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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. Very nice 510,but more pics of dad's Manx please...
  2. I actually agree with you on this Tristin,I am having the same delema with this on making look original,which is now making me look for a original grill period, with the color choice I am going i need the chrome top or polish factory look.
  3. http://www.new-datsun-parts.com/ I have bought from him before good guy.
  4. theres a guy in Cananda eh,that sells them let me try to get his website.
  5. mrbigtanker

    HeyJoe!'s 521.

    So that tranny is diferent then the 280z so not sure were the speedo cable goes in but if its were i think make sure it does not get caught up on the tranny cross member,because it will bind it up and cause it to leak.
  6. mrbigtanker

    HeyJoe!'s 521.

    Very nice, now put it in.Money bags.
  7. http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w102424537 For sale....
  8. To be honest thats why I posted it,I have not seen tegra and bunny in years.lol
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=BaeNelsAOGo
  10. Alright already a big different dildo every month. :blush:
  11. Wow they look pretty damm good to me. :thumbup:
  12. No really though what size wheels are they and did you buy them used or ?
  13. Wow is that your ECU just nicely bolted up there below the glove box,and tell me you bolted down the shift boot to the floor, Also who the fuck is Mary did she drive a race truck for BRE racing,WTF.lol
  14. The back side of that place is huge,like my dick,oh wait never mind its huge though,the front is small but against the main drag.yea lets hope its better this year.
  15. Well thats good, cause like i said there is not a lot of guys to go to now.
  16. Guys Guys dont worry I promise it will look OK when done,If you know anything about Portagees we like shinny stuff so no worries.lol
  17. Dude thats over half this site.
  18. What size Watanabes you running, I wish I could afford a set like those.If I only had your money.
  19. I am glad you feel debt free, but in reality we all will never be debt free. Own a house even if you pay it off you still owe property tax's on it. Its good to be credit debt free thats for sure and i have known that for a long time. I will just say this if you new what I paid a month for one thing I pay, it would make most of you puke,and not once but twice. And it aint child support.lol But I think every one once in there life has been down in the dumps financally and the best part any one can do is learn by those mistakes and more importanly dont make them again.
  20. I have had a shit load of black cars in my life so to me its easy to take care of them.C'mon one day paint help me out here.
  21. Well i hope one day paint does me good on this one.
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