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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. On a side note,that thermal wrap is killing your headers.
  2. You too Matt. As a side note,i helped throw a teamsters local to the street years ago.Still one of the high-lights of my life.Some Unions are a necessaryevil,but the vast majority are completely use-less
  3. Because they are part-time workers.
  4. Walmart workers already get a"fair wage".
  5. The sheet metal went a couple of months ago.About all i have left is a dashboard/cluster arrangement. However....in a couple months i might have two fenders.IF and i mean IF,77 fenders will work.
  6. Irrellevant-no state can make you retro-fit beyond Federal code.
  7. No 620 or earlier truck came with a rear bumper standard.
  8. Is there a difference between Dime headers & 620's?Other than long tubes.
  9. Not enough rotor & drum available short of grafting on a Titan brake system
  10. 14 months,135lbs,19 inch long tail. And none of your dogs have a nitrous button on their leash.
  11. None of the affore mentioned vehicles have enough"brake" to tow much of anything.
  12. Actually it's a 240-Z motor with FI. THese cars are getting scarce.I haven't seen one down here in 10 years.More 810's than early Max's. Topic detour,if anyone has a P-side taillight for a 810 Goon- i need one.Thanks.
  13. Congrats...your life as you know it is now over.(Wait 'till you have kids!)
  14. I wouldn't use "Deathcool "in Obama's car. This was a 50/50 mix from O'Reilly's.Someone mentioned that 50/50 isn't made with distilled water
  15. What coolant are you using?I just found this after less than 5K miles. Has to be aluminum/coolant related.
  16. Sorry Mike-i've been up since noon yesterday-too tired to breath,plus, just got in a shipment of AP bazooka ammo. 1)I couldn't give a rats ass about CA SMOG laws.I'm just not going to let some ne'er do well suggest to otthers that it's a good idea to remove SMOG equipt. from that generation Z.Legalities is another discussion. 2)Again,your OP doesn't state this.ANd make up your mind:"Function as a car or a race car"? Pick one. 3)You did not phrase it like that.You must of have gone to school in LAUSD 4)Please show where the race car reference is in your opening post. 5)Think long & hard as you're headed down a dangerous road.
  17. Z-train

    EFI info

    I cheated on my manifold.
  18. removal will accomplish nothing.And you are still subject to the SMOG laws.
  19. Z-train

    the datsun 79

    Something was wrong with the L-18 head.No difference between them except valve,port & runner size
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