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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Sooo basically you got it for next to nothing :thumbup: Sweeeeet deal Clay! Now git-er-done sir! Don't let it finish rusting, build an epic sonovabitch. I'll be keeping tabs on you now. Daily text reports when the building starts!
  2. Pretty sure he did. At least, I know that at one point he did. Had a vq35 I think.
  3. Oh u so fancy with that sliding stuff :poke:
  4. There's a reason I haven't bought my disk brackets yet,
  5. This should be cool :thumbup: Best part, is that you seem to be pretty dedicated, which means this will likely be finished. i think what most people on here fear, is that the car will get cut up and never put back together. SBC is a BIG mod, and most give up. Good luck!
  6. I think that's more advisable for yourself man. :poke: You got all bent out of shape over a simple statement. I didn't mean to offend you, just simply asked the purpose. I've had it on my headlights before. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall anyone calling it 'ricer.'
  7. Sorry to hijack, but I don't see a need to start a new thread for this... Mike, I have the same issue with my FS5W71B trans popping out of reverse. Is this likely the same issue?
  8. Wow, did I bruise your fragile ego that quick? I didn't say not to do it, I said it was trendy to do it if it was only for looks, since lots of racers I know do it to keep glass off of the track if they have an accident or something gets kicked at the nose of their car. Wasn't sure if you were asking for that reason, driving your car to and from a track :poke: Nice try with the butthurt though. :thumbup:
  9. "Never gotten pulled over" doesn't mean it's legal. Modified suspension is illegal in most states, but most cops will never write a ticket for it. I'd say it probably is, since it's obstructing your headlights. Why would you want to anyways? It's so trendy if it's for looks.
  10. Someone the pictures in there make me gag :sick: Click at your own risk! But the others make up for it!
  11. That... would be fucking awesome. "Excuse me, I believe you just cut me off." Challenge accepted.
  12. Patience mike :rofl: I'm waiting for her to come up for new years.. maybe I'll convince her to take a picture with a Datsun :thumbup:
  13. That was another thought :P I don't expect this thing to be GoPro quality or anything, but damn I'll be it would be good enough :thumbup: Yeah, i've been thinking about it for a while. Especially lately. I just thought about checking ebay for a cheapo, and didn't realize they were so cheap!
  14. When you live in the middle of ghetto fabulous ATL where no one understands accountability, it can get interesting. Someone hit my moms car in the Walmart parking lot the other day. Now she's stuck with a pretty scuffed up fender. Watched an accident in my Autozones parkign lot where a guy backed out at full speed, right into the front of a car that was pulling away. We were able to stop the guy, turns out he was an illegal immigrant. Deported 4 days later.
  15. Anyone have a dash cam on their datto? I was thinking tonight that it might not be a bad idea, after having some stupid close calls lately. Especially after my accident earlier this year, where a dash cam would have made a hell of a difference in court. I found this one on Ebay that seems like a cheap, acceptable cam that would probably suffice. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170645654460&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en#ht_10819wt_1163
  16. SOOOO the other day I learned ho camber is adjusted on the 620. HMMMMM....

    1. jon521
    2. metalmonkey47


      Yup! But now I know where


  17. From the C&O meet yesterday. (NOT my pics.)
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