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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. well this epoxy primer is like a boss and just wont fade

  2. I love my SU's so easy to rebuild

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rotary510


      I am trying...I am having a bitch time with this POS! I am going to take the freaken L18 and swap a Rotary in it, then we'll be talkin'!

    3. FoxyRoadster


      you'll get it man, just keep at it.

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      yeah you'll get it :-)

  3. If you can just crack open the fuel bowl you will be able to tell. If the float is on a hinge on the top of the bowl you'll need the first one. If its just floating and can be picked up with nothing attached to the bowl then its a freefloating. skip to 1:35 and you will see a free floating brass float, newer ones are a black foam filled one.
  4. I vote coilovers and better cage, would make a good offroad buggy
  5. Do want! I'll be keeping an eye on this, this is one of the biggest datto finds in the area :lol: I can think of a few other roadster owners who would love to be able to get their hands on some if the owner does want to sell.
  6. Might double check the paint color sticker, as yellow was a factory color unless it shows spots of being painted. As for those wheels, one of those is the factory roadster wheel and you'll be able to get hub caps for it from anyone willing to part with them on 311s.
  7. that limits you to 14" or larger, though baby jesus will frown if you stick 20's on it.
  8. with the standard 4 x 114.3 lug pattern and depending on if you have disc brakes up front or not the world is your oyster on wheels. might checkout www.311s.org, once you have an account there you will see the wheels and tires section.
  9. Being honest I wouldnt throw an imported engine in a car without at least a basic regasket gasket and maintenance done. These engines sit around just as long as some USDM pull-a-part engines. As for the KA, it can make some nice numbers turbocharged http://www.ka-t.org/ Just because an engine doesn't come turbo doesn't mean you can't make it boosted.
  10. Who uses speaker wire to wire up a wideband o2 seriously?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      oh I know !!! Like I heard this one guy ,,, his left front wheel kept falling off ,,,



    3. south of reno
    4. erichwaslike


      stereo shops do that!

  11. I have looked lately at them, most of them need more in labor then I'd really want to provide, plus will be making this one an in ground with fancy pants tile and shit I've scavenged for free. :lol:
  12. Also if I do this I think I would be able to eliminate need for an intercooler. Plus consdiering twin charging since I'd have more room. :lol:
  13. Also this hood has like a ton of hail damage on it, some as big as golfballs. The photo makes it look cleaner then it is. The car has been keyed, I've spray painted over all the chips and various places metal showed through and the bumpers do not match the car. I'm mostly on the fence on doing this as I have enough riceboys trying to race me.
  14. I know some of you guys aren't too friendly towards miatas, but I'm installing the SC14 on the 1.6 for now in the miata so I can have it done for the roadster so it will be supercharged for I'm ready to swap engines in the miata. Anyhow question is should I go ahead and cut a hole in the hood of the Miata to allow the supercharger to be further away from the header? If I install it under the hood I'm within an inch of the header and even with a heat shield I just don't like it when I could cut a hole and get a good 6 inch clearance from the header. I just figure it will match up with the fact my miata is ratty as fuck already, plus with those Work Equip 01's will be installed along with it.
  15. yay for rain and boo for sideways in a miata at 55mph

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NOTES...


      Fixed allright.. Boo on loosing it after going sideways.. lol.. <--Me last week in the Miata

    3. FoxyRoadster


      Fortunately I kept my cool and just kept it under control or I'd have been peeled off the grill of a big rig.

    4. RedBanner


      in miata, kept cool.... your def manlyier than i lulz

  16. I'd just go with megasquirt, its best bang for the buck that you wont have to mess with very much to work on an L series
  17. few roadsters done up like that, though lol I'd say it needs an engine swap.
  18. I would check local laws before doing anything, they should have mechanics leans available there but the procedure varies state to state and its normally a lot of paperwork. I know here in OK you can obtain a title for a car you've been working on but you have to place a storage lean on it and it takes a upto 6 weeks but you end up getting a valid and legal title but you have to follow the law to the t to get it done. I ended up placing such a lean on my roadster to get a title as the original one was a little wonky. edit: those emails should be enough proof to show you was working on it for pay, payment never received.
  19. had less creeper in a cowboy hat and bathtub and more this in mind http://www.wcc.net/~jkmccoy/hottub/hottub.htm
  20. been looking into building a DIY hottub when I get settled into the new place, anyone here do such before?
  21. UV exposure is what does the most damage, but I also have found por15 isn't as strong as claimed when I layed a coat down following instructions. I also said to por15 then bedline, I used that combo myself as it seemed the best idea.
  22. I hate to say it but because of that commercial thats the only car I'd approve underbody lighting on. :blink:
  23. meant suck through :lol: , reason why though is the seals on the SC
  24. After owning one for a while personally I'd advise against blow through, but thats just me.
  25. it can be done, but you will have to fab up things. I would suggest hitting google up real hard on the subject of supercharging as all the information you need is there.
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