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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. Welcome to the lovely dimes! Just an FYI, I hate you for having 3 4dr 510s when I couldn't find a single 4dr down here. But who really cares anyway right? :P All I can really say is we need more pics. How are the interiors and enine bays? Any major plans for the group?
  2. Nice, I really like the flares. Wish I had known about KCs before I got mine, but driving around with your knees in the air is what the cool kids do right? Do you have any specific plans for this truck?
  3. OR, Be adopted by DTP = Play with his Datsuns = Bitch when he won't let you drink his beer :devil:
  4. Kirden

    My first D620

    Nice color, needs moar low!
  5. Kirden

    My 72 521

    Most of the lowered trucks I see running 18s run Titans. You have any pics of your truck? We really like picks around here :P
  6. Hey that is neat. Can you get more pics? I too have the cat hump but I was looking at removing it and filling with new sheet. This looks like a nice alternative to the sawzall.
  7. Yea, you must have 25 posts to post in the classifieds. I'm sure if you start reading through some of the builds here that 25 posts will go by extremely fast. Be sure to check out redeyes red KA swapped 620. That was the build that got me to join ratsun.
  8. This one happened to me today. Girl walks in to get an RF device. She goes "cool car, is that yours?" pointing at my desktop, which just happens to be a pic of indy's orange wagon. I go no, its just a cool datsun, then the true story begins... Girl - "Don't you drive an old truck?" Me - "Yea, its the lowered red Datsun" Girls - *looks out window* "oh, that small red toyota right there?" Me - "Its a Datsun..." :frantics: :fu:
  9. I second redeye's statement. I've been looking for a good passenger side rocker panel for a while on my 620. I'd be interested to know what panels you offer for the B210. Edit: Checking out your ebay store now. The panels look really well done.
  10. Those are aweful! WTF are you doing mrbig... Just kidding, I bet they will look great :thumbup:
  11. Wow, very nice find. I'm not one for automatics, but I understand the traffic issue. Learned to hate my manual in Atlanta during rush hour... My 620 was originally orange. I really wish the PO hadn't decided painting it with house paint was a good idea because orange looks great on these trucks. Good luck on finding all the parts you need, and welcome to Ratsun.
  12. I want my 620 that low... Awesome shirts, plan to pick up a few on the next check. I second the call for black and grey shirts when they become available, but I'll buy white as well :P Good job Tristan, now if only garage bluebird made skinny jeans and cutoffs I would have all my summer clothes :angel: Edit: Oh, and I forgot the slip on shoes...
  13. Well, my schedule is officially loaded. Work every day for the next 2 weeks, then all but one day each week for the following month. Yay more datsun parts!

  14. I want to say you are cheating, and I'm angry that I can't flip my car to work on it... but I'm just jelly and this is an awesome build. Keep it up.
  15. Saw somebody driving a 620 down hwy 49 today headed towards Jones Co. The flashed their lights at me. Was nice to see another 620 on the road :P

  16. Posted my first ad in the new classifieds. Thats not too bad. Now someone send me a U67 head and manifold :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H5WAGON


      I have one...can send pm on shipping unless you find a package deal...?


    3. H5WAGON


      I messaged you on your ad also.

    4. Kirden


      Alright, going back to PMs.

  17. PM Sent :thumbup: Tristin is just jealous. He knows he wants some Vegemite from "the bloody big island" Thanks Ratwagon
  18. *insert "your mom: rated e for everyone" decal here* (too lazy to find the picture... :fu: )
  19. Wow that is very nice. Is that cage a bolt in or was it custom? Love the OH YES on the back :P
  20. Nice windmill. I wonder why the people with datsun powered log splitters haven't chimed in... On a more serious note... Send me some vegemite! :)
  21. Haha, I told you that badge was bad :P I hope you can get a decent mold from it when it is striped. Still looking forward to seeing what you are able to do with these badges.
  22. Yea, these little datsuns cn be really loud at times. I have a hole (or 4-5) in my exhaust and 75mph for 20mins on the trip to and from work makes me hearing impared for a while. I only notice it when I get home at 4am and turn on my stereo and wake the neighbors...
  23. I like how it went from only what I need to but I wanted this, all in one post. ADD ftw bro! :thumbup:
  24. Sadly my work reuses all of their pallets. I work in a distribution center and we have somewhere around 2-3000 empty pallets around the DC at any given time. If one breaks they salvage it to make others so we don't get to take any home. However, when they did the building expansion we were able to take home huge rolls of industrial insulation for free :P
  25. Lol, needs moar lowar indeed! I can see it now, crash into some asshat who thinks he is the shit and be like, sorry, no brakes bro :fu:
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