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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. That Facebook link only takes me to my event page. Your event isn't on it so can't RSVP. I think everyone will have to be friends on FB to be invited to your event.
  2. You're welcome! I had went there to check out the 310. Was hoping I could use the felt channel for my 210 but it was actually shorter. Took it anyway. Wish I could've helped MicroMachinery get stuff from the 610 but that yard is a bit of a drive and freaking gas is so expensive. I try to help when/if I can. And I don't know what the deal is but I have to keep following this topic. I click the link to follow and every now and again it just unfollows for some reason. Wondered why I wasn't getting any notices.
  3. I just updated the service manual. I meant to put in bookmarks on the PDF so you could click a specific section to go to directly. I updated the link above. If you've never used bookmarks when you have your doc open you'll see three icons on the left side of the PDF page. Click on the center one and the bookmarks will show. I like having bookmarks especially when a document doesn't have set page numbers like the service manual. See below images for reference. The center icon is generally the link for the bookmarks regardless of which version of Acrobat you have. Icons will look different but should still be the center one. Click one of the bookmarks to go directly to that specific section.
  4. Yeah the all-in-ones might not be THE best but I think they do a pretty decent job. I got my mom one a while ago and tested it and I thought it looked pretty decent. HP makes good products tho. I prefer their scanners and printers. Because of the thickness of the book (my service manual is 1" thick) you shouldn't need to close the cover on the scanner which gives you the opportunity to hold it down better toward the spine area while it scans so you get a less warped image. Some of my pages are a teeny bit rounded near the spine but not too badly.
  5. No, I didn't want to destroy the books to scan. Just scanned a page at a time but then because I work in the print industry and I'm anal I made a selection of the text in Photoshop using color range in the select menu, inverted and then just filled the background white. That didn't take as long as it sounds. The scanning took me week (a couple hours a day and maybe missing a day or two). Filling the background of the pages took a few hours. Did that in a day.
  6. For anyone who is interested I just posted an owner's manual and service manual for a 1981 210. Thread found here: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/49640-1981-datsun-210-manual-pdfs/ Also, finally got the emblems I made on my car. I'm still replacing things and as soon as I get the radio and wheel caps on (I had to get other rims to fit the wheel caps so I have to change out the tires) I'll post some photos. Meanwhile here's what the emblems I made look like on the car.
  7. Hello, I acquired an owner's manual and service manual for my '81 210 and thought I'd scan and share. I searched to see if anyone else had posted these but didn't find anyone so I hope this post isn't redundant. Just got my hands on an install manual for air conditioning. I've added it below. Owner's Manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q22pbnBB7mIbNzaDC8jIeDraKwRMoQj5/view?usp=sharing Service Manual https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_orrD3P2y_Wk-R9SRtVEZWQNN896WRvK/view?usp=sharing How to Install A Datsun 210 Air Conditioner https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8BYqxH-kUiGWjZkaGpUaVc0bEE/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-47gSzdquCqk7Sib_k0TCwg Datsun Catalog https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oQmBjEPaPAqxTH-W6Nz8XkTcnuXONqu5/view?usp=sharing Datsun 210 Brochure (also has paint chips and codes) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zYY2yAAWL6zvq77dY879WKrxetiNf2oX/view?usp=sharing
  8. Pick Your Part in Wilmington 310GX 610 B210 They listed an 810 but I didn't see it. It's possible I walked by it. Was in a time crunch while there. Also a mess load of Zs as usual. The pickup was still there as well that KoolMan took shots of.
  9. That's actually a 210/B310 RWD. 310 is FWD. I'm the one that pulled all the glass and rims :) Heading to Wilmington tomorrow if it don't rain. I'll let you all know what I find.
  10. I saw that 210 on ebay. Pretty sweet. Rare to find a car that age with an uncracked dash. I actually pulled parts from a 1980 over the last couple of weeks and that dash was clean. Didn't work with my 210 or I would've pulled that too. Welcome to Ratsun! Look forward to seeing more pics when it finally makes its way to you.
  11. Thanks Randy! See you in March! We'll stay longer next time. I hope someone steals the car they put the gas cap on then takes it someplace and sets it on fire. They deserve it. If someone had tried to take something off my car......Lord help them :devil:
  12. Today my Datsun (Stanley) took me to work. My coworkers marveled at the "old car" smell, the creaky doors and the window cranks seemed to fascinate them. I told them that was the air conditioning :) Sunday he took me to the Eagle Rock swapmeet.
  13. that is a nice looking wagon. sorry i missed you there angela. we didn't stay too long. i plan on staying longer at the next one. we'll have to meet up and say hello.
  14. If you see an '80-'82 square headlight 210 in the LA or IE area let me know.

