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About mikec4193

  • Birthday 12/03/1960

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Mechanicville NY (upstate NY)
  • Cars
    1998 S10, 1939 Plymouth Jalopy, 1971 Datsun(sold 1/7/2017)
  • Interests
    old and rusty car / truck stuff...oval track race cars...
  • Occupation
    Engineering Tech and Home Depot

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  1. Hey Crashd420 Make sure to stop over to see the fine folks at the Samba website...a lot of really great people on there too...a whole 5 sections for buses alone.... https://www.thesamba.com/vw/ Hippies rule for sure.
  2. Hey Gene Glad to see you back in the mix again...saying good bye to family is never fun... Remember the good times buddy...and hold those memories close to your heart. MikeC
  3. I think I need to move to the South West part of the country... The Northeast is a ghost town as far as Datsuns go... MikeC
  4. Hey AngliaGT...having lived in the foothills of the Adirondacks for over 60 years...I have seen enough mountains to last me till I leave this realm...I really enjoy the open skies and having my son with in an hour of where I am hoping to land is a huge bonus....I remember talking to a family member years ago now and he turns to me and says...."You are nothing but a flatlander"....yup I guess I am... On a side note I was looking at a possible house in Ottawa Kansas...it ended up being a Zombie property but back in the trees sits 520 or 521 box with a tail gate...some one years ago made it into a trailer... Made me smile...
  5. For 2023.... Find a place to live in Kansas and also find a 1970-72 Datsun truck that runs and drives.... Try to enjoy life everyday too
  6. I love seeing this stuff...an ole Datsun still earning its keep... We have very little snow here in the Albany NY area either... MikeC
  7. Hi Ratsun folks I am going to be trying to find a second house out in rural NE Kansas in less than a month...I will also be looking for a little beater truck and I see some older Nissans for sale on Facebook marketplace...a couple of kinda rough 720's too... Of these older vehicles...which would be a good one to look at???....and also what are the weak points of these newer old trucks?? My goal would be another 521 like I had 40 plus years ago but those as we all know are few and far between these days... Any insight would be greatly appreciated. MikeC
  8. Hey Datzenmike I was thinking the same thing...half as far to the West coast from the Kansas...so that is good thing... MikeC
  9. Hi Ratsun folks I am ending my 25 year career at the county I work at in January of 2023...I have some family in the North East Kansas area so I am going to attempt to spend 6 months there and then 6 months in the upstate NY area where I have lived in for the past 60 plus years... So I would love to find another Datsun truck like the one I had 40 plus years a go...I know the vehicles rust out there but nothing like the upstate NY stuff does...I am shooting for a rural smaller town in hopes of getting some peace and quiet in my life and maybe be able to safely drive a 50 year old truck around town... So how is the Datsun scene in the middle of the USA??? Thanks in advance. MikeC
  10. Hey Anglia I wish you the very best in your recovery...I had a drinking buddy years ago now who broke his arm severely in a dune buggy accident and it got infected and they cut his arm off above the elbow.... He is probably 60 years old now and lives a normal life minus his arm...still not sure how he smokes a cig and drives his dump truck around town (but he does)....he carried on like nothing really happened...he is rebuilding a carburetor for me as we speak... Keep the positive attitude and take it one day at a time... MikeC
  11. Congrats on that first drive....they are always milestones that you will remember for a long time... MikeC
  12. Love those old vintage race cars... Thanks for sharing... MikeC
  13. Looks like a Datsun truck to me... Those old Jeeps have such character too...I did the early CJ5 and the flat fender stuff for awhile years ago now... Awesome little off road rigs they are... MikeC
  14. mikec4193

    My 1971 521

    I sold my old Datsun truck several years back...I still miss it...don't sell it... my 2 cents... MikeC
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