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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Sorry I missed this one. My 210 is still getting worked on. Any plans for another in the coming months?
  2. '73 PU http://inlandempire.craigslist.org/cto/3305318255.html
  3. Anyone around the Pick Your Part in Chula Vista that can take pics of the '82 210 they list on their site? On the yard 10/4.
  4. Took a craptacular photo with my crappy camera on my crappy phone of a Z in Valley Village today. BF was driving like a grandma so told him to speed up so I could get a pic of it from the side but then it got in front of us so I only caught the back. Not sure if this is the same Z I saw yesterday but was too slow to get a pic of.
  5. That's really sad. Sorry to hear. I've had cats and dogs in my younger years. I can't have pets anymore because losing them sux so much. Too heartbreaking for me to deal with anymore. I feel your pain man. ~ Kimberly
  6. Thanks Randy! They look better in person. Can't wait to get them on my 210. He's still in the shop getting some cosmetic things done. He's such a diva :)
  7. Yeah I think it depends on the yard and what state. A friend tried to buy a whole car but they said they couldn't do it. They did say they could chop it in half and sell it to him. Defeated the purpose cause he wanted the shell. Lame.
  8. I put some of these up for sale if anyone would like a set. I don't have many. My car is still in the shop getting some things done to it or I'd post a photo of the emblems on. Thread can be found here: http://community.rat...-panel-emblems/
  9. Before you get excited these are not OEM emblems. As some of you may have read in the 210's Unite thread I, like many of you with 210s, are missing quarter panel emblems so I recreated some in a 3D program and had them printed on a 3D plastic printer. The look has a couple of differences from the original in that the bevel isn't quite as big and for whatever odd reason the 3D program elongated the type a little but for the most part the type is the same (I'll let you be the judge). A friend was kind enough to make a mold of what was printed so I cast a few to keep as spares. These are plastic and spray painted with black and metallic chrome. I also hit them with a UV resistant clear coat. They do not have the 4 pins on the back to mount to the fender. You'll have to apply with silicone or double stick tape. If you are interested I have some extra as I wanted to use up all the casting resin. Two are already spoken for but I should have another couple sets soon. If you're interested in a set I'm asking for $35 plus $5.90 shipping in the contiguous 48 states. Shipping elsewhere you'll have to send me your postal info. Depending on the interest I receive I may do more castings but they won't be painted. I'll send you the raw plastic emblem. These things take quite a bit of time I don't have now (busy with other things). These are first come first serve so if you want a set hit me up. If what I have gets snatched up I'll keep everyone's info and let you know if/when I do more castings.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wqm6rNpQJOk
  11. we have seasons. fire season, mud slide season and yeah summer does last a lot longer
  12. Saw a Z in East LA on Friday but didn't get a chance to take a pic. This Z lives in my neighborhood. Haven't seen the owner yet.
  13. Still available. If you're interested price is OBO for ratsun folks. It's also listed on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-AM-FM-Cassette-/300811620909?pt=Vintage_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4609c5122d&vxp=mtr
  14. One pair sold on ebay. If you're interested in the last pair hit me up or buy on ebay: http://www.ebay.com/itm/300779312689?ssPageName=STRK:MEUSX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1562.l2649
  15. Looks like you already have a customer. Better get busy skyblue :rofl:
  16. welcome and make sure you check out the 210's unite thread where the rest of us 210 folks are. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/21813-210s-unite/
  17. Yeah the second I heard about 3D printing that was the first thing that popped into my mind. Sharing is caring :) Haha! But really I thought some other folks would like to know of the process especially since finding emblems for the less popular models,like my 210, is so darn impossible. And it appears there's quite a few folks on here that use modeling programs. With this technology you can make all sorts of things for your car. I read Jay Leno has a 3D printer and he pays someone to make those elusive parts for his classic cars. If you're good with modeling think of all the missing pieces and parts you can have printed up. I geeked out for a second, sorry, but I'm still fascinated by the process.
  18. Yup used for animation as well as modeling like the emblems I had made. My friend sent my .stl file to his friend with the 3D printer. They use Maya and Rhino. Some other programs that can be used that I know of are SolidWorks, SolidEdge, Think3 and a few others. Mainly if you can save out a .stl file you should be good. I'm a complete rookie with Maya. I downloaded the trial version to use to make my emblem. I don't have over $3000 to spend on that and certainly didn't make sense for a one time project even if I did. With the help of a couple of friends that use it I was able to get the emblem created. Took me a week to do something that should literally takes less than 2 minutes :blink: But gosh darn it I was going to get me some emblems! :) There's actually a really good video on CNN that shows the capability of 3D printing. Cool stuff! http://www.cnn.com/v...-3d-printer.cnn
  19. Ha! Yes, it's a lady ^_^ You talking about a print from the 3D plastic printer? I paid $30 per print so $60 total. My friend only charged me $10 for painting the black outline on the lettering. Didn't charge me for the chroming cause he threw it in with another one of his projects. Unless you or someone you know can create a file to print from that can be expensive. They wanted $100 to redraw the type in their 3D program and I said hell to the no. I had already drawn it (they only needed to import my file :blink:) so I did the render myself in Maya. I have decided to learn how to cast from the mold I've got but I can't say how much per emblem until I buy materials. Once I cast those they'll only be spray painted. I'm going to have my friend give me a refresher course on casting as soon as he has time.
  20. and if anyone was wondering how they turned out here they is all chromed and painted! i posted this in the 210's Unite thread but in case none of you in this thread have seen them here they are. and now i'm thinking of relearning to do castings (i have molds of the emblem i had printed).
  21. Thanks! I just posted if anyone wants the file to have some printed let me know and I'll send it to you. FOR FREE! :D
  22. I had these done as a favor basically from a friend who's a fabricator on the large scale (which is why it took 3 months to get them). He was having some projects chromed and threw these in so it didn't cost me anything. If any of you want to have some printed do a search in your neck of the woods for "3D printer service" and tell them you have a Maya .stl file. I'll be more than happy to send any of you the file I created to have printed. I paid $30 per print so you have an idea of what it cost. Just know that after it's printed on the 3D printer there's a bit of prep work involved to get it ready for painting. It doesn't come out smooth so you'll have to spend some time sanding it down. Once you're done painting it or whatever you're going to do with it just hit it with a hair dryer so it's a bit flexible to form to the curve of the 1/4 panel. If none of you have ever heard or seen 3D plastic printing check out this video. If you want the file hit me up with your email addy and I'll send it to you. If I figure out a place to put it for download I'll provide a link. If I decide some day to relearn how to cast from molds I'll make a bunch of these but for now I can offer up the file to have printed from. http://cnn.com/video...-3d-printer.cnn
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