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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. Recently I asked a friend of mine who's in law enforcement about why the change from 40/45 to 9s. He says that what he heard was that they based it on ease of use. They said that people are more accurate with the 9 (which for me i feel im the opposite). It seems like that's the story with everything in America now days. Lower the bar, so the less capable can reach. Versus forcing people to put some time and effort to reach the minimum standards. I'm no expert by any means, but in my mind if an officer has made the decision to use his side arm. It's not meant to slow the threat down or just injure them. His intention is to stop the threat immediately. According to the 21 foot rule. On average a man with a knife can cover a distance of 21 feet in 1.5-2 seconds. I don't care how fast your trigger finger is. You're not going to unload a magazine in that time. So stopping a threat immediately or as close to that as possibly is preferable. Who cares what's justifiable in court when I have to choose between my life vs someone else's, IMO.
  2. Nothing wrong with putting a disclaimer on a post. I do the same sometimes. I know myself well enough to know that if I'm more than 10 Modelos in and I'm still posting shit online. I better either get off my computer/phone or I should start apologizing in advance for the crazy shit I'm probably going to post from that point forward. Man that brewery sounds like a blast. We don't have anything like that around here. I like me some celtic tunes too. IPAs aren't really my thing tho. If I'm feeling crafty. I go for the dark beers, the blacker the better. Porters, Stouts, brown Ales, Amber Ales (in that order). My go to's right now are "Black Butte Porter", "Guinness (Extra Stout)", "Moose Drool (Brown Ale)", "Mississippi Mud (Black & tan)", "Fat Tire (Amber Ale)".
  3. "Come A Little Closer", by Cage The Elephant. Here's a catchy tune that sounds like it came out in the 60s but was actually written and released in 2013.
  4. "City of New Orleans" by Willie Nelson. Story time - Funny how I first heard this song. I purchased a record player at a thrift store a while back. I needed a record to test the record player with. So I grabbed the first record I saw on the shelf at that thrift store. Turned out to be a record that only had this song on it. I played it over and over for the rest of that day. Didn't know much about willie and didn't care much for his music before that. But this song is the jam!
  5. "Cemetery Gates" by Pantera. Another excellent power metal ballad from Pantera.
  6. IZRL

    Blown HG?

    Yeah it might have just been leaking out the overflow tube. When you added the overflow tank it was probably still low. So once you go through a couple heat cycles you'll have to top it off again. But after that you should be fine. I'd keep an eye on the level for a bit longer to make sure. Make sure the overflow tank always has enough fluid in it to do it's thing.
  7. IZRL

    Blown HG?

