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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. Interesting watch. Explains exactly what the WEF's/Elites/Radical Leftist mission is based on and where they're taking us(the World). Question: can it even be stopped or turned around at this point in the game?
  2. Wow, just watched my first Harris fund raising ad on youtube. These SOBs are still using the "We need to protect our Demacracy" schpiel. It's just pathetic. It's more like we need protection from you soulless money hungry blood thirsty psychopaths(including: FBI & CIA). I don't think we would survive another 4 years of this administration. If they continue to purposely destroy this country at the same speed as the first term, forget about not having a Democracy, we won't have a country. I know this is just a perpetual game of hot potato between the two parties on who's turn it is to shaft us. But we need a break.
  3. The elites, Clinton, and Obama had won the lottery with Biden. They had a sitting president with dimensia who they could prop up in front of the country, whilst they ran the show from behind the curtain. They did everything they could legal and illegal, to keep Biden in the seat so they could continue riding the gravy train and furthering their agenda without any resistance. Now that they know with certainty he can't win, it's time to discard the carcass and move on to the next one. Harris is another indoctrinated easily manipulated brainless puppet. Which is why they tossed her into to the hat. I think she might just be a placeholder. Newsome falls into the same category as Harris and could be another option for them. But I think he finally caught wind of what they've been doing with Biden. So now he's gonna dodge the presidency like the plague. I don't blame him or a any other leftist politician who does the same.
  4. I know you were agreeing.
  5. But yet you trust them like your life depended on it.
  6. And let me guess... Blackrock and Vanguard own a big chunk of CrowdStrike. I'm too lazy to look it up but they own everything...I wouldn't be surprised. Someone on YouTube will do the research and post it in a day or two.
  7. May I add, so you think it's coincidence that this happened after a failed Trump assassination and months before the election. Sounds about right. It's become the norm right around election time. Microsoft/ Bill Gates just happened to have their biggest hiccup in their history right before, arguably the most important election ever.
  8. It was a world wide internet outage (Y2K happened). They might have to reset gas station systems. Have you seen what happens when city wide gas stations go out? I have...people get stupid. Anyway I know gas stations may not all go down and stay down but I'd rather play it safe. https://www.npr.org/2024/07/19/g-s1-12222/microsoft-outage-banks-airlines-broadcasters
  9. Sounds like they're sending everybody (leftist politicians and big party donors) to try and convince him to step down.
  10. The point is, it should have never gotten to that point if everyone had been legitimately doing their job.
  11. Just heard about the range finder last night... I couldn't stop laughing. Just how does all this get overlooked if everybody was legitimately doing their job? What could someone possibly be doing with a range finder at an event like this? Then the SS excuse that they had to confirm the guy wasn't just holding a telescope. It's only a 150 yards and the agents had scopes on their rifles. Are you telling me trained snipers at that distance couldn't see he was holding a rifle?
  12. My favorite metal drummer. Chris Adler was the drummer for band "Lamb of God". This is the only band ever where I wanted to see the band primarily because of the drummer. Even though this band is my overall top MetalCore band (vocals, guitars, bass are also great IMO). After Chris left the band, it ain't the same, at least not for me. This guy is so clean/crisp, very technical, and makes it look so effortless. This is some sort of drum exhibition. "Redneck"(2006) by Lamb of God "Now You Have Something To Die For"(2004) by Lamb of God. "Laid To Rest"(2004) by Lamb of God.
  13. I'm pretty sure he's being sarcastic. He's just repeating what the Biden Admin was claiming when they were forcing the jab down people's throats.
  14. I think Biden's entourage is putting him out to pasture. If his SS is not careful the mangy pack of hyenas that surround him might just leave a trail of skittles leading him behind the barn. If he doesn't agree to get out of the way I think they might give him a little nudge right before the elections.
  15. "What It's Like"(1998) by Everlast.
  16. "Its Been A While"(2001) by Staind.
  17. Well the point that he was trying to make is that there are a lot of anti-human movements right now. That are trying to reduce human population and stop us from procreating and surviving as a species. He listed the Trans, climate change, and AI movements as anti-human. I came to the same conclusion and I've been saying this since I first started posting on destruction. "I do not share his confidence that Trump will win, but I hope so." ⬅️ I agree with you on this one. I've heard a few people make the claim that there's no doubt Trump has already won the election after what's happened. They're just trying to use psychology to help Trump win. Forget where I read it but it goes something like, if you make people believe there's no chance their candidate is going to win. They won't even bother to vote. It's been used before with great success. Also didn't care for the interviewer presenting Tucker as "The Doctor Of Truth". Get the fuck out of hear with that bullshit! That title doesn't belong on any human. It's almost as idiotic as when Fauci claimed "I am science".
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