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Everything posted by mrbigtanker

  1. I figured out my fuel line issue so will have that done this weekend and other small things under the car so once down on the ground. As soon as I get my car back on the ground I will get the wire harness to start on. Bought everything I need to get it done.
  2. I bought a couple of old school Punch amps all redone for either my 454 or this wagon not sure yet.
  3. Nothing big, Just showing the front hubs that DAtRod turned down for me to fit center caps. I hope the axle though does not fuck me by being to long. I have them along with the spacers and Top Hats for the rotors at the powder coaters to make gloss black.
  4. Looking really good. JCCS this year it looks to me.
  5. Not a whole lot of action on this website any more.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HOGIE


      Too much Drama.net

    3. uieluck


      yea, usta be all like Datsun this Datsun that. Now=Trump-blah-tits

    4. KoHeartsGPA


      Stay off that thread and you'll be fine ;)

  6. Wanted to do something different. Never had a painted set of wheels before.
  7. mrbigtanker


    Good to have you back. And still have the truck.
  8. The U bolt plate/shockmount is almost hitting the inside of the tires right? Or bottom edge of Rim.
  9. Banana I love it. Love the pic who's 620. Polish and leave it that way. Lol Looks like Jdongs party's are off the hook.
  10. People showed up, I think with elections this month and christmas last month, people where either buying gifts or protesting lol
  11. I Like it. So hard with no billet or chrome this is the first set of painted wheels i ever bought.
  12. Need to lower it. Only 3" blocks on rear it will look better
  13. Funny guy. And it's funny the drivers door is really the passenger door. Lol. Looking good.
  14. New wheels have arrived. I really like them I hope my old tires work on them if not got to buy new ones.
  15. I hate to say it but i think this show is not happening this weekend. it will be a wash out.
  16. Today the container arrived from budda head ville, but needs to be unloaded first so looks like next week.
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