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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. If you have to dig that deep to find shit, than it probably is bullshit. So you can't tell me why Trump is dangerous and bad for the country. And you can't think of anything crazy MAGA is doing other than following Trump. So why do you despise them again? Now the current administration. You could close your eyes, spin 3 times, start walking in any direction, and you would step in their shit.
  2. I hear this all the time from the left. But they have nothing to back that up. I will agree that Trump is a clown but dangerous? I ain't gonna lie, i was stressing in 2016 when he won. But now he's got 4 years under his belt that you can analyze. And we have 3 ½ years of the current administration to analyze. You tell me who's more dangerous? I watched a Bill Maher podcast episode where Martin Short was his guest. Both democrats. They had a funny moment where they were talking shit about Trump. Then Maher says something like "oh and those MAGA idiots and all the crazy shit theyre doing......you know.....Jan 6th" and then they both paused for a second trying to come up with another example. Neither of them could think of one so they were like "yeah... jan 6...yeah ", and moved on. I'll ask you the same question. You keep bringing up the MAGA lunatics and keep saying that this country is doomed if Trump is re-elected. Give me some examples of the crazy shit the MAGAs have done and give me some examples from Trumps past presidency that supports your theory that we won't survive another Trump administration?
  3. Right, but I'm talking to all the pro Palestine peeps. It's like are civilians really civilians?
  4. First off I'm talking about the mid 80s with a pair of old school mexican parents. So right off the bat you eliminate eye to eye conversations between son and parents in situations like this. Also eliminates timeouts and groundings. That was a whites only punishment. Different times. Secondly in my eyes this isn't unjust punishment. Everyone in the group agreed to play ball around windows. So you're all responsible in my eyes. You drive the murderer to where he killed his victim. You're also responsible. Maybe in a time where a majority of kids get grounded instead, you wouldn't as much of a hard time with this.
  5. 1+ Mike's list. Only thing I would add is make sure you have a good spare tire and the tools to change a flat. Add extra fuses and a small spool of 14 gauge electric wire to you're toolbox.
  6. i believe the book says 8-900 RPM. I have mine set at about 800. 900+ sounded too high to me. Anything under 800 was too low, and the engine starts running choppy. At least for my truck.
  7. If in this theoretical conundrum the protagonists were myself and two of my friends when we were kids, and my mother was the one responsible for determining who the perp was. I'd say she wouldn't waste her time asking questions and analyzing theories trying to solve the mystery. She'd beat my ass just for being within a 100 yard radius of the broken glass and the baseball equipment. Guilty by association 😆. Parents were tough on us but I ain't complaining.. I'm actually thankful for it. This is where the lines get blurry as a majority of Palestinians side with Hamas on many things including the Oct 7 attacks.
  8. It's also what the pro Palestine Looney Tunes keep repeating. It's like they give these woke turds the same script with the answers to every question they might be asked when it comes to all the crazy shit they believe. The comical part is when they're asked something that's not in the script. They get a panic look in their eyes and they end the interaction. They're mostly clueless about the causes they say they're so passionate about.
  9. "Green Grass & High Tides" (1975)by the Band "The Outlaws". first heard this song on the video game Rock Band 1. The guitarist on this song are groovin 👌.
  10. "I'd Love To Change The World"(1971) by the Band "Ten Years After".
  11. "I'd Rather Be With You" (1976) by Bootsy Collins.
  12. If you're gonna Google anything. I'd recommend scrolling down past Google's AI generated answer. All AI is programmed to lean heavily to the left. Googles's AI is apparently the most left leaning of all. I just recently started getting these AI answers. You'll recognize them as the say "AI Overview" on the top left hand corner.
  13. We could market it as "Come and see the impact all the time you spent protesting,getting arrested, and missing the 100k classes you're parents are paying for, has made on Palestine." Hand them all a plane ticket, a gay pride 🏳️‍🌈 flag, and shuttle them all to the airport.
