processed oils they sell in the store and fits right in with this diet. So I'm going to start cooking with it. I'm talking 1 ½ tblsp per meal max. I called a local beef processor and they said they sell pork leaf fat for .50 cents a pound. So gonna make my own lard. I'm gonna do blood work to see how all this is affecting my health. You should give it a go and join me on the carnivore thread. Im keep updating my results, mostly to keep myself accountable in someway. I'm betting I'll probably be the only one posting to the thread 😆.
  21. I've been watching this youtube channel for a few years now and it's very good. It's about all things music. This is a long form interview with Sting. I like watching artists interviews like this, to get to know the bands I like a little better. If you have the time it's a good watch.
  22. I've sold on ebay off and on for years now. I've sold 2,400 items and have only had 1 negative feedback in all those sales (which was removed by ebay cause it was bs). All this to say, you do what you can to answer concerns/questions politely and in a timely manner. If you've sold/purchased enough online you know there's a lot of scammers out there and understand some people need assurance that you're not one of them. I would walk away from this guy. Even if he isn't a scammer you're gonna have a hell of a time with him if something doesn't go as planned with the transaction. These kinds of people sometimes ghost you after you paid and the item is shipped. Honestly I personally would walk away just for the fact that this guys' a dick period.
  23. A couple interesting videos on the subject.
  24. First person I heard talk about the carnivore diet was Jordan Peterson. He's commented on how he, his wife, and daughter have had incredible health benefits from it. But I've always shrugged it off as crazy talk. But out of curiosity I've been digging and researching this in the past few weeks. I still want to do more research on what this is all about but I figured the crap I'm eating now can't be worse than eating a Carnivore diet. So I started the diet a week ago. I also have some of the health issues that people claim this diet helps improve or sometimes reverse so I don't have much to lose and possibly something to gain if any of this is true. If you're already on this diet or are thinking about starting. Post your progress, experience good or bad, and thoughts on the subject here. So far what I've gathered is that people are having mostly positive results. Apparently it's helping thousands of people with weight lose, hyper tension, diabetes, fatty liver, joint inflammation, some mental conditions, and psoriasis. I've always been very skeptical about everything and am the kind of person that needs to see things to believe them, so we'll see. By the sounds of it, It's not all smooth sailing either. Some people have reported some short term side effects like Diarrhea and cramps but so far those who I've read complain about these things say they went away not too long after they started.
  25. Could this be the reason they're pushing so hard to cut down on meat production and using "Global Warming" as the excuse to cut us off from beef. (Watch videos below to see what I mean by this) I've heard Jordan Peterson talk about the incredible health benefits he, his wife, and daughter have had from going on a carnivore diet. But I just shrugged it off as crazy. But out of curiosity I've started to dig into and research this in the past few weeks. I still have way more research I want to do. But I figure that the carnivore diet is a hell of a lot better than the crap I'm eating now. So I started last week. The one thing I've noticed so far is that even though they call it a carnivore "diet". It doesn't feel like a diet. Even though I've set my meals up to where I'm eating less "calories" than i usually eat. I feel full longer which makes it way easier not to cheat or to feel that I'm being deprived of something like other "diets" I've done. It's fun to talk about all the bullshit that's destroying not only America but the world. But If anyone else decides to join me in this. I started a thread where we can post progress, positive changes in health, and research on the subject. Add something positive to this mix. I called the thread "carnivore diet" to start but if anyone has a catchier idea for a name let me know. I recommend watching these videos to start. Its very compelling stuff!
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