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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. Ya know....i was going to make an off the cuff joke about finding Kentucky Jelly dripping from my tail pipe once without even reading the article.I'm glad i read it first.:eek:
  2. Dio is in the studio with Tony,Geezer & Vinnie working on a new Sabbath album. Just saw them with Alice opening.:w00t:
  3. Z-train

    MSD Ignition

    the matchbox and the MSD box are duplicating functions.
  4. Z-train

    MSD Ignition

    You can't run a matchbox unit AND a MSD,as they both do the same thing with the exception of more options on the MSD. Go with the 6Al driven by a non matchbox electronic dizzy.
  5. Jon-e-mail me and i'll send you the pics of my Z so you can put them up for me. Thanks....
  6. Z-train

    620 jump seats

    Gary Coleman in the right seat and Rosie O'Donnell in the bed?:lol:
  7. Z-train

    620 jump seats

    Actually,it was to let taller people fit and have SOME interior space.
  8. That's so you can do your Bill Engvall impersonation-right?:lol: BTW-what color is that?
  9. More gooder!:rolleyes:
  10. Photo-tip,pull your car forward three feet next time so the sign(or pole,tree,post e.t.c)is clear of your car. Why doesn't this site let us post images straight from our computers?:confused:
  11. I just got done taking a machete to my Palo Verde trees.Venting actually got some yardwork done. Datrod-one day,not venting is going to kill you.:(
  12. A couple more posers for ya: 1)what did you do for the radiator? 2) how much clearance between the carb hat & the hood? 3)what gear in back$ 4) what tranny? And i just noticed the DS header.A shot of that would be cool.
  13. If you ever hook that thing up,you're gonna pop some glass and wrinkle some panels.I suggest a moderate cage.
  14. You've said three words that are mutually exclusive: 1-cheap 2-fast 3-slammed There is not that much to gut in a 620.At most 500lbs-and that's being generous. 500 lbs equates to only .5 seconds decrease in 1/4 mile times.
  15. O.K.-but our L-20Bs & the like don't move enough air to see a benefit in mandrel bent.But it won't hurt either.
  16. What tells you it's too small?
  17. Bends are restrictions.There is a major difference between restrictions & back pressure.Some back pressure is a good thing.Restrictions are never a good thing. On a U67 head there is a little"depression" between the center exhaust ports.While the header/manifold is flat.This leaves a tiny area for "cross-talk between the ports.If this is eliminated,the result is a gain of 10 ft lbs.
  18. Now i got ya.What ever size the collector necks down to from the factory is what i'm going to use.I think it's 2.25.If it's 2 inch-i'll go with that.Any tail pipe bigger than 1.75 will do nothing except increase noise.
  19. Mike-i'm not questioning the flow capability of the pipe.Rather i'm saying "you"don't need that flow.And actually "all that flow" will actually hurt HP/torque.Now while for MY motor,2 inch is a bit on the anemic side,2.85 is way too big.
  20. Yep.Back pressure to a "degree"is good.My current build(LZ-23) will have a 2.25 headpipe into an as yet un-determined muffler and 2 inch tail pipe.
  21. There is no 4 cylinder made by Datsun that needs a 3 inch pipe.Going too big will actually hurt performance.
  22. Hey!!!No need to get nasty!!!:D ________________________________________________________________ Back to topic: From Stahl's website (Q&A) Should I use a Header Wrap? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT. There is nothing that will damage a header faster than the use of a header wrap, other than attacking it with a hammer or shot gun. As advertised, these wraps do keep the majority of exhaust gas temperatures within the header. The result is the wraps will prohibit the header tubing from cooling properly. If you reduce the ability for headers to dissipate adequate heat properly, the result will be premature failure of the metal. Depending upon the application use and temperatures involved, the life can be reduced to only a few hours. We consider exhaust wraps to be the header manufacturer's best friend. :glare: From Hookers site: QUESTION Should I use exhaust wrap on my Hooker Headers? ANSWER If your vehicle is being run on the street or for extended periods of time, you should never wrap headers. Exhaust wraps insulate the exhaust too much and the exhaust temperature is raised to a level that fatigues the header material causing cracks. :glare: From JBA's website: THE FOLLOWING WILL VOID THIS WARRANTY: Use of "heat-wrap
  23. For clarities sake,i do not know everything-i just know more than you. I did not admit to having"no experience"at wrapping.I said i wrapped headers ON MY car once.If we use your logic,a person has to jump off a cliff before they are allowed to tell people it ain't a good idea. real world experience?that's the funniest thing i've heard all day-thanks. You don't care what "some header manufacturer says".And I'M the know it all? I'didn't know i was in the presence of a header guru.Someone who knows more about headers than Hedman,Hooker,Thorley and the rest.Wow-i'm impressed. By the way did i tell you that ...YOU'RE WRONG?:lol::lol: Dave-sorry for the diversion.Wrapping with or without the "w" is really not a good idea.Especially in a moist climate like the Northwest.
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