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Everything posted by 68Datsun510

  1. Sweet if all goes as planned i should be there with my new engine!!!
  2. It was quite the fun night, lots of people, lots of cars, much higher turnout than expected! And i was also surprised to see Phil (right???) with the blue KA 510 from Portland show up! Also saw some 510 friends i hadnt seen in ears, like my buddy Deepak in the light blue 2 door with the LZ engine. (looks like its blowing flames in the pic) Anyway, hope to see even more next month! We maxed out the room capacity this month at round table!!!! One thing, we try and keep revving of engines and tire smoke to a minimum, not that i dont enjoy such things, its just that its a very public place, and people have cell phones, not everyone likes old cars doing burnouts. In 5 years we have never had the police called on us and we would like to keep it that way. Sadly, i didnt come in a Datsun, because mine is still without an engine, but, i had an interesting evening nonetheless!! I blew a tire sitting in the parking lot at the meet! I limped it over to a chevron, dumped an entire can of fix a flat in, aired it up and made it 20 miles to Cameron Park, refilled again, and made it home. In super dense freezing fog nonetheless.
  3. Teach girlfriend that overheating means pull over, not go until car stops! :P
  4. Ish happens, way too often, hope you eventually get to make it!
  5. "Stopped going for the cheapo oil change after the a jackass left the oil filter barely on (I always doublecheck) and broke the carb stem bolt for the aircleaner. They of course denied doing either. " Thats because they are trained in the art of using air impact wrenches on MAX for EVERYTHING.
  6. 510wg72, where are you! Nice work James/Vic!!!!
  7. Emailed him, he wants $1500 just for the carbs!
  8. I understand about the difficulties of work schedules, i miss most events on weekends because I work for Save Mart, grocery stores generally are ALL open on weekends... =( Maybe we will try an additional event every now and then for people who cant attend friday nights. SOrry thatsoon510, SC is a tad far for me, maybe one day when i have extra gas money, and a RUNNING 510!! =)
  9. Good lord i need to buy some new glasses...or maybe some anti herp-derp pills... A 79ZX? Doesnt seem like your kind of ride Jon, not light or fast enough!
  10. Maybe we should just do a random placerville thing, but where at? Opinions?
  11. 68Datsun510

    Canby 2011

    Im definitely trying to go this year, hoping to tag along with others from Sac on friday
  12. WHat year Z? I knew you moved but couldnt remember where to
  13. Placerville would be neat, but wouldnt it end up being like 3 people?
  14. Sublime said it, 'OneWorld' Economy, no effin thank you. Too bad things only seem to get worse...
  15. Sweet, i think ill get the straight arm ones, thanks! Convex lenses too FTW
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