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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. People complain every year about this show, Just dont go last year and before its about how they judge now its about getting in. It would be nice if they can let every one have there way right but life just aint that way. Why dont we wait to see what and who can go and then complain,they might be more forgiving then we all think, and lets not forget they have sponsers and maybe they are complaining about what is coming in to the show and are threatening to pull out if they dont clean up the cars coming in to the show, it cant be cheap to run that show, i wonder iif they pay rent and how much to the city of fuck breach i mean long beach.
  2. You fuckin agree with every one but me. Ass kisser.
  3. But how many of those bling out chromed crap versus real junk is in there ? Not many
  4. FIrst off i agree with JCCS for not letting banged up crap in there show,Sorry not trying to piss you or anyone off but its the truth,They are full every year and i for one dont want to walk around and look at junk or at cars that are just not even show worthy period. And your getting mad at JCCS and they have not even opened registration yet,Send them a email asking or send a picture to them asking if your car can go, if your car is not all beat up and your not driving around with the rear end pushed in then you might have a shot. And your talk about driving long and boring,c'mon you leave in Arizona it is boring any were you drive its the fuckin desert,Ask me how i know because I hauled fuel all over that dessert in a big truck. As for these guys on the coast its a much scenic drive and its a lot cooler period and i think we can all agree on that. I really hope to see you there.
  5. Yea ,thank you for the thoughts on life, but this is post your mug, Not tell us your plug.lol
  6. why dont you try it and let us know how that works out.
  7. Almost looks like a beretta.
  8. Ok,you got me there,oil is real good,and no when and we're can find out about that.lol Tesla I know is doing real good to.You get employee discount on them.
  9. Tesla,shit your mr money bags, I am poor compared to you.
  10. Nis720 put them on for me.
  11. sneaky sneaky my ass hawaiian what you doing to it.who said i am rich,not me.
  12. Good job.I am sugar and i will melt. :thumbup:
  13. Yes it will be done by him and I wish I had his talent.
  14. Cool I do know that pressure equalizes but was just wondering about flow design.And again real nice work man,one of the most bitchin cars on this site hands down.
  15. Very nice,now i dont know what i am talking about but looking at the angles,will that hinder air flow to all ports equally.Again very very nice work just asking the question.
  16. You guys this truck is on Ebay right now,starting bid .01 cents.Owner switched to some BMW shit,So i got my bid in for 7.75
  17. Gald you came to,as for John,well thats another story.lol
  18. HaHa very funny mother fucker.Hows that Datsun Parts LLC motor ever going to run again John.
  19. I dont think so but thats ok you keep believing that lie.
  20. Also look on Los Angeles craigs list there is a complete FJ20 for 1000.00
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