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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. I'll just wait for the next time you ask this same question you've asked multiple times, of why anybody would vote for either of these two, to answer with the same answer we've given multiple times.
  2. They should build an EV version of these cars for the next president. The Gov talks a big game on how much the supposedly care about the planet. Let's see them put their money where their mouth is.
  3. I like DeSantis for the most part. I'm not sure if this has any validity and I'm too lazy to research who said it or if it's even true. But I've heard some say that DeSantis has or would probably dip his toes in the swamp. I would look into this a bit more if he had the slightest chance of winning.
  4. You're not gonna get an answer. I've asked this question once or twice already and I got crickets. Then a couple days later someone else will say the same thing but doesn't give an alternative. I'm still waiting patiently for Mike's answer on who he would vote for if he was allowed to. He tried to slither his way out of answering by saying that he wouldn't vote for either one. Well no shit, if there were a better option I wouldn't vote for them either. We have to vote so let's stop pretending like they're both equally bad. Trump beats Biden so that's who I'm voting for.
  5. Just came up on this band this year. Not sure if I'm a 100% sold on them. But they have an interesting sound. To me they sound like a mixture of Linkin Park, Type O Negative, Nine Inch Nails, and White/Rob Zombie. "Take Me Back To Eden" by Sleep Token.
  6. "Creep"(1992) by Stone Temple Pilots
  7. They're full of shit. They could've fixed the problem long ago. Curious thing how Newsom had done jack shit to help Cali until the dem's unofficial leader Xi Jinping came to visit San Fran. He cleaned up SF for his visit then it was back to business as usual. They're just scrambling now to try and win back some of the voters they lost. If by some diabolical miracle they win, I guarantee they go back to destroying blue states. It's clear they're purposely letting the blue states burn. For what reason I don't know? I've got my theories but who knows? (I've already posted my guesses on the reasons for why they're doing this so I won't repost).
  8. They're living in a sewer, if they haven't figured it out by now....
  9. Aaaah 🤔.....Just from what I read in these two links. My paranoia alarm is going off. "It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration." Drastic times don't always call for drastic measures especially when it comes to running a country. Its impossible to fix what this admin screwed up, in just one "conservative" term. Trying to do so will require extreme changes. I can see this going sideways fast. The right could and most likely will take advantage of the fact that people are desperate for their lives/ country to improve. Time and time again the gov has used desperate times like this to get us to agree to anything. "Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained, and prepared conservatives to go to work on Day One to deconstruct the Administrative State." Man I've said it here before and I'll say it again. I believe that the right and the left have just been taking turns being the bad guys over the years. And that they're both actually working towards reaching the same "ultimate agenda". Imagine if both the right/left partys and the elites had agreed to this madness (2020-2024). What if they agreed to the dems royally screwing this country over during this administration. Than agreed to have the right come in disguised as the "savior party" to act like they're going to put the broken pieces back together. When what they're actually planning to do is use people's desperation to get us to blindly agree to shit that will also end up shafting us in the end.. to further the "ultimate agenda". We... I keep falling for this shit. I don't think Trump has said that he is on board with any of this? But we'll see...
  10. Yes... really liked that one too. I was just waiting for that outro to come up to see how she would react. Cemetery Gates & Hollow are on my top 10 favorite metal ballads list 👌. I've already posted Cemetery Gates here so I'll post hollow. "Hollow"(1992) by Pantera
  11. This is just a leftist fear mongering attempt to try and scare people to vote for them. It's their last ditch effort. "We obliterated our chances to win. So let's try and cheat and scare people into voting for us". The irony of this anti Trump fear message is that half of it was taken straight out of this admin's playbook. They have done more to try and control us and to take our rights than any other administration in the history of this country combined.
  12. I'm not sure what this big push to protect and exalt terrorist organizations by the western world recently is all about? There are many extreme movements/ ideologies being shoved down our throats in the past handful of years. Things that would've been considered outrageous only a decade ago. Also for those who keep dismissing the "conspiracy theories" I've brought up(Mike). On the premise of "there were a lot of police/fbi/ military there that day, surely someone would talk". Not necessarily...We've seen many good police officers follow questionable orders over the years. I've always wondered what would happen if all of a sudden the gov decided it was time to take 100% control of the population. Would our police force / military actually turn against us. Turn on their friends, families, neighbors, fellow Americans? I used to think no way! But more and more I'm getting convinced that they would. If it happened in Nazi Germany it could happen anywhere. You're starting to see more and more police officers, judges, and federal agents willingly following orders that infringe on our rights as Americans. This is happening in all western countries. This interview is a must watch!
