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Everything posted by Eomund

  1. Ummmm, those are the laws regarding cars with smog control stickers, ie prius' and the like. Notice it says nothing about age of the vehicle. Just saying.
  2. They are nylon yes. I call em rubber just outta habbit. Yes, the engine does run above the melting point, but there's a caviot. When the nylon gets hot for long periods of time, it gets hard and shrinks making it pretty much worthless. I work on bikes a lot and, unfortunately, have experienced this. I know bikes run a bit warmer than cars, but it'll still happen eventually. This is just what I've experienced.
  3. Lock nuts are not recommended imo on the block. The heat will cook the rubber making it pretty much not a lock nut anymore. What I'm doing is using a hefty lock washer with thread locker. Hopefully this'll be enough, I'll post up with an update in a few weeks with an update.
  4. Mike, kinda need to chill. First, you live in Canada. For us that live here in sunny California know how it is here, well because we live here. You think they inspect these old cars? California has the largest and most vibrant tuning and hotrodding scene in the world. If they were anal about it, or even cared, all the muscle cars would be screwed. With the new corvette engines, superchargers and all the 'illegal' mods you see almost no pre-smog car would be allowed to be on the road. There's a car that was built here in Lompoc where I live, a 620 with a blown ford V8 totally dragged out is,street legal. Liscense plate and everything. Not sure how hen insures this monster but still, technically legal. Oh, and as dickish as cops can be, they don't have the legal right to inspect your vehicle for smog stuff. And as these vehicles are inspection exempt, they can't really write a,fix it ticket to force an inspection. I live in Santa Barbara county, one of the stricktest in Cali, trust me I HAVE to know this shit. Cops HATE it when you quote laws back to them that stop them from harrasing you. And sorry, I'll stop inputting to the thread hijack.
  5. Ya pretty much. Long and short, they gotta catch you with it. Most cops don't know,shit about cars anyway, so even if,they did make you pop the hood, they'd prolly not even know. You know as long,as it's not like some psycho racing setup or something.
  6. Thankfully nothing busted. Just worked the bbolts loose. I've added lock washers to every bolt I can access just for giggles. We'll see how that goes.
  7. I'm noticing some little traits of the L block. I know it's inherant for the carb to come loose periodically. I actually had the bolts for my alternator come loose as well. Just something I need to add to a periodic check list, make sure the bolts on the motor stay tight. I'm curious if anyone's found a decent solution for this. I've been using lock washers everywhere I can, hopefully that'll solve it. Now that I know what's happening, I at least know to keep an eye on it.
  8. Eomund

    JCCS 2014

    It was a good show, but good god the parking. Had to park in a lot 5 miles away (with crap instructions on how to get there) and be bussed in. The staff were a bit NAZI ish on letting people with parts in too. Really need to put a cap on that. His words 'Don't want to turn this into a swap meet'. Didn't this show get started kind of as a swap meet? Jay Leno and a few other big names come in and it gets snooty. Kinda irritating. Not gonna lie though. Kinda tantrumed at the front gate until they let me in with it lol. What was with all the Miata's in the show though? They won't let S13's in but they'll let in Miata's? Doesn't really make too much sense to me.
  9. Freeze it man. It'll make the tube smaller. It might not be round like mike was saying, may wanna look at that. But if you cool the tube, and maybe even heat the engine a tad, it'll buy you some room.
  10. Just a doodle I made up in AutoCAD quite a few years back. I do collect swords and have long hair, but if it were to be me, I'd have to add a huge mustache.
  11. Sorry, most of us don't have 'em. Ima gonna fit some bumperettes from a 70s camaro. I can measure those if you're interested.
  12. If you wanna be pedantic, do it right. Roads were originally built for foot traffic and horses. Bicycles came about later, even after such roads were built. Our current road and highway system were built for cars, using the road taxes car owners pay. No matter how you put it, the roads we have now, were built for cars. As far as the license arguement, I understand beefs in both directions. I don't believe in government control in these matters. At the same time, I don't, and can't agree with a law that's completely one sided, and will most certainly be abused. The body condom wearing Lance Armstrong cyclists are my main grievances. People just riding their bikes from point a to point b are usually well behaved and adhere to the rules. The ones who ride in spandex ride in the road, don't get out of the way most certainly on purpose, and get nasty towards cars because they feel they have a 'moral high ground'. Giving them free legal reign of the road is where my problems lie.
  13. Again, cars have to say 3 feet away from bikes, not visa versa. Bikes don't have to follow the rules and per this law the car will still be held responsible.
  14. I actually agree w/ riding on sidewalks. As far as lane splitting (DMV actually calls it lane sharing) is actually legal as long as traffic is going slow enough. I don't really have much of a problem as I see it as 1 less vehicle in the traffic jam. Its the people who ride in the driving lane when traffic is moving quick I have a problem. Back to my original topic, this law was created to enforce laws that already exist. The problem is the lack of regulation on the bicycles allows them to totally ride like jackasses and if there are any accidents or collisions, this law immediately holds the driver responsible which is what I find bull.
  15. My car tags pay for the roads. Bicyclists don't pay road tax or any registration. I'm not against bike lanes as such, but maybe a paid license would help pay for it? And on highways, if you can't keep out of the traffic ways, maybe you don't belong out there. I believe in the right to commute, but I don't like the favoritism vehicle don't pay for the roads get on them. And Rick isn't the only one who sees this bad behavior. Everyday I see people riding like this.
  16. See, there's already laws that are supposed to keep drivers out of that lane. So if they're already breaking the law. I can understand your irritance, but keep in mind, the a-holes that drive this way around you are already breaking the law. A new law need not be created to protect you as what they are doing is already a tickitable offence. Well In Ca it is, no idea about Canada.
  17. Wait, a byciclist gives you blow jobs while passing you?
  18. Do you do what you can to stay out of the cars way? Its a 2 way street. In Ca, we have byciclists that ride right in the middle of a 55mph road and WON'T get out of the way. And passing over a double yellow is both illegal and extremely dangerous. So what do we do? Go 10mph when we have a 55mph? You can get pissed all you want, but how many times were you passed close when you easily could have been further from the road huh?
  19. 1) Pedestrians may have the right away, but bicycles are legally vehicles, not pedestrians. Plus this will encourage bad behavior. 2) Don't know, but I want a video :D
  20. https://calbike.org/advocacy/giveme3/give-me-3-faq/ So, there's a new law that past in the veil of darkness last night. California apperently joined 22 states last night and all cars have to give bicycles a 3 foot buffer. If you can't pass them legally and keep this buffer, we are supposed to keep behind the bicycle. There is, however, no addition to this law that punishes bicyclists for straying out of their lane or passing cars within this 3 foot rule, giving the bicyclists essentially full control of the road. Cars, who the roads were built for, now are treated like 2nd class citizens in a their own domain. Discuss.
  21. Well... The part numbers are different, that much I can confirm. Sometimes they still are interchangeable, but not commonly
  22. Was that in the truck? Not bad handling if it was.
  23. The steering box, the worm gear etc. are actually in good shape and tight. I just want to change the fluid as god only knows how old it is. Can't seem to find a kingpin kit on eBay now, but thanks for the heads up, I'll keep an eye out for them.
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