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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Check to be sure that the insulation isn't torn, as the wire COULD be grounding out over bumps & other things.
  2. Well........I was speaking of others as I don't have internet access in a Locomotive.
  3. Please don't.Not that I don't like looking at "poon",but if enough of it or ones from specific websites gets linked to Ratsun,some folks firewalls at work and maybe at home will block Ratsun.Not worth the ga-sheesh shots.
  4. No,you're not.Your driving and multi-tasking skills are just lacking.That's all.Nothing to worry about.
  5. 1)That's because I'm not wrong. 2)Yes,you do.As it will support your side of the discussion.The ONLY conclusion that can be drawn form your FAILURE to post supporting articles is that they don't exist and you have made up everything. 3)Pennsyltucky?And no, they are NOT better drivers than TRUE Arizonans.Once again,you fail to acknowledge facts.A VERY high proportion of Az. drivers are transplants/snowbirds.And in the Phoenix area,you compound that with the large influx of Kalifornians. 4)I post data from multiple sources all REFUTING your posts and it's wrong.You post opinion with no backing data and it's right.Now who has the problem here? 5)It's true a lot of Americans can't drive.However I have proof i'm not one of them. 6)Cell phones will NEVER BE ELIMINATED.And the foremost reason why is the Cops.And i'll bet money you can't figure out why. I'll be nice and give you a hint:It has to do with "lane-splitting on motorcycles" in Ca.
  6. WOW-You never tire of being wrong,do you?By the numbers: 1)No-I called YOU insane.Untill you post proof-your wrong. 2)Fatalities from accidents?What does this have to do with cell phones?Stop re-directing the discussion. 3)SO what?People run people over because THEY AREN'T FUCKING PAYING ATTENTION!!!! 4)Post your (credible)source.Untill you do-it's all bullshit. 5)Me insane?Funny.No chargable accidents since 1976.That includes 500,000 miles of Rig driving. 6)Yes,you do need to post it.Untill you do,it's bullshit. 7)My opinions are fact. 8)Why is it amazing?People who are wrong need to be criticized and you are wrong. 9)WRONG,WRONG,WRONG.Massatwoshits has worse drivers,as does Ca,NM,NJ,NY and Ct.The drivers you see here are snowbirds from OTHER STATES. 10) Obviously,you haven't driven in as many places as you claim. 11)WRONG again. http://vehicle-fatalities.findthedata.org/ http://vehicle-fatalities.findthedata.org/ http://www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/departments/nrd-30/ncsa/STSI/USA%20WEB%20REPORT.HTM 12)So now we are talking about red light issues?Again,you've re-directed the discussion because you have gotten "whooped".But since we're here,why haven't you mentioned the fact that the cities & towns have shortened the yellow lights so they can ticket more people?Gee-that would have nothing to do with your fuzzy statistics now,would it? 13)There is no category for distracted driving.Nor have we lead the drunking driving category either.Here's proof: http://www.centurycouncil.org/state-facts
  7. No sane person equates 5 mph to 100 MPH.At 5 MPH on flat ground,i can physically stop my vehicles FROM the outside.Do you suggest I try that at 100MPH? Also the statistics don't validate your position. Please post a link to the Krauts opinions.
  8. No worries.I'm happy the sheet metal went to a good home.
  9. O.K-the autobahn is apples & oranges due to speeds involved.Can I drive my car at 100MPH,talk on the phone and feel safe?ABSOLUTELY.Especially on the 10 between here & Phoenix.And cops do it all the time.Just a point of reference there is no difference between a cell phone and a two-way radio.Not to mention the cop's MDT that is used on the fly all the time. Please tell me you're not putting driveway speeds(5MPH) in the same category as Autobahn speeds(100MPH)
  10. 1)They can believe what they want.As I said earlier-the phone is not the issue.If you can't talk on a phone while driving,then passengers should be out-lawed also,as you'll be distracted by talking to them. 2)ANY beverage?So I can't drink the coke that I just got at the drive thru?
  11. Texting while driving(vehicle moving)is moronic at best-it goes without saying.Distraction is a DRIVER issue-not a "appliance issue".When all climate controls, seat controls, radios, CD players, GPS systems AND CHILDREN are removed from vehicles,then we'll talk. 1st step-make it illegal for any make-up to be in the cabin.It should be locked in the trunk.
  12. I had plenty of "uni-lugwheels".Never saw 4 lug uni's.And there was a machined "recession" for the washer to sit in.I don't see it there,un-less the pics are bad.
  13. Sorry folks,but the 1-2-3 is for keeping the timing right after shaving the head.If the bottom of the "U" is missing, you'll want to be on the #3 position. Old school racing trick-with a stock height head(non-shaved),you can "up" cylinder pressure by advancing the cam gear.
  14. Agree with the above,with a little deviation -2.25 pipe,but i'll suggest a Walker Dynomax-the biggest one you can fit.It has a quiet idle but barks when you put your foot into it. Flowbastards rank up there with Splitfire plugs for automotive jokes.
  15. Sharps Transmissions.13th st. off Grant near Oracle.520-798-1428.The service advisor(Jon) is a Datsun guy.He's on here.
  16. I have a complete '79 factory A/C system in my spare truck.
  17. I have two manifolds for sale in the classifieds.
  18. Too bad-you probably could have sold them for $600.00 each if they were straight.
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