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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. My rebuttal to you sir.....Shark-tip. There's a terrible joke in there somewhere. Too early for me to find it. I think that last statement was a terrible joke too. For the guys I know that didn't get it I gave them this. Imagine yourself in prison and you're walking around the yard minding your own business. You got guys saying good morning, hey sexy, you're beautiful, etc. Now it seems nice when they're saying it but in the back of your mind you're wondering what the intentions are behind it. Point taken.
  2. Here's a real shark. Dude needs to be dick and throat punched. http://laist.com/2014/11/07/local_la_pickup_artist_kicked.php
  3. Seeing KISS tonight! \m/

    1. bananahamuck
    2. nismo dr

      nismo dr

      my deepest condolences

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Haters gonna hate. They put on a great show. Only time I ever leave a show where the audience is still celebrating is after a KISS show. All other bands the people just walk out.

  4. Nothing will ever change. I think guys don't realise that most women get this shit many times a day and that some of the attention is really scary, like the guy that follows her, and that it really does put us on the defensive. Again, what happened to hi my name is.... I was walking to the store one day and some guy pulled his car over and came up to me. I didn't realise it til after I had done it but I took the stance of I'm ready to be beat you down if I have to. He must've noticed cause the first words out of his mouth were don't be scared ( yeah like that's not going to put down my defenses) and he did keep his distance. He said he just saw me, thought I was pretty and wanted to know if I was interested in going out. I told him I had a bf and he was polite said goodbye and left. Saying nasty shit or commenting on how big her booty is will not get you anywhere. You may think you're saying you got a nice onion when you say damn you got a lot of ass but what we just heard was this fool just called me fat. Yes, thank you for reminding me I'm fat. I do believe that some guys can't be just friends with a girl. You'd hit it if given the opportunity. I think deep down the girls that say they don't believe that statement really do know that some of their guy friends are just hanging around waiting in hopes she'll see the light and want to knock boots. Some girls are the same. I ain't got time for all that mess. You ain't interested... Moving on. I'm not into self torture. I'd rather put my time into someone that does want me. All that chasing someone that don't want to be caught is for kids.
  5. Having lived in NY I can tell you for a FACT that shit ain't fake. And it's not just a simple how are you, have a nice day or anything to that affect. If you respond even politely here come the ignorant comments. If you don't respond here come the ignorant comments. You really can't win. Same shit happens in LA. And that dude walking beside her for 5 minutes?! That shit is creepy. I was walking home from the store one day and some dude pulled a u turn to follow me in his truck when I didn't want to speak to him. I just want to say hello he says. Well you did now goodbye. I just want to talk to you he says. I don't want to talk to you. Does he go away? Absolutely not. Right now I'm thinking you're a psycho stalker rapist. Congratulations you've freaked me out and put me on the defense. Luckily my mailman happened to appear along with another guy in my hood and eventually the fool drove off. I didn't want to continue home so he could see where I lived. One other time I was walking home and some clown was saying some bullshit to me and I didn't respond so he goes around the corner and drives down the alley and blocks my path of the street I had just turned to walk up. I looked at him and said you better get the fuck away from me right now! I was about to throat punch a fool. And there isn't anything racist about that video either. Minorities are the worst offenders. White dudes rarely ever cat call. Not saying they don't but it's rare. You can't respond to it because then it's invitation for ignorant behavior and comments even if they just started with good morning. There are no manners or class amongst people anymore. What ever happened to hi, my name is .... and if she's not interested the dude walks away? Usually what happens is he gets pissed cause baby boy can't take rejection and now you're ugly, fat and weren't all that in the first place. Then why did you come up to me? It's ridiculous! An ex of mine didn't believe me about the bullshit harassment I would get in the street. So one day we were going somewhere and I told him to hang back behind me for a few blocks and watch. After that he told me you weren't kidding and that he wasn't comfortable with me going anywhere by myself. You need to experience it first hand before you call bullshit on something. A woman was shot and killed for rejecting to some fool's advances recently. It's a little scary out there for us gals.
  6. Vegas bound! Anybody going to Pacifico and Eagle Rock take lots of pics!

    1. mrbigtanker


      dont forget the green door.

    2. Busta Nut

      Busta Nut

      Oh I'm takin' some oics alright....

    3. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Don't be takin none of tanker in his shorts

  7. I saw the name. That was enough. I don't even want to hear a parody.
  8. You are the devil. You and naner are conspiring against me.
  9. Auto shift knob in black part #34920P4928. You can call up different Nissans in your area and they'll all probably give you a different price. That was always interesting to me since they always have to order and it comes from the same place. There's also everythingnissan.com. That's where I ended up getting mine from. It was cheaper. Check around though.
  10. Yeah it tried to be scary but failed. Wasn't a very good flick IMO.
  11. Just The Shark and the Pendulum, Sharkliners, Sharkbreed, The Shark Party Massacre
  12. Sure! I'll post the part number here when I get home. May have found a resin for the mould. Trying to find one that works with undercuts. Adding the pins later isn't an option. I don't want them falling off with age or popping off if someone needs to remove them to paint or something.
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