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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Your wagon is beautiful :) And no, I'm not going to flash my boobies. You'll just have to take my word for it.
  2. Pulled my first carb from a boneyard. I smell like I'm sweating gasoline and I'm ok with that.

  3. '81 210 4 door sedan at Sun Valley LKQ. I took the carburetor.
  4. Not really. At least you've made it to meets and events. I know cause I was there :)
  5. Hmm, maybe I'll tell them my mom is a senile old bat who lost my title. Think that'll work? It's the truth :angel:
  6. Ok wasn't sure if there was something specific for weatherstripping or if there was something else that everyone seemed to use and worked well. Thanks for the info!
  7. Yeah I'm waiting on a title as well. My mom lost the one to my 210. It's been a month or so that a replacement was requested. You know they cashed the check right away though. F'ing DMV.
  8. Got a question for you all. I bought some aftermarket weatherstripping for my doors which one fit perfectly and the other was a bit too big so had to cut down. What would you recommend using to glue it into place as it's starting to pull up. It's the passenger side and it's right on the bottom corner so I can actually see through it. Would like to use something that would hold.
  9. The dude bold enough to ask him would probably get worked over and not by me :sleep:
  10. Ha! Ok but you'll have to ask my bf but so you know he don't share.
  11. Not sure why the videos are showing in here this time.
  12. http://youtu.be/ZlGscIePKdk?list=PLFnLDaa2_S_ONbbACHb9XGlUSBIUkeNEr http://youtu.be/kvWnSRDGA_0?list=PLFnLDaa2_S_ONbbACHb9XGlUSBIUkeNEr http://youtu.be/kvWnSRDGA_0?list=PLFnLDaa2_S_ONbbACHb9XGlUSBIUkeNEr http://youtu.be/RiEIToOWr64?list=PLFnLDaa2_S_ONbbACHb9XGlUSBIUkeNEr
  13. You get a pass because you have Datsuns (plural) :)
  14. Oral isn't sex. That's taste testing. I think I just grossed myself out as if that were possible.
  15. Women like Datsuns. Little girls like posers who drive BMWs and Benz's and live in shitty apartments. Women also like guys who can fix said Datuns :)
  16. Please, can't even get them to show up to a cruise :no:
  17. What's the head count on this one? Any others bringing their non Z?
  18. My avatar is Cleopatra Jones, badass, beautiful and not to be messed with. Sometimes I wonder if it should Pinhead cause I have friends that are always telling me not to tear souls apart. But I only do it if necessary :sleep:
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