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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Beautiful Hawaii! Still trying to convince the husband to put on a loin cloth and fan me while I lie on the beach. Don't know why he's so resistant.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. graveltrapp


      Seems odd your posting such questions on ratsun while in Hawaii on your Honeymoon.

      Does your husband know about your affair?

    3. oldskoolvws


      Ua Mau Ke Ea O Ka Aina....


      Always love you to visit, just don't forget to go home :)

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      graveltrapp: Ha! I'm generally online when he's taking a nap or running out to get something for us.

      oldskoovws: Don't worry, we will be going home. My 210 awaits....

  2. Just seen at Gene Autry museum
  3. Thanks Mike! I had to take Stanley (also known as my son) to my wedding. I look like I tower over Barry. We're really the same height. I was on stilts :) I hired the lovely Xtina on here to be our photographer. Thank you!!! It was a beautiful day yesterday...all around.
  4. Been busy planning my wedding and getting our asses to Hawaii. Is it sad I'm more excited about Hawaii? The wedding was yesterday and it was great. There were whales and dolphins photo bombing the ceremony apparently. I hired the lovely Xtina to be our photographer and she said she got pics. I did get one of a whale later at Duke's in Malibu. It's that little spot in the background. Meanwhile, caught this beauty on the 101 N this morning.
  5. 4 days to Hawaii!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kirden


      Congrats and have fun :)

    3. Mr.Clean69J13


      4 days is not enough, enjoy them though, I can't wait to go back

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Ha! No, I meant 4 days til I leave for Hawaii. I'm here 10 days.

  6. Driving Stanley home from the shop after getting a new muffler & tailpipe I see this old ugly Saab. Young kid driving it.
  7. Stanley's sounding like a ricer. Might be a hole in the muffler :-/

    1. flatcat19


      Muffler tape FTW, like a good rat.

    2. MicroMachinery
    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Duct tape. Works on everything :)

  8. Saw an '81 or '82 4-door 210 today in west Hollywood. Couldn't get a pic unfortunately.
  9. Someone else with a 2-door automatic 210! That is a beautiful car! Almost as pretty as mine :) Yes, in the states your car is a 210 but is also known as a B310 elsewhere. Actually, you're ID plate will have B310 on it. I think Nissan was messing with us 210 owners.
  10. Sort of but I expected the guy to actually get run over. Lot of angry (translate psycho) people out there these days.
  11. Sounds like PO didn't take care of the poor thing. My auto trans kicks ass going up hill. Congrats on your new ride. I'm sure we'll all be interested in its progress.
  12. That dude should watch getting mouthy with people. Nowadays someone will get in their car and run your dumb ass over. And yes, at least the person in the Z did it the right way :)
  13. The bf sent me these today. Picture car. It's going to be in the TV show he's working on.
  14. The rear fenders on the 210 already have holes in them for the emblems. If they didn't I'd be using double stick tape too. Actually, the first set of emblems I made that's exactly what I did. This new batch I've been making has the pins in them.
  15. Here's a pic showing the pins on some of the castings we made. My uncle was dying to try one in gold.
  16. Oh and I might add that you can get dye to put in your casting resin. I used black so all I'd have to do is paint the letters. Just know that when you use a dye it takes a little longer for your resin to set. Just let it sit over night and it won't be so soft anymore. They say you can put it in the oven for a few minutes to harden it but don't. Just leave it over night and it'll be fine. And the reason my 3D print was so cheap is because I made the file to print myself. They wanted $100 which is insane especially since I was already supplying them the outline file. It literally took less than a minute to extrude the file in Maya and make it 3D for printing. Of course it took me a week to figure it out cause I've never used Maya, LOL. I haven't tried any other casting materials aside from plastic but I do want to experiment more.
  17. I've had emblems printed on a 3D printer. They're nice but because it prints line by line basically your print isn't smooth so you have to sand it down. It cost me $60 for two. I've recently had my uncle help me make a mould of a good emblem I found complete with pins in the back for pushing into the fender. Two part moulds can be annoying until you get the hang of it. Damn bubbles! The other thing with the moulds is that they get dry after so many castings and your castings don't turn out as well so you have to make yourself a few moulds. For about $20 you can get the plastic casting resin and make 30+ sets of emblems so it's pretty cost effective. The mould material is a bit more but not much. If someone's already mentioned this sorry. I didn't feel like reading through all them postings.....but I'm making the attempt.
  18. Five weeks til Hawaii and I think I've fractured my toe. Greeeaaaaat :-/

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. oldskoolvws


      Hawaii sux, don't go there. Idaho is so much better.

    3. mrbigtanker


      Idaho or maybe rhode island. Oh New Jersey is really nice this time of year.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I've been to all those places. Hawaii is better. Can't talk me out of it!

  19. "The most rust free Datsun 510...." and the floor boards have rotted away. That's awesome :blink:
  20. Just saw this 210 on Coldwater Canyon in North Hollywood
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