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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Sweet mother of all that's holy is that what games look like these days?! Sadly art, or in this case the game, imitates life. The city I grew up in is now a shit hole. Was nice once. After my dad passed 24 years ago I had security bars put on the place cause I was going to be leaving soon and my mom would be in that big house alone. The state of things started to decline two years previous. Always drive bys and shootings. Body found a block over behind her house in a back yard. Body found in the street 3 blocks away. Drive by right on the corner between 3 cars one of which ended up in our neighbor's yard two houses down. Dude was shot in the head. Yeah we looked. People getting shot up the street. It's sad when you start getting desensitized to that crap which TV and these games help fuel to the unstable unsupervised child or adult. I long for the day I can get my mom out of that area which will hopefully be at year's end. I dare say there's only a small percentage that would take that game to a whole other level. Most nut cases don't need the game to get there. I'm going to go check the bear traps at the doors and windows now.
  2. That's a big word I would expect nothing less. That's why I love you guys :)
  3. One word and everybody gets excited. Settle down over there. :)
  4. As the saying goes, there's an ass for every seat. With that being said there isn't enough money in the world to buy my Datsun. But I get what OP is asking. From a curiosity stand point it would be fascinating to see what some boob will spend on a 510. I think the prices 510s are going for is asinine yet I watch with great interest at what some people will list theirs for.
  5. The only thing I'll be serious about is getting hammered before, during and after.
  6. It's on Amazon Prime. I may have to get the bf's log in info and get sufficiently liquored up.
  7. I thought I might watch that if it ever came on the tube just out of curiosity and to see how long I lasted before I shut it off. Rather absurd story line. I don't always have patience for absurd stories. Some can actually be done right tho.
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