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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. its a special kind of torture when your boss is eating bacon and you still have an hour till lunch

    1. MicroMachinery


      My girl brought me bacon at work yesterday.

    2. RedBanner



  2. Right now im the parts shipper at a lil rotary shop called Mazdatrix, although my last job was more fun at first; service tech for leslie swimming pools..ohhh the mother daughter duos...er..what? oh yeah, I didnt feel like doing 70hr workweeks at the "old" age of 21...
  3. just sent $40, not much but hopefully I get more moneys in soon, to give right back here!
  4. I get paid friday = ratsun gets paid friday
  5. need fuel management for the z, boss gives me 2inch su's from a v8 rover...cool

  6. So, think I should give the guy that built my motor his rag back? its kinda chewed up though...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBanner


      Cylender head oil passage, i would give it back, not hanging out of the top of a half full gas can tho.



      That would be wrong...

    3. Blitz


      it was where the timing chain was

    4. RedBanner


      Oh, thats right.

  7. welp, thats motor number 2

  8. single again...

    1. paradoxx


      where are your datsuns?

    2. Draker


      Forever alone.

  9. formula d this weekend...GRAND PRIX NEXT WEEKEND

  10. hey mr. paul97, it would help (me at least) to consolidate alll the for sale posts, thanks

  11. A girlfriend is a very frustrating thing

  12. Riley, shes about 6 months (technically the gfs dog, but come on, they grow on you, its just what happens) that face... a rare sight of her sleeping (about 2 months old)
  13. MR. SUPER STOCK!! I met you at the KBBQ meet in fullerton, I was the random white guy going ballistic over the digi cluster and bitchin betty :D ...wait, I couldve just said matt p--maki...huurrr
  14. uhhh, is this layout temporary? or...?

    1. Npdavies.


      As far as we know, yes. The thread in general lightly touched on that. We obviously can't be IPS Community forever! lolz.

    2. Laecaon


      Layout, probably here to stay, but we will get a new banner, and some tweaks. I want to get rid of the calender events box, move recent up, and add a followed topics box. And make more viewable status'

    3. H5WAGON


      Better classified section...ie: able to delete?

  15. yup, it is THE batmobile. and its running THIS year at le mans :frantics:
  16. Looks like wood...smells like wood...ITS A DUCK!
  17. Im officially burnt out on working on shit for at least a week

    1. paradoxx


      what kinda shit?

    2. Blitz


      the uber smelly kind, but mostly the z and my 88 kawi ninja

  18. Bump for this friday...man feb went by fast...and not only cuz it has less days!
  19. It seems most people forgot their cameras...sooo onto my shoddy camera phone!!! glad to see the old and new faces!
  20. TOOOOMOOORRROOOWWWWW!!!! BEEEEEEEF BEEELLLLYYYY!!! although Im still a little sick...just a sore throat....meh, cant stop me :lol:
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