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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. I'm sure these could be adapted to the roadster frames as well (bit more rare then the 620 but I see plenty of them rusted out that could be parted out to save other roadsters)
  2. just checking in, I'm okay and so is my datsun. Had a heartattack though as a tree was 5 inches from the roadster. Moore was hit the worst, lots of smaller areas affected but not as badly.
  3. I'm more conserend with how weakened the body would be from chopping the top without a rollbar or anything I bet it flexes like crazy. Not saying looks is the issue, but more with how much you're paying for a 'vert Z you could get a roadster with most likely less issues from the mods the PO did.
  4. I'd say anyone with common sense would just buy a roadster.
  5. I've only seen them listed for that much, if you put it up for bids I'd say around 25-35 dollars is what I've seen them go for. Can always post it on 311s.org and someone there would buy it. I've still got an antenna that uses the key to pop out, its neat but I made my own key.
  6. Plasti dippin' the smart http://i.imgur.com/YjrarsW.jpg

    1. freetheoranges


      Blaze Purple?! I LOVE Plastidip!!!

    2. 72240z


      I love plastidip but on a whole care it gets annoying. It collects fuzzy shit, after a few months its like some kind of animal fur lol.

  7. link broken, but on google drive up above so should be fine onhosting
  8. Wasnt that the lil' red express? I need to stop viewing this thread, its making me want to stuff a RB20 in the Nova lol
  9. don't forget the respirator for sure, I fucked myself up bad by thinking it was okay to just use a mask while outdoors.
  10. I'm no lawyer but did the paperwork state you was selling him a street car? I mean if the laws there req Random thought.. The car was sold with non-street mods done to it.. Doesnt Cali have registration for non-road cars (I.E racecars), if your contract doesn't state its a road car then you are in the clear if he can register it as that. I don't like people selling lemons, but its another thing when you clearly state things and they either ignore it or dont care and come back like its your problem.
  11. I wouldnt call this a knock off, Id call it an aftermarket replacement part lol :P
  12. that would be awesome, also if you need anything printed let me know I'm not out for a profit so I'd be more then happy to print at cost.
  13. I found this software to make 3d models of things you take pictures of: http://www.123dapp.com/catch Who'd like a model of their datsun? lol I've got a few weeks before the printer gets here so I'm just laying out ideas just to play with on it. I'm trying to get a full list of colors for everyone that will be avalible, one of the main colors I'm interested in is the ABS silver as I plan on printing ratsun logos for folks
  14. http://www.ebay.com/itm/1-75mm-3d-Printer-ABS-Glow-Dark-1LB-Plastic-Filament-Coil-Spool-MakerBot-Reprap-/320971866788?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4abb6a02a4 figured I'd toss this out there, glow in the dark switches anyone?
  15. I intend to make lower ends for for my Keltec p32, I want a new color per week lol
  16. 585 shipped, and I'll be updating often as like I said I want to make interior pieces not avalible anymore a thing of the past, here is the one I bought http://portabee3dprinter.com/
  17. My goal is the switches and knobs overall that we all know are hard to find in good shape, not to mention the ability to customize them with our own logos and such
  18. I just ordered a 3d printer and will be printing stuff off, if anyone needs anything let me know I'm hoping this will make interior peices that are hard to come by a thing of the past. I'm trying to find modelers that are better then I am so if anyone is let me know
  19. Could fight their trademark it isn't too hard, reddit has already done it for someone doing the same bs on a term that was used *way* before a site existed and is a public domain word.
  20. this message just means the check didnt clear, I'd contact them as this is the stuff the buyer protection is suppose to help with.
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