  13. This guy blew my mind with how clean and insane his vocal range is when i first heard the band. You have to listen to a few of their songs to see what I'm talking about. I wanted to see what a vocal coach thought about his voice. I thought maybe I was giving him too much credit. "She's gone" by SteelHeart. Vocal analysis by the charismatic voice.
  14. Forgot to say that not voting is not an option. Not gonna give you the easy out.
  15. This is what mainstream media would like you to believe. I fell for it too the first time around. "He's likely to get us in big trouble"? They did get us in big trouble. The country is currently on life support because of them. To think people are still juggling with the decision of voting for the administration who poured gas on the country and tossed a match on it vs the guy who has a bit of an ego and tells some off color jokes but managed not to break anything while in office. Is beyond comprehension.
  16. I've been saying that the president doesn't run the country for many years now. There are people at the top who are pulling the strings of not only America but most of the world. But I also believe that some presidents do push back. Even if its just a little bit, all I'm looking for is for someone to slow this craziness down. They clearly can't completely abandon the script or risk taking the room temperature challenge. Trump & RFK are the only ones who would push back IMO. So I disagree that it makes no difference who you vote for these elections. Also deciding not to vote because it's you're party's candidate or nothing at all. Is the biggest cop out ever. You guys keep bashing Trump but he is clearly the better candidate of the two (vegetable vs non-vegetable). Throwing your hands up and saying "well if Biden gets re-elected this country is 100% screwed, but I'll leave it up to fate to decide, cause id rather eat shit than vote for Trump", is the most irresponsible thing you could do.
  17. I would vote for RFK if he had any chance at all of winning. But the dems are avoiding him like the plague because he doesn't worship at the radical leftist looney bin. And I'm sure some on the right are on board with RFK over Trump but don't want to gamble with their vote and risk another Biden win.
  18. Alright...put yourself in our shoes. Who do you vote for?
  19. Not exactly.... More like choosing between taking a good ass kicking vs getting shot in the head point blank. I got jumped by a couple gang members in my younger days so I'm no stranger to a little pain 😆. Still was able to get up the next morning to fight another day.
  20. I think most want out of this craziness. There are still some that will ride this train off a cliff. But you're talking about the Glazed eyed radical indoctrinated cultist sheep. Those people are a lost cause. There's always been those who vote for there side no matter what. I believe this administration destroyed so much of this country and what this country stood for, that even many of those "blue no matter who" souls have shifted, at least for these coming elections. The biggest shift is the minority vote.
  21. What you don't seem to understand is that even those like myself who aren't 100% convinced by Trump who will be voting for him in Nov. We don't have another option. Either vote for the side that's gonna keep pouring gasoline on our burning country. Or vote for the guy who's at least saying he's gonna try and put this fire out.
  22. Speaking of weak men and a weak society. I'm only half way through podcast, it's very good so far IMO.
  23. Ooooweeeh! This ⬆️⬆️ man says it best 👌. Everyone wants off this radical leftist crazy train. This administration has gone so far off the rails that they've lost a good chunk of the minority and centre-left vote. It boggles the mind to think some will still be voting blue in November 🤯.
  24. How brittle, weak, and indoctrinated do you have to be to get offended by a song. I think we've hit the apex of fragility (mental, physical, emotional) in this country. Much harder times are coming. The weak will start falling off, and only the strong will survive "Natural Selection".
  25. That fairy deserved what he got for asking stupid questions at a "UFC" press conference. Whoever that idiot is working for needs to fire his ass. Not to mention, Strickland is just another breed of animal. Having said that, I do believe Strickland is missing a few marbles. If you watch the interview he did with Theo Vohn. From what he says you can see he has homicidal tendencies. The day he retires from the UFC is the day this man takes someone's life. Right now he gets his violence fix from fighting.
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