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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Me calling radiator shops: I need a radiator for a 1981 Datsun 210. Radiator shops: https://goo.gl/images/vKDuhD

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skyblue
    3. mhub91


      colourbox, I have a great condition radiator from my B210 if you need. it'll be a lot cheaper than buying a new one / rebuilding.


    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I appreciate the offer but it's already been done. I'm actually picking him up today. Radiator shop was running behind. My mechanic gives me good deals. I built and maintain his websites :)

  2. It'll probably all melt while I'm sitting in traffic. I'm in LA. It takes an hour to go 3 blocks. Sigh.
  3. The verdict is in. Stanley's alternator was bad so it's been rebuilt. The radiator is leaking too.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Meanwhile, still trying to find a radiator.

    3. Seeker > 620 KC

      Seeker > 620 KC

      That's ok, we'll never consider Stanley a big drip.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      Ha! Well aside from the usual drips (oil) this is unacceptable. Still trying to find a radiator. Sigh.

  4. I never hated PB (it had it's problems but it worked well enough) but this whole thing they're doing now is fucked up and some greedy ass shit. I share your sentiments and I hope they implode.
  5. It would be amazing if someone had a tiny portable a/c even if it ran off one if them square 6V battery. My husband is thinking if some other ways to oump the air out better. We'll see what we can come up with. Still a work in progress.
  6. I thought about going but probably not. No one ever has 210 parts except that one time a few years back. When I have gone I get there early so I can park inside but I leave after a couple hours so I'm not trapped all day. Meanwhile, I've been chatting with the husband about Canby next year. I'll probably trailer him down there instead of drive him. I get nervous about some fucktard running into him. I would go to jail for murder if someone hit Stanley.
  7. I still use the stock jack
  8. Yes! I think that would be helpful for a lot of people.
  9. Yes, I know. Still annoying. I worked around it.
  10. The sucky thing about imgur's app is you need to add the img tag to the beginning and end of the link they provide. You also have to remove the 's' after the http. I keep trying to give an example but I keep getting told I am not allowed to use that image extension on this community. WTF! EDIT: I made an example in photoshop since I can't write it here
  11. Ok ya'll I just signed Stanley up for JCCS. It's happening.....provided he passes smog come September.
  12. If he wasn't paralyzed before he is now What in Sam Hill?! Just cause you ain't got no legs don't mean you ain't gotta put no bottoms on. Panties are not sufficient coverage. Cover that up! :sick:
  13. If I did that it would certainly be a good thing I do the driving or my husband would wreck. Same here. Stanley is newly upholstered so none of that. When I drag the Ghetto Breeze 600 with me a giant trash bag gets put in the back seat for it to sit on. Girl hang in there! Put the ghetto a/c next to you in the front. You'll feel more air for sure. I really would like to make a tiny portable a/c compressor. Man that would be amazing! And then my ass could retire cause that would be a money maker!
  14. Congrats guys! Stanley has to be smogged in a couple of months. I'm sick of that crap!
  15. I actually thought about that. Maybe next year but I'm also considering Canby next year.
  16. Cool! I was going to sign up for JCCS and then I went back on the fence about it. I think I'll just sign up. I'd love to see what you've done with your car. Speaking of which I found another photo I took of yours that day.
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