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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. i don't know what the 'F' with putting photobucket codes in here but it won't show the pictures now since the ratsun upgrade. At least the links work. I tried everything even with the BBCode but it ain't working. Sorry for the inconvenience guys. I'll keep trying. EDIT: Ha! Used the full editor then previewed my post and then submitted. Dang! Like giving birth over here.
  2. Wish I could've made it. I was in the IE. Thanks for posting pics. Hope to make it in January if you plan one.
  3. Realized I'm just like my dad. Putting car parts on the kitchen table to work on. He'd be proud. Mom, like she was with dad, would be annoyed.

    1. bananahamuck


      My wife used to give me hell when we were in college about the automatic trans in the livingroom..

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Ha! I think my mom just gave up. It was a no win situation. My bf thinks my apartment looks like Sanford and Son with the collection of 210 parts I have.

  4. Darn! I've been wanting to do a run but I can't make it this Saturday :( Take pics!
  5. Cool cause I'm looking to make it iPod ready. Can I let you know tomorrow? I've got a Hitachi being looked at now (hoping it can be fixed) but I won't know til tomorrow afternoon if it can be fixed or not. Might be able to use the knobs on that for the Clarion.
  6. I'd be intetested in the radio after you get some pics up. Has it been tested and does this one have a 5-pin DIN in the back? Can you also post the size although they were all pretty much the same size. i should say pics of the back. Does it come with the knobs or are those missing?
  7. Inspecting for vintage/historical makes sense and I would expect that. I guess my insurance company just trusts me cause I've had them for so long. But I would imagine more companies would inspect because of insurance fraud these days, like you said, trying to claim something that was already damaged.
  8. Has anyone fashioned a new visor post after your plastic one disintegrated and blew away in the wind?

  9. Yes post pics!! I'm with the wife, no duct/duck tape. I'm giving you another female opinion. DON'T DO IT!!! Rattle can it like everyone says. Tape is a ghetto ass trailer trash crappy option. Don't do that to your poor Datsun. Tape will get brittle and gooey over time especially in the heat. You don't want that. I sported sun faded paint for a while until I could afford to get mine painted nicely. On another note, who is this insurance company that has to see your car before insuring it? I've never heard of such a thing. They some fly by night operation?
  10. my 210 isn't a dd so i take him out on the rare occasion to keep the juices flowing and to the occasional datsun swapmeet. i'm generally tooling on santa monica blvd. perhaps we'll get more interest with this if one of us comes up with a place to meet. i've been wracking my brain trying to figure out where in the hood has good parking. might have to make it an over the hill meet. bigger parking lots out there. it's like they only believed in parking spaces in our area instead of a full lot.
  11. Nothing worse than finding the coveted wheel caps only to get them home and find out 2 weeks later they don't fit your rims Luckily the car I pulled them from was still in the yard and the rims were still there. Getting them cleaned up and painted. My restoration is coming to an end. Phew!

    1. Eagle_Adam


      congratz! but they are never done :P

    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      i know riiiiiiight! still need to get the radio in there. and now i'm thinking about getting the inner door seal from ebay.

  12. You beat me to it Daniel. I was going to post that same site. stillachevyguy just do random searches as well on google. Sometimes you might hit the jackpot. I've been rebuilding (mostly cosmetically) my 210 and in doing random searches over the last few months I've found places with OEM stock even. Would be nice if all yards posted their inventory online but aside from the one Daniel posted I've only found 2 others that do but they're out here in SoCal. It's like a needle in a haystack with some of these models but be vigilant. The Datsun will present itself for you. Good luck with your build. Looking forward to seeing the progress.
  13. Well I was waiting to see if the event I had for that day would fall through but it didn't. Darn! Would much rather come hang out and look at some Datsuns. Hopefully next time.
  14. Correct they do not have aftermarket parts but I figured if he was interested in NOS as well he might want to check that out. That's all.
  15. I bought some OEM parts from this place: http://oem-surplus.com/nwp/index.htm They don't have everything but they may have what you're after.
  16. Oh good. Hate to see anybody miss out on needed parts.
  17. I grew up in Berdoo and have always wanted to stay at the Wigwam. Now I got a reason :)
  18. first time i'd seen that many datsuns in a boneyard and with different models other than z's. should've left her in the car. if my bf was dopey enough to wear flops (not that he would he knows better) to the jy with me his ass would stay in the car. no one stands between me and datsun parts! miniskirt at a jy not recommended. probably end up with some creepy guy trying to hump her leg. but then again you might've gotten parts at a discount :) hell maybe i should try it :rofl:
  19. Like that color KiroTech :wub: Must post more pics when put back together.
  20. Yeah i'd wouldn't mind going to the Fullerton one sometime. The one in Torrance is on Fridays and I'm not trying to sit on the 405 in Friday night traffic. I'd never get there. Looks like we're neighbors. I'm in WeHo as well. There's someone in my hood with a Z but I've not seen the owner yet. My bf has. I've been waiting for someone to want to do a fun run around here as well. Can't let all the guys in Oregon and NorCal have all the fun. I think getting some folks together and driving up PCH could be fun. Would have to figure out how far we'd like to go. Well I'm with you willz if there's anyone else out there that wants to get together around here let's get it going.
  21. Ooo I didn't know you could change it back to the old version. I hate the new one too. You have to click on your image for it to show the codes you copy and paste. Took me a minute to figure it out when I first got in there. Can't stand it when they make things more complicated. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Add your upgrades but don't change the dang interface. I will leave comments too when I change back. Glad you started this thread yenpit.
  22. Whereabouts you at and what city were you thinking? I'd be interested in some place close to the Hollywood area (West LA is fine). I'd like to hit some of the meets around the area but OC and Long Beach ones are sometimes just too far.
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