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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Yeah the 3 boobies she's sporting in this season of American Horror Story is unsettling. Loved her in the last season. Love her anyway. Great actress.
  2. Yes! Do post more pics! Ain't nothing wrong with an automatic transmission. I learned to drive on a manual and when it came time for my first car, my 210 which I still have, I insisted on an automatic. Wasn't trying to do that clutch shift crap in LA traffic. Don't need to worry about having power to get on the freeway here. We merge at a speedy 5mph. LOL! Saw a roof rack on a wagon once while at the boneyard a while back. It does look good so I imagine the right one on a sedan would look just as good. Here's a pic of the wagon.
  3. Yeah I'm gonna say I'm less likely to trust a heat sensing technique to tell me that I may have a problem or not. I don't rely on info from one doc I research everything. Big ole hypochondriac here which is not necessarily a bad thing considering I've already had to have surgery for things in the past. Just not sure I really trust that method. Fixed
  4. Actually thermography is used for risk assessment and should be done in addition to mammography not instead of.
  5. I must've stopped taking calls before yours came in. No one up to my evil standards responded. I lost hope. Will continue twisted dark matters on my own. Probably best. No witnesses.
  6. One time it felt like I got kicked in the nads. I don't have nads. That's how awful it is. Ugh!
  7. Just be thankful you don't have to get a mammogram. If guys had to put their nuts in that f'ing machine you can believe someone would come up with a better way of x raying.
  8. He is taking me to Vegas or actually we're meeting there because he's been working in Pittsburgh the last few months. My b-day is Nov. 11 so he's taking me there for an early b-day weekend. And still I'm a little sad I'm missing the Pacifico show and the this swap meet but I'll see you all on the next one.
  9. A friend of mine actually owns Maya. He's still a noob but when he was helping me figure it out it kinda re-sparked his interest in learning. I may have to push, I mean nudge, him back into it. He can practice making parts for my car :) He was thinking of getting a printer as well. They start at $500 to astronomical. Yeah, it would be pretty amazing to have that capability. I need to start making for friends in that industry :thumbup:
  10. I wish I knew how to use the programs. I had my 1/4 panel emblems created this way. I had already redrawn it. Just needed it extruded for 3D. They wanted $100 to do something that took not even 2 minutes to do. So I said F* that I'll do it my damn self. Downloaded the trial version of Maya and a week and a half later ( :rofl: ) I had my 3D file. But once I figured that shit out it seriously should've taken someone seconds to do. I'd LOVE to be able to make that stuff. Would certainly help out when you can't get certain parts anymore. The program alone is $3675 :w00t: Pipe dream.....for now. Technology is getting better. Can scan stuff these days and have a print made.
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