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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. This guy also thinks the pro Palestine protest might just be an excuse to inact martial law after all hell breaks loose with the protests.
  2. I have a Chiltons manual for my Honda Accord and a Haynes manual for my 720. So far from the handful of things I've needed the books for. If you're a glorified parts swapper like myself and you need meticulous step by step instructions. Chiltons has been more helpful for me in this sense. The 720 Haynes book has been less helpful. Most of the time it seems the instructions in Haynes book are "figure out how to remove the part, then do the reverse to put it back on". 🤦‍♂️
  3. Maybe I'm stuck in pre-insane car prices times. Back in the good ol days... back about 5 minutes ago.
  4. IZRL

    Blown HG?

    Damn you've lost like 3 gallons of fluid since you started this thread(sarcasm). There has to be evidence of where this fluid is going, somewhere on the car. Maybe try and use a UV coolant leak detector. Never used a coolant UV leak detector before, but I have used a UV AC refrigerant leak detector and it worked great. Poor the liquid in the radiator, run it for a while. Than scan the entire engine compartment with a black light. https://www.autozone.com/test-scan-and-specialty-tools/uv-light-and-accessories/p/auto-pro-usa-antifreeze-and-coolant-leak-detector-uv-dye-1oz/667633_0_0?cmpid=LIA:US:EN:AD:NL:1000000:ACC:19323145846&&CATARGETID=120054150001286306&CADevice=m&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3_hhSxYLaTDYo0JYtI-R7vH42JoT9veu7u_9xCGfbEnlynNGF_MBAgaAlvGEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
  5. I was talking about the "entire" history of the US Gov in that post. Not just about the current admin. I specifically said that I lost trust in our Gov starting during Bush Jr. administration. It opened me eyes to all the bullshit we were fed before Bush. Which led me to question everything we've been told after Bush.
  6. Christ Trump would have fit right in!!! 🤔 Still trying to figure out where you got that i was excluding Trump in this part of my post?? Where in "US Government" did you get "everyone except Trump"? I think you forget I'm not a fan of Trump either and have yet to make excuses or defend his sins on this thread. Why would I start now? Having said that, he is the lesser evil in this shit soup. At least in my book.
  7. Keep in mind though, at that time they hadn't come after him yet. By going after an ex-president, they disrupted the order of things. For better or worse, they're all fair game now if you ask me.
  8. I'm of the belief that in order to find the US government's true intentions in the world. You have to read between the bullshit. You have to take what they tell us as if you were dealing with a known compulsive lier who is a master of slight of hand. I used this theory during covid and I think it paid off. They've lied us into war multiple times over our country's history. I lost all trust in our gov. after they were caught lying to get us into the Iraqi war. I wasn't aware that the Iraqi war was only one of multiple wars the US has lied us into, until recently. Ever since they took out Saddam Hussein. I've been keeping an eye out for world leaders the US has had a hand in removing, replacing, or helped get elected. The list is long. "According to one study, the U.S. performed at least 81 overt and covert known interventions in foreign elections during the period 1946–2000. According to another study, the U.S. engaged in 64 covert and six overt attempts at regime change during the Cold War". There's been more from 2000 till now. After all this, the theory that "conspiracy theorist" have had about the end goal being for there to be a one world government doesn't sound so crazy to me. I think all roads are starting to lead to that. There aren't many countries left that would not bow down to this idea. It seems the mission to dismantle the last of the countries that would resist, has begun.
  9. The left better pray he goes to jail. Actually I know they're praying. Cause if he doesn't get locked up there's no chance he doesn't win. More and more youre starting to hear people on the left/middle left say they're voting republican these elections. And if that happens, heads are gonna start rolling on the left right off the rip. All those crooked mofos currently in office, as we say in spanish, "tienen cola que les pisen"(they have a tail to be stepped on). Meaning they all have something to answer for - (Joe, Hunter, Pelosi, Clinton etc...). Those pieces of shit don't know what they've started.
  10. Not bad? That's insane. I wouldn't be surprised if the sale fell through do to non payment and then put back on the market. Has any land cruiser ever hit anything even close to this price? My cousin just sold one on auction and it didn't hit 20k. I thought they were averaging at about 30-40k?
  11. Stop looking at this through a magnifying glass. You guys need to zoom out and try and see the bigger picture. There are elites funding these protests and they are well organized. The government knows where this money is coming from and who the organizers are. And they are sitting back allowing this chaos to go on. The America first and Jewish crowd is starting to get involved and are facing off with the pro Palestine protestors. The gov knows this is going to get ugly and might spark a civil war. This is going to lead to the gov using what's about to pop off as an excuse to inact Martial law. I'm telling you guys I don't think we're going to make it to the November elections. The elites are putting all their chips on the table right now.
  12. I call this song, the song that could have been. This song was in the movie "The Great Gatsby". This foxtrot version was just meant to be a short version that was played in the movie. It was never finished. Which is why it sounds so choppy. The version that came out in the soundtrack was more modern and more melancholy (not as good IMO). Man, if only they would have finished this version.
