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Everything posted by spudly13

  1. Oh and no heater yet and valve cover filters and i need to align the front end... other then that.... haha
  2. SO!! not that most care, im just to excited to not tell someone haha, the e30 is so close to being streetable, i got the valves adjusted (which were way off) the carb pretty dialed in and besides one decent leak got a full exhaust ran. Took it for a quick drive this evening, man is it fun, lights up 1st thru 3rd noooo problem! (vids to come when its finished) Finally took the time to get it licensed in my name as well today. To do list: air filter gauges No 5th gear :confused: exhaust leak smaller brake MC to compensate for no booster Bigger Clutch MC to replace my ghetto setup Better throttle linkage a little more valve and carb tweaking and HOPEFULLY itll be driveable!
  3. Rolling shot fromt the weekend (not very good quality)
  4. :confused: im confused haha i would much rather see a Z get cut up then a 510... just my opinion though
  5. you should definately start a thread here, would like to see progress on that one..
  6. Its easy, just login, upload the photos, once its done click on the photo and to the right will be all the different codes. click the img code and with the new photobucket it automatically copies it, then paste it here.
  7. to bad i have so many projects and every weld would have to be re done haha this would be a fun project! it looked like you were making so much progres to....
  8. yeah i did! i saw them a couple days ago, i like em, i may end up doing the same thing, its a lot cleaner then whatever i got goin on in there lol
  9. that line was insane! Almost a 40 minute wait!
  10. meh, im not in love with them haha but im stuck with them until i decide buying something else is worth it
  11. Lookin good! keep it up!
  12. All cleaned up for toys for tots tomorrow, first time ever waxing it, definately pretty pointless but oh well i won the wax kit in a raffle!
  13. if you wanna just meet at northgate that may work better, one less stop for me lol, if nothing else ill see you guys at the supermall!
  14. well.. its not a datsun.. or a car for that matter.. and technically i didnt sight it.. but its awesome... and i had to post it somewhere.! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28FReT0RBIs
  15. heres what im thinkin, i think im one of the farthest north, and its gunna take me roughly 2 hours to get to the super mall, so if the south guys are meeting there at 1130 ill leave at 9 and can meet anyone in my area (or north of me) at the 300th st exit at 910 ish, Then meet up with the gooner and whoever else at the mcdonalds in south marysville at like 940 I know theres a lot of guys in the everett area so i was thinkin meybe everett mall way at ??? and then for the guys in the seattle area meybe the north seattle community college off the northgate exit, itll be empty on a sunday and we can cruise right down to 85th and get back on i5. and then be at the supermall by or before 1130... Let me know what you guys think and if anyone wants to meet up in those areas
  16. im down to meet up in everett, ill probally be with the gooner as well, and anyone else from up north that wants to roll down
  17. I have been thinking the same thing, but decided that the argument is a lost cause because no matter how many facts you put in front of some people they will continue to argue that its heavier or to big or will twist the frame or blah blah blah simply because its a v8......and you cant put a v8 in a 510... HAHA
  18. Yeah when it broke in the 69 i pulled it out and pulled the pan, saw that big mess in there and for the sake of my time and money just found another used motor, but if your replacing all the parts anyway you should be good to go!
  19. That motor looks familiar! ;) Sounds like a sweet build though ill be keeping my eye on it!
  20. im plannin on rolling down, let me know if u wanna meet up in marysville or somethin
  21. Ive never tried the diesel thing but that might be the way to go if you just wanna swap over eventually anyway. ive cleared a couple panels on my car and like 72240z said it just starts to rust under the clear. mine lasted meybe a month before i started noticing it. People always tell me theres ways to prep the metal, certain acids and clears that will keep it from rusting and have the bare metal look, although they never go into detail. ill see if i can figure out more about it
  22. Haha well it sounds to me like you dont need me to cut em out for you then! get on it!
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