  14. Hamas is chanting "death to America", and Americans are sleeping in tents, shitting in buckets, and going on hunger strikes in support of these terrorist 🤣. What's worse, these same Americans are out there chanting along with "death to America". I wouldn't be surprised if these bright college students haven't yet realized they're basically chanting, "death to us". Funniest thing I've heard is the "gays for palestine" is the same as "chickens for KFC" joke. "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has it's limits" ~ Unknown
  15. As far as I can tell the Gaza Strip doesn't take up all of Palestine. Also they said in the leaflets that they were going to bomb only the south side of the strip. So if it weren't for The fact that Hamas is using civilians as human shields. Those who wanted to get away from the bomb zone could go elsewhere. Apparently this is not the first time Hamas uses civilians as shields. They do this to get sympathy from people from other countries. Those people than send aid to the civilians. Then the Hamas leadership steals the money and they use it to fund the war and to line their pockets. There are billionaires who got rich from this who don't live in Palestine but pull the strings. So no, i have no sympathy for Hamas they're savages.
  16. Hold on? What? Are you talking about saving Hamas or saving civilians? Cause the point of the bombings was to kill Hamas. The point of the leaflets were to warn and save civilians. I'm not sure what you're saying here?
  17. I never said they didn't. I said both sides did it. Just saying those zombies are so brainwashed they shed tears for Palestinian babies while at the same time saying killing Israeli babies was justified. I'm saying they're heartless pieces of shit just jumping on the "save Palestine" train to raise their virtue signaling score on their social media. And by the way, Israel dropped thousands of leaflets from planes in Gaza and sent out thousands of texts warning civilians they were gonna bomb the place so they could escape. Nobody blocked anything.
  18. The craziest part of all this is watching the glazed eyed, indoctrinated, pro Palestine zombies explain how Palestinian civilian lives are more valuable than Israeli civilians. Go and watch a few of these interviews. Its crazy how arrogant, heartless, and mind numbingly stupid, these pro Palestine zombies are. They all give the same scripted sob story, "Israel has savagely murdered innocent men, women, and babies in Gaza". Then the interviewers come back with what about the Oct 7th attacks where innocent Israeli men, women, and babies were also killed. And you see their faces go from compassion & teary eyes to the look of utter contempt. They all pretty much say the same thing, "eh😒..it is what it is". One woman actually said "well they died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time".
  19. Speaking of courthouses and accidental deaths. When do you guys think the DOJ is truly going to open up an investigation on the Clintons and the roughly 50 souls who had either worked directly with, or had some kind of conflict with them. Who got murdered, committed suicide, or had accidental deaths. I mean the most recent 2022 "suicide" of the Clinton's aid Mark Middleton is a head scratcher ain't it? Middleton was present during 7 of the 17 times that Jefferey Epstein visited the White House during the Clinton administration. He also flew on the Epstein plane along with Bill. Then he decides to commit "Suicide" in 2022 by shooting himself in the chest with a shotgun while he hung by his neck with an extension cord from a tree. I apologize for the bad quality of the picture. It's hard to find a photo that has both the Clintons and Biden in it.
  20. Well there you go. Another leader who wouldn't submit to the elites agenda of a one world government is out of the way ✅. "Accidental death", yeah sure 😏. Telling you guys, there's not many of these left. Next move, replace him with someone who is more simpatico to the US/Elites agenda.
  21. I'm not 100% sure but isn't the destruction of Israel part of that prophecy?
  22. Oh come on now... "All" of us are here to be entertained, and there's nothing more entertaining than seeing you get fussy when someone brings 'Trudeau's' name up 😃. Can't help myself, one more. This is what I think when I see Canadians talk smack about Trump/America ⬇️⬇️
  23. The book of "Revelation" or the book of "Apocalypse" in some translations. You've brought up the Bible's version of how the world will end a few times. Which by the way, much of what the Bible said would happen in the end times, has happened. If what the Bible says is true. You have to wonder if the anti-christ is already walking among us? It is clear the elites are pushing us towards a one world government. Is the future leader of that government, the anti-christ (Soro's son Alexander...cough)? One government makes 1000 years of world peace possible. Then you have the rapture. What about the sudden government infatuation with alien activity recently. A mass alien abduction would be a great excuse for why so many went missing.
  24. Just about every discussion about Biden vs Trump in destruction.
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