  13. Man I'm not sure what's more satisfying. Watching the Jan 6 idiots get convicted. Or watching the woke protesting students and professors get tackled down to the ground and houled off. I swear if somebody makes a 3 hour long compilation of these moron kids and their professors getting arrested. Along with some clips of the waste of space "just stop oil" people getting dragged off the road. I would pay to watch it. Although i have noticed that all the clips of the protestors getting arrested that are being put on YouTube by media outlets. Are trying to make the police look like they're the ones in the wrong for arresting the protestors. Which shouldn't surprise anyone.
  14. You'd get better answers from a sack of potatoes if you put them up on a podium and put a microphone in front of it. The only two questions I've ever seen her answer are a jab question. Which was just a pre rehearsed jab promotion. And somebody asked her about the gov of S. Dakota and the fact that she killed her dog. Pierre was very compassionate for the dog "i was so sad to hear about that". At least she loves dogs I suppose. They've asked her questions like "people are dying of drug overdoses and many are now homeless in cities like San Francisco, what is Biden's plan to elleviate this situation". To which she responds to with her standard answer. She rolls her eyes and says "im not going to get into that with you right now", Or she dismisses the question as being false. 🤬 that woman's useless.
  15. Have you guys watched this. This was aired by SNL in 2015.
  16. All I'm saying is that there are other options if they truly were against Hamas. It's not that the have no other choice as you said. Also the current administration is not currently with Israel on this. As they are funding the protest. So no they're not just waiting for things to be almost over to intervene. There is something about this conflict that is benefiting America's agenda. If people havent caught on to the fact that America only "helps" other countries or attacks other countries when it benefits them. Here's something else for you to chew on. In a time when groups like "Moms for liberty", and other right leaning groups. Are being labeled as terrorists or extremist groups by the DOJ and the left. Why haven't ANTIFA and these protestors been classified the same way? I mean seriously! The protestors are literally chanting death to America, they are supporting a terrorist organization, and they're wearing the terrorists uniform. Why because they're doing the left's dirty work. I'm telling you. It's hard not getting sucked back in to the left vs right argument. When the left is clearly fucking up way more than the right at this time.
  17. Yeah no. They've been at war for ever and a half. The hatred for Israel flows through their veins. If what you're saying is true. Than Palestine has the choice to temporarily join Israel in fighting against Hamas to stop the "genocide" as you call it.
  18. I'm sure Palestians aren't condemning the group that is fighting their sworn enemy. By what Google says, Palestinian support for Hamas is growing. Also you guys give those college students way too much credit. 99% of them know less about what they're out there protesting about than I do. Most of them are there just to get online brownie points. Which is the reason they do a majority of what they do in life.
  19. Soros has had his hand in and has helped fund everything that is currently wrong with America/woke left/world. He and the WEF, ARE destruction of America and the world. The left are just the ones who are currently carrying out their marching orders. But there are people in both parties who have pledged their allegiance to these elites and their agenda.
  20. Well who could've guessed? Looks like George Soros and other left leaning elites have been funding pro Palestine protests. I've been saying it for a while, and I'll say it again. The US keeping its #1 spot in the world is not part of the ultimate agenda. They are clearly trying to destroy this country from the inside out. I keep letting myself get sucked in to the left vs right debate. When I have known for a while that it's only a way to keep us detracted. They are clearly trying to take the US down a notch or two when it comes to world powers. It's getting so out of control, that civil war is becoming more and more, the only possible outcome to this madness they're purposely creating. So I was wrong in my previous "frankenstein" post. The clueless numbskull monsters they've created are still doing exactly what they were created for. Destroying this country. https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost.com/2024/04/26/opinion/soros-and-other-elites-are-funding-the-campus-agitators-stoking-anti-israel-antisemitic-protests/amp/
  21. Oh they're students all right. At Columbia they've already started suspending these jackasses. They're the most entitled most clueless group of kids in American history. At least prior generations knew there was the possibility of legal consequences. These airheads look like a deer in the headlights when they get cuffs put on them. "Wait, what's going on? Our professors have always praised and applauded our bad behavior. This is outrageous!!"
  22. Who said anything about believing everything anybody says? I don't believe everything the people I mostly agree with say and I don't disagree with everything the people who I mostly disagree with say. The going trend here is. As long as I agree with it, it's true and shouldn't be questioned. If I don't agree with it than it's pawned off as hearsay. A leftist that agrees with some of the talking points from the right. "Well....he's no expert". Two random rabid feminist snakes spewing hate on someone you dislike. "They're all facts".
  23. So noone, left or right, who says anything you disagree with, knows what they're talking about. Got it 👌. Also, hearing people say that in order to have an opinion about a topic, you have to be an expert. Is getting old and is complete malarkey. "You're not a biologist, how can you possibly believe you can tell me what a woman is?". Oh stop it....I don't have to be a mechanic to tell you that if my car doesn't start, there is something wrong with it.
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