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Everything posted by Raggleflaggle

  1. man, i wish we had more dattos down here, or a t least more old grandmas that buy cool stuff besides Towncars...
  2. Looking nice! totally awesome ride.
  3. nobody seems to have noticed the rather interesting custom grille on the parts truck in the 1st pic... DO WANT
  4. I'm with everybody else. just wait it out.
  5. How on earth did you manage to get to roof to stay in place? custom mounts? or is it just precariously perched on there?
  6. http://bham.craigslist.org/cto/3842224571.html Hoping maybe somebody on here will want this one....
  7. thanks for the manual pages! mine was nowhere near as detailed, for some reason.
  8. i can see where the screw is on yours, bit i don't see where mine is... on a side note, what is the point of the little black bit? it looks like a release of some sort....
  9. i do, but it just tells me everything to remove all the upward facing screws in the dash face (obviously) then headlight knobs, radio knobs, etc. and then take the steering column cover off. the next step says something like "pull the dash face free from the dash assembly." or something like that,wich makes me think that i should pull it out level. but then, same problem. the cap prevents horizontal movement and the radio prevents vertical movement.
  10. This is an older picture, and the only one i can find with the radio in it. i can take more, but it's a pretty standard radio. the ashtray is off to the right (out of the piucture) somewhere between there and the glove box. i'll see if i can't get some newer pictures tomorrow.
  11. it's more like the radio is semi-slanted. (it also did not come with knobs) if i could remove the entire radio, would that work? as far as i can tell the screws for it require the dash face to be off.. so you're saying the face will pop down and then i can pull it away from the entiree assembly?
  12. I need to reattach the acclerator cable to the spedometer, as well as a good bit of wiring, I've taken out all the screws i can find (and double checked my mechanic's manual) on the dash face, and the entire plastic piece is held in soley by the radio.... and the leather dash cap. the radio dictates that the dash face be pulled out parallel to it, but the lip of the dash cap stops the plastic from being pulled out, and vice versa. the dash face is intact and so is the dash pad, is there any way to remove it without just prying it out from under the leather cap and hoping that 35yr old plastic won't snap?
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