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Status Replies posted by Logical1

  1. ts good to be back feels like ive been gone forever

  2. Is a 81' 720 transfer case the same as an 85?

    1. Logical1


      The fact that you have to remove the skid plate to drain them doesn't help!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Is a 81' 720 transfer case the same as an 85?

    1. Logical1


      Thanks mike, just found a cheap 81' transfer case for sale and was thinking about going through it and rebuilding/cleaning it up for a future swap into my 85' if it ever gets tired. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  4. FFS, any time I remove any 720 cowl, it never sits right again and the damn hood hits it!

    1. Logical1


      Many of these trucks have the receivers missing, the one I am working on now does have them though and I made sure to fully seat them. Just seem like once its out, it never wants to sit right again!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Dude what's your phone number?  I want to look through all your junk.

    1. Logical1




      hit me up!

  6. Every Datsun Leaks into the passenger cabin, Change my mind!

    1. Logical1


      By that I mean, rain gets into the driver/passenger footwell from the windshield seal or around there and the valance drain channels. My 510 did it, my 620 did it(though not as bad) and EVERY 720 does it!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Miss you Dave, thought of you during this weekends shenanigans. 🙂

  8. Any difference in mid eighties 720 oil pans rwd vs 4x4? Z24...

    1. Logical1


      Well fuck me, Have been prepping for a KA24DE (frontier rear sump) Swap into an 85' 720 4x4. However This pretty much derails me as all the shops I work at ( I am a event scenery fabricator) are closed do to Covid bullshit. Anybody interested in a frontier KA with under 40k on the clock, lol! 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. Miss you Dave, thought of you during this weekends shenanigans. 🙂

    1. Logical1


      Think of him every time I drive or wrench on my Datsuns. Also whenever I get involved in hijinx, So pretty much all the time! One of a kind no doubt!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  10. $200 for an aluminium intake flange cnc cut?  I did all the cad work and sent it to a local shop. Seems high...

    1. Logical1


      Just the flange I traced and rendered for a ka24de. I was going to weld up my own intake but I am looking into full fabbing prices of a custom intake now...

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. 2001 Frontier ka24de oil pickup tube is over $100!?!?! wtf are they made of, unobtanium?

    1. Logical1


      I checked rockauto first: $120, then the standard parts places online, napa ect even ebay and they were all over $100. Thanks to Alexg89, he sent me that link to one for $38. Still blown away by the price, it is galvanized steel.. basically a piece of bent conduit!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Truck sputtering after it warms up, what to do....

    1. Logical1


      replace stock carb with webber, check fuel flow (filters, pump) & check plugs

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. Quick question: are all napz head gaskets the same? I have a 84'mileage option 2.0 and need a new head gasket... ASAP!

    1. Logical1


      BTW Also putting a head off a 81' napz 2.2l on it if that makes any diff.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Anyone have a link to the old Datsun engine builder app? is it still up?

  15. I killed another electric fuel pump. This time it was a $60 Carter rotary vane. Spins but doesn't pump

    1. Logical1


      My carter has lasted 3 years past the length of time my walbro pumped... It must be a low fuel condition that killed it, a return line system also helps keep the pump cool as the fuel flows in circles.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  16. looking to buy my first welder. looking to weld up to 1/4in steel. want something quality that wont break the bank to bad. ive used miller and lincoln, liked the both, lincoln seems a bit cheaper. never used hobart but hear good stuff. i used a 140 lincoln on 1/4in and it was pushin it. let me know on recommendations, new or used, and things to look for

    1. Logical1


      I welded 1/4" for 11 hours straight on a 110 miller... but if your never going to take your welder anywhere, buy the 240v

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Diablo II anyone?

    1. Logical1


      Its just about time to play through that epic masterpiece of a game again!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  18. AAnd...the starter bolts fell out again. Clunk-Clunk Whirrrrrrr..... that's the 3rd time (and only this truck, never on anything else). Need to remember to add that to the quarterly maintenance- change oil, adjust brakes, tighten starter bolts.

    1. Logical1


      90 degree drill, through bolts with nylock nuts!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Looking for a set of standard sized, flat-top 240z pistons.

    1. Logical1


      I have some nice shape flattop pistons & rods I just pulled from a L24. Hit me up and we can figure out how to get them down to you on the cheap :)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Where can i pick up KA24de intake/exhaust studs? tacoma screw cant even find them to order and nissan wants mega $$$ for them!

  21. Super happy update day!

    1. Logical1


      So Stoked your doing better and getting home!

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. The fan on my computer hardly ever shuts off anymore, when I first bought it, it hardly ever came on, what needs to be done?

    1. Logical1


      If the fan is annoyingly loud then it's most likely the bearings. You can pick up replacement fans cheap at FRY's or best buy. DON'T go to radio shack! If the fan that needs replacing does not have a disconnect, you can just clip the old wires and wire nut a new one in. Hell take the old fan out and get a bigger slower moving fan and screw it to the side of the case!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. The fan on my computer hardly ever shuts off anymore, when I first bought it, it hardly ever came on, what needs to be done?

    1. Logical1


      I have been in IT for over 20 years and I have NEVER seen a PC catch fire though, I would just give it a serious blasting with a compressor (not those wimpy cans of air) and if it still runs decently...fugetaboutit!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  24. The fan on my computer hardly ever shuts off anymore, when I first bought it, it hardly ever came on, what needs to be done?

    1. Logical1


      Several Things it could be:

      1. Bad temp senser on the MOBO or in the Power supply.

      2. Failed thermal paste on the CPU, So the fan has to work extra hard to keep it cool.

      3. Bad fan bearing, making the fan move a little slower and the PC keeps it on longer to stay cool.

      4. Gremlins.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  25. My friend sent this video to me of Jrock in Coeur d`alene on vacation http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygeWsoYYMuQ

    1. Logical1


      Snicker, 'home row' is not in my vocabulary! As for AdBlock its a 1 click install into chrome & firefox. Best thing my guru showed me!

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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