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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. We all pretend we have a card :) Haha! Ugly things...ex wife. Rude! Funny but rude :rofl:
  2. They FAILED. The SSR looks like a balloon Is he 'special'? We all have one of those in the family. :rofl: Turn in your Ratsun card now! .
  3. You better make friends with someone that knows Maya or Rhino or one of them other 3D modeling programs. That's gonna cost ya! The printing isn't so bad. It's getting someone to render it for you that costs you.
  4. Looks like someone was watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit and when they saw the taxi cab thought that'd make a great car. Looks like a cartoon...only uglier :sick:
  5. I never thought YOU of all people would be so sensitive. You know you like it. :rofl:
  6. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Greeeaaat I'm going to see KISS in November and I will forever have this video in my head.
  7. What q-tip said. I had one of her fucking songs stuck in my head all the way home. Must...cleanse... with
  8. So this bitch thanks to Jimmy Kimmel has freaking Hollywood Blvd all blocked including streets that don't even need to be blocked making people like myself who just want to get the fuck home have to walk down the block around the corner and up the street to get to the parking structure that is only across the street. I hope a meteor drops on her head. <End rant>
  9. I called my parts guy. He said they no longer have any bumper pieces for the 210 or the B210. For the B210 he sees the number for the front bumper but the rear number is just no longer in existence.
  10. You sign and add "signed in protest." A boss from one of my college jobs was dealing with shady ass individuals wielding power plays all the time. They did everything they could to get him to quit. Didn't happen and they never had grounds to fire him. Basically everything they did was more fuel for a lawsuit that he could've filed. It seems to be a common thing where fuck offs get to keep their job and the ones who are committed and do a good job lose theirs. I've worked for more than one company where the boss liked to employ simpletons. Mostly, and this is purely my theory, because the boss is a know nothing asstard who has to surround themselves with people equally as ignorant, if not more, so they look smarter. These hires are also yes men. If you need your ego stroked you hire yes men.
  11. They're full of shit and too lazy to look. When I started my resto 2 years ago I went to San Bernardino Nissan and asked for a part and the dude didn't even bother to look. He just said we don't have those parts :sneaky: I called up another Nissan in West Covina I think. He pretended to look. Next one, Universal Nissan, dude found the part. The very same one the first fool said they didn't have. Fucker!
  12. A lot of the parts guys at the Nissan dealership are freaking lazy arses! There's still quite a bit of NOS 210 parts. B210 I have no idea but I've gotten all kinds of 210 parts. I have a parts guy who actually loves trying to find the stuff....he used to have a 510. Just have to keep trying different dealers until you find one willing to do their damn job.
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