    You might have been losing the water out of the overflow tube. How many times have you topped off the radiator after you installed the over flow tank? What does your oil look like? With that much water loss. If it were going into your engine. You'd already have a proper milkshake in there.
  8. "Jah Give Us Life" By The Wailing Souls. Heard this Gem for the first time this weekend and had to add it to my music collection. I don't smoke but I was getting plenty of second hand so this song sounded even better that night.
  9. Delete, double post.
  10. 9mm don't make sense to me for law enforcement.
  11. Speaking of discovering songs in movies. I heard this song for the first time in the movie "Snatch" in my favorite part of the movie. But I never took the time to look it up and listen to the entire song. It's pretty catchy 👌. (SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't watched the movie "Snatch", I recommend watching the entire movie instead of watching this clip. It's a great movie IMO)
  12. Mike, you haven't watched the video. How can you honestly say if you believe it or not. You could look up those engineers if you wanted to. Their names and credentials are in the video. But you won't watch even if it's just to hear another opinion on what happened.
  13. Haaa, nevermind. If you believe that anybody who's not the gov or works for them, is full of shit or idiots. than we really can't have a discussion on this stuff. So the emergency crews and civilians that were there are all full of shit. All the engineers that have come out are also full of shit. The only legit engineers and scientist are those who are bought and paid for by the gov 👌. I guess if in 2020-24. People believe the government and Fauci are the only ones we should trust when it came to covid. I shouldn't be surprised about anything else.
  14. I'm telling you. Watch the video. They interviewed one of the engineers of the twin towers. He says they engineered the buildings to withstand the impact of multiple 747s or something crazy like that.
  15. Multiple engineers and expert demolition contractors have come out to say that the way building 7 went down and the cause that the government is giving for it coming down is impossible without explosives. I'm sure you didn't watched the videos. But there are multiple experts who were interviewed about this in the video. Even with an untrained eye you can tell that building didn't go down do to fire. I've watched building demolitions on TV over the years that didn't go down as cleanly/smoothly as building 7. Add to that the fact that there's been 100s of more serious and longer lasting fires in high rise buildings that have happened in the past. And this is the first building "in history" that has gone down. I bet, today is the first day you hear about building 7. Most people don't know there was a 3rd building that fell that day. I bet you also didn't know this little fact. They grounded all flights in America immediately after the attacks. Bet you didn't know that the only people that were allowed to fly during this time were the Binladens. The Bush's had the Binladens flown out of the US for their "safety".
  16. Damn! This little guy ate more lead than Tony Montana. Hard to believe law enforcement around here has been switched over from 40/45s to 9s.
  17. Did you watch the entire video? How do you account for building 7?
  18. Neither of these documentaries are the ones that i said I watched back in like 2010. Video one is the closest to the one I'm talking about. But both videos are worth a watch. The second video below might be part 2 of the one I watched. The one I watched was definitely removed. I know some of you are gonna say bullshit (Mike 😆). But at least you'll be able to see the point I was trying to make. What the gov was telling us did not coincide with what emergency crews and civilians who were at ground zero that day were saying.
  19. All I know is that what the gov was telling us happened that day. was completely different than what the emergency response crews and civilians that were at ground zero that day were saying happened. There was a documentary on YouTube on the things that didn't add up about that day. But I think they deleted it years ago. If you were to watch it, I'm sure at minimum it would make you wonder.
  20. This is why I said in "recent" times. All the people who experienced all that you listed passed before most of today's generation were even born. There is probably only a handful of people that were alive during WWII. So like I said we've been fortunate enough not to have seen death from the hands of another country on American soil. So yes please go on? The American gov attacking its own civilians doesn't count.
  21. No one in my family has ever taken a flu shot (parents, siblings, grandparents) and we rarely ever get sick. I've gone 2 years without getting sick in the past. When I do happen to get sick I get over it lightning fast. I'll wake up with flu like symptoms. By the time it's bedtime I'm already feeling better. And by the second evening I'm almost 100%. It might extend a little over to the 3rd day. But It's super rare if I'm sick for 4 days. Your body is the most miraculous machine on this planet. If it is attacked it automatically makes itself stronger. There is really no point to the flu shot other than to give pharmaceutical companies a reliable steady income. The same with the covid shot. Again noone in my family took it. My parents are both up there in age. We all got covid once and then that was it. We haven't gotten it a second time. I have friends who didn't want to take the jab but were forced to do so by their employers. Two of them have gotten covid 3 times each already. Natural immunity is no joke. The fact that the US gov refused to acknowledge or give folks the option to opt for natural immunity. Should've raised some serious red flags for the pro jabbers. But they chose to hand over their trust and bodies over to the gov to experiment on them. I feel bad for those that were forced to choose between the jab and their family's lively hood. Thankfully I work construction. It was completely different for me. I told the boss I had covid and he says. "So I'll see you here on Monday?" Haaa I was like ok, sounds good. I don't get paid if I don't work.
  22. Those assholes don't give a damn about climate change. I wonder how eco friendly the bombs that are being dropped due to the wars they instigated are? But people should starve because fertilizer is bad for the environment. The warmer temperatures should be the least of our worries. Things just got real. WWIII has already begun. They just haven't officially reported it yet. Telling you guys, the Biden Administration is throwing a Hail Mary. I'll be surprised if we even have a country to have an election in come November. We as Americans have been so fortunate not to have ever been directly affected by war on our own soil. We have been so spoiled. Which is why many Americans talk about war like it ain't nothin but a chicken wang. Everybody's like "yeah let's support Ukraine, fuck russia", "Yeah fuck Israel", "fuck Iraq", "Fuck China". All that shit talk coming from people who have never experienced the kind of death and destruction our country has unleashed on the rest of the world in recent history. Hate to break it to those folks but this war will be different. We are without a doubt gonna be hit on our own soil IMO. I pray this doesn't happen 🙏 . But with the rest of the world being as capable as the U.S. when it comes to weapons technology. The odds are high we aint gonna come out of it unscathed. Nevermind if one of those countries decides, "If we're going down, we're taking everyone else down with us".
  23. You and I aren't gonna be on the guest list for that party. Neither is anyone else who's below a multi-billion dollar net worth.
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