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Everything posted by crackerjack69

  1. Anyone remember the guy's screen name that had the Datsun camper with dizzy probs up here in PDX?

  2. Spotted in front of my house :D
  3. Oregon is a far better & more beautiful on its worst day then Cali is ever :lol:
  4. I really don't use cd's or FM radio anyway. I hope my next Datto has a stock radio. I think this will be one of the first things I do when I get another goon.
  5. That looks awesome! Workin on the others, done asap.
  6. Orange Datsun propane forklift. Do want. http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bfd/3803261306.html
  7. Is there a new post craiglist ads here thread??? Anyways, Datsun forklift, orange which kicks ass, propane power (also awesome) anyone have any experience with these? http://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/bfd/3803261306.html

  8. Lulz. Apparently they like to sleep when they go to epic yearly Datsun shows. That's lame, I can go without a solid nights sleep for such a worthy cause.
  9. Camping spots are $20 per night. You can pay at the gate. If you wanna camp with the ratsun folks, we're all the way at the back in the horse field.
  10. No dogs allowed. No one cares if you think your Datto looks too shitty for the show. We just wanna see Datsuns, in all stages of repair. I personally like seeing somethin low budget with lots of heart in it over some paint job that costs as much as the car itself. Take a good daily over a trailer queen any day. Bring em rusty, ratty, or shiny if you must. Show is more about seeing cool cars, meeting cool people, and tazing them in the balls...
  11. He'll bite anything that shoots. Here's the other badass dog. Excuse the momentary thread jack. (video)
  12. Someone needs to save the princess.
  13. "You all have no idea who your messing with!"
  14. Chuck Norris moved to Klamath Falls. And developed an estrogen problem...
  15. Will trade vinyl work for 100% fruit juice ( prefer apple or blueberry or? )

    1. .sunlover


      Ahh, womebrewed wine. :)

  16. This is epic. Someone should start a thread about it.
  17. Uh, post-tits and insomniacs. Or the Canby 2013 thread. Or yeah, a build thread contribution to a car forum, even though that would be strange. This is not a store as much as a haven for pic whores.
  18. Started a 5 gallon batch of cider today :D Using champagne yeast this time, should be strong.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kirden


      Heading to ATL Monday to get my first batch of brewer's gear. I'll send out a toast to you from the first batch :)

    3. The Dat-side

      The Dat-side

      Pressed apples or store bought juice? I've got 40# of pears in the freezer. Prob just going to toss them tho.

    4. crackerjack69


      Store bought cider for now until I round up a press. I'd love to make some perry.

  19. Better food in the camp, just bring some bribes for the cooks.
  20. Matte orange 510 goon on 4x4 sammy frame. Big winch. Bright headlights. LZ22 motor. Bluebird arrow markers. Bullet fender mirrors. Roof rack. S10 LSD. Can't stop thinking.

    1. Stupid_fast


      But can it drag frame?

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