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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Weber is bolted on. Updates in my profile but man that was fun. Can't wait to have the money for a full tear down.

    1. Kirden


      Updates in my build thread* Kinda sleepy :P

  2. Yea about that... Here is what I have, maybe you can see why I need a radiator :P Not the besgt pics but it is dark out right now. these are old pics from my build thread. Tiny radiator, no idea what it came from. It sits too far from the fan for that to be effective so I'm sure when it starts hitting 80-85F I will have problems.
  3. Woot, PRO-gress :) So today I decided to stay up after getting off work (got home at 4:30am) so that I could work on the truck all morning. Sun comes up and bam, it starts raining... Decided to take a nap and woke up at 2:30pm. What a waste of all that time :( Decided I would do what I could. Went to O'reillys to grab a fuel filter, picked up some food and got to work on the truck at about 4pm. 3 hours later here is what I have accomplished: The old - Dat new new - But wait, sumfin be missin batman! Tada! Of course the sun went down while I was buttoning up the weber, but I still have some fun things to do tomorrow so I will snap a pic for you guys. Still on the list for this weekend: Replace all rubber fuel hoses - they are all rotten and cracking/split. Surprised I made it this long. Clean out fuel tank Replace plugs Replace wires Carb stuff: Mount throttle cable to original mounting bracket - rochester was mounted sideways so cable has a "custom" mount Wire electric choke Remove "custom" manual choke cable from old carb install Dial in carb (hope this won't be too bad) For my first time working on an old vehicle this was a blast. I have never worked with carbs or manual fuel pumps.I have worked on EFI 4 cyls before, but they were mostly honda/mazda. Monday I should pick up the lowering blocks, but I also have work so probably won't install them till next weekend.
  4. Just got home from work, Lots to do. Hope to get the weber, fuel pump, fuel filter, speedo cable, and relays on the 620 and replace the head on the civic so I can sell it. Common day break.

    1. metalmonkey47


      Datsun > Civic today. YAYYYY

  5. Yea, that sounds exactly like my prices down here :( I may pick up the next shell or partial I find. I don't really care if it ends up original, just having a nice looking roadster that is reliable would be awesome.
  6. Good deal :) Will you be covering the work here? I would definately like to see how it turns out.
  7. I smell an awesome build thread coming :thumbup:
  8. I don't know much about the car. It was yellow and had a heat plate on the rear over the muffler. I know they were supposed to build it for drifting, but never heard if they made it or not.
  9. Restore or straight performance? Looks like it will be a beautiful car.
  10. OMG you got a goon! I want a goon or 4 door so bad. However that journey will wait for another time. I really think the B210 will be a blast. If you still have one of those lovely 510 crossmembers laying around I may try to grab it. I have plans for some L/KA power in the new 4 door :)
  11. I usually hate brown... With a passion. Maybe it is because I broke my arm playing the "everything brown is shit" game with my cousin... Lets just say silk doesn't take to kindly to being jumped on to avoid the "shit sea" brown carpet. However, my grandfather had a brown and tan 4x4 F150 a long time ago, beautiful truck. I have also seen other older trucks with large tires that look good brown. So honestly, I really like the idea of a brown over tan setup on the 620.
  12. Nice work :) I know you have been asked a lot, but any new developments on paint color :P
  13. Some sort of Lexus. Too much bling for a possible Datto owner imo :)
  14. Until it is mounted it is hard to say. I would say that if you get everything to mount exactly like the pictures (+ spacer) it should work, be we don't know if that will happen yet. If you are good with fabbing you may be able to make that work though.
  15. Well, Plan decided. Picking up yet another project so the civic has to go. Throwing the head gasket and spare head on it either this weekend or next and putting it by the road for sale. I'll probably hold onto the turbo stuff for it, never know when I might want to shoehorn it onto a golf cart or something...
  16. Love that search buttton. My Altenator is about to crap out (I think...) so I was looking at an update. Figure 60a is good enough so KA it was. Was worried bout the pulley but Icehouse already answered that too. Love Ratsun and Search :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kirden


      My charge lught goes crazy, especially when my headlights are on. And if my lights and wipers are on the truck seems to struggle to run. It will die at idle. However battery never dies, so not sure what it is.

    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      Do they offer free load testing in your area at local auto parts stores ?


      Check your battery with a multi-meter. Pos-to-Pos. Neg-to-Neg.


      *Battery off

      *Truck Idle no/load

      *Truck Idle one accessory , add another accessory , add another accessory , and then max it out with all accessories running (hopefully you don't have 1,000,000 watt stereo system haha !)


      I just did this and then had 3 different vehicles load tested on the alternator/battery...

    4. Kirden


      I'll see if I can test it tomorrow. If I keep adding stuff to the list I won't get the head replaced on the civic so I can sell it...

  17. Yea, that car is amazing. However, I'm not much of a straight line guy. I say hurry up and find that diamond in the rough 4 door so we can see some twisty action on a baller 210 :)
  18. Hold on to that soap box. Pretty sure you will need it soon enough :)
  19. You still want it :) Bet yours doesn't run a 6.9 :P
  20. Damnit! Weber comes in, fuel pump comes in, stopped that package going to the wrong address and can pick it up tonight. Sounds like a good day right? Then I get called in to work...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBanner


      Woot, so when you get your parts on, you can afford gas!

    3. Kirden


      Haha, maybe I'll make enough to buy an L16 and dog leg when I go pick up the B210? Thanks guys :)

    4. jrock4224


      Cough cough meningitis bros

  21. Will do. I have a feeling that when I get enough money saved to be in the market for one I will start randomly searching CL cities and have one shipped. Most of the time the one that pop up in my area are shells for 1k or partials for 2-2.5k. Found a guy that was selling a shell and a partial for 2200 a few weeks ago, but from what I have been told I could buy a running roadster for that much in the mid west. For now I will watch all the other roadster journeys. I have a 620 and will have a B210 next weekend, so starting a roadster project is too much to handle in the near future :P
  22. Now those are nice. I may have to pick those up, but it will eat into the reserves for the B210 I am getting next weekend.
  23. Love the car. The roadster is one of my main dream cars, but sadly I don't see me buying one for a while. It is surprising that you found one running under $3000, even though it doesn't sound like it should have ran :P I look forward to seeing this build "complete" even though complete and Datsun never seem to go together.
  24. I wonder what my mom's new (93) cherokee is rated at... I figure since I bought it I should be able to use it and that would atleast cover the <400 mile trips. As of next week I will have gotten/moved 3 cars since January, and I can see atleast one more move before April. Another thing I was looking at is if I purchase some land from my grandmother it will most likely become a body/custom A/V shop in the middle of no where, so I could use the truck and trailer for pickup and delivery, but that requires tons of insurance and my family to actually agree to run a business together...
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