    1. Eagle_Adam


      what are you after?


    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      would like to get front fenders. someone is selling them on ebay but between the price of the fenders and shipping it's just too much.

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      basically i just want to stash any spare parts i can get my hands on.

  15. What datrod said! And my bf thinks I'm silly cause I keep an eye on my car at all times. You have to. People have no class anymore. That's just plain rude! Take your butt to the junkyard and steal one there but not off of someone else's ride. I hope the karma train arrives soon. What an asstard!
  16. sweet mother of all that's holy! you got a box o' gold. i agree with the others. scan it!
  17. Hey Dave thanks for the b-day wish on Facebook yesterday. Would've been totally ok if you had missed it. You got more things to worry about than remembering my b-day. I've also shared your link on my page. Having had surgery myself many years ago (with no insurance) I know what a financial strain it can be. Luckily it was nothing serious and I was able to do it as an out-patient which saved me a few thousand dollars. Thanks for keeping us all updated with your progress on FB. We're all still pulling for ya. Wish I were closer so I could attend that potluck! Kimberly (so now you can put my Ratsun name with my FB name :) )
  18. Here's what the emblem looks like on Stanley. Two sets left.
  19. I went early and left early....again. But today's my birthday and my bf had some things planned but he knew I wanted to stop by here first. Here's some pics of the cars that showed up early. And a brother of Stanley (my 210) came out. I wasn't the only one this time :) Stanley Stanley and a brother 210 As always some nice looking cars out there. Can't wait for the next one. I should have more things done to Stanley by then like the stock wheel caps I've got. And maybe I'll stay longer :)
  20. Celebrating my first annual 28th birthday this weekend! Cause I can only be 26 for so long :)

  21. 210 is up and running. yay! now seeking rims to fit some stock wheel caps i pulled from a 1980 and a 1982 210. the center hole on my rims are just ever so slightly too big to fit the 2-1/2" diameter wheel caps. if i had known this i would've pulled the rims on one of those cars. if any of you got 13" rims that you think will fit the wheel caps bring them. 14" should be ok as well. i'm going to the boneyard tomorrow in hopes the car is still there so i can pull the rims but if it isn't and someone has them please bring them. make my birthday a happy one :) EDIT: Car was still there so I don't need rims. Yay! See everyone tomorrow!
  22. 3 sets still available along with an unpainted set if anyone wants to paint their own. Someone was going to buy but flaked.
  23. My 210 is being a pill so hopefully I can get him fixed before Sunday. I have a Datsun stock radio/cassette player and 210 1/4 panel emblems I made if anyone is interested I'll bring them out. I have 3 sets of the emblems left along with an unpainted set. You can see photos and info here: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/46543-datsun-amfm-radio-cassette-player/ http://community.ratsun.net/topic/47888-datsun-210-14-panel-emblems/
  24. Oh I didn't think you were being a dick. Just saying I would only need a few small things. If I were doing a complete rebuild I'd have been there already with a trailer :) I've got everything I need. Now I'm just hoarding spare parts. And some of those spares have already come in handy.
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