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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. We were sitting with Stanley til about 11:30 or so and then we decided to go check out the cars. You probably just missed me. I missed seeing Ray even though I managed to get him in a picture. I did see him later at the awards announcements. I think cause he wasn't wearing a tank top :) Saw John early on. He's got some beautiful vehicles that's for sure. Both his rides were there. JCCS is one of the better shows. Lots of beautiful cars. It did seem to be a little thin this year though.
  2. Sadly the 210 gets no love from people. Not a popular model.
  3. Couldn't have said it better :rofl:
  4. I was looking at some other JCCS photos on instagram and someone posted a pic of Stanley and said the nicest thing.
  5. Dude, that widespread happens to the best of us. Sigh.
  6. Thanks guys and you're welcome for the pics. It was a beautiful day out and I didn't need the Ghetto Breeze 600. Angela, I hope to see your ride too someday :)
  7. And yes, Stanley placed again this year :thumbup:
  8. Didn't look like there were as many cars this year. The concrete area had less cars this time. Still a lot of nice ones there.
  9. I reserve the right to ask you a million questions if I need to :)
  10. Took out the back seat to replace the backing board that was falling apart. Found a dime and a random tiny screwdriver in there. Got 1/8" masonite back there. Looks good inside and out. This was kind of a quickie job since JCCS is next weekend. I'll have to revisit this and put some kind of foam or rubber to cushion it a bit. Doesn't rattle when driving but since my speakers are back there the music makes it rattle a little.
  11. You making it for sure Ray?
  12. Got the registration info today. Stanley's in!
  13. Only cause someone pointed it out to me :) I never would've known that was the thing that tells it to put on the a/c. It seems like the car is pretty much a/c ready. Just needed the actual a/c kit. My mechanic was telling me that holes would need to be put into the firewall and I told him from what I see they're already there. I took a look after we pulled the a/c just to see if that would have to be done. Can't wait to get this started. After JCCS he goes into the shop.
  14. It's on there. I see it in the photo you sent me.
  15. I also posed this question on the ratsun Facebook page and someone said: 210/B310 Factory AC did not have a separate AC switch. To turn on the AC, you move the top lever all the way to the left and a microswitch inside on the lever closes, and kicks on the compressor. This makes some sense since my parts book has the same number for the heater control as the air conditioning control unit. I also just got my hands on an install manual for air conditioning. Now that I know about this microswitch it makes more sense what I'm seeing in the service manual. Maybe there is supposed to be a light some place but maybe just for indication that it switched over? I'd be interested to know if that's the case. Here's the drawing of the microswitch
  16. Interesting about the blower speed switch. That could be a good possibility. I did grab the smaller lever on the far right. JDOM310 just grabbed the control unit today for me so maybe that will help. But if somebody has one with a/c that would help even more. This is what the faceplate looks like. Slots for the 3 levers.
  17. Is the button in the control unit with the levers? I have a faceplate for the a/c but didn't see any openings other than for the levers.
  18. Anybody on here have a B310 with a/c? I found a car a couple weeks ago with it but the control levers were all jacked. From what I see in my parts book the control unit is the same for a heated car vs an air conditioned one. I have a faceplate for it I pulled a long time ago without realizing it was for a/c. Is there another button or something that starts the a/c or is just the levers? If you can post pics that'd be helpful.
  19. Thanks! You should be able to find them on ebay.
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