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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. It was 20 degrees with a 30 MPH wind last night in Ct.:eek: Would you care to re-phrase that?:D
  2. How about not opening the damn topic if you're not interested in it?People who open topics that bother them and then tell others they shouldn't bo the same,irritate the sh!t out of me.:mellow:
  3. Z-train

    620 rear end

    Unless you're dumping the clutch at 5 grand,a Dana is pointless....not to mention HEAVY.
  4. Ya'll REALLY want a gas rig.Much cleaner & user friendly
  5. Visited in the 60's & 70's moved there in 78.Was it worse back then?Absolutely.The point is if it's in the air-it ain't always SMOG.Cities around the world are not the point.You fail to address the issue of on-shore winds already being at 50PPM.In other words-we are trying to clean up something HERE that is arriving dirty from "THERE".It is IMPOSSIBLE. Taking it further,"they" aren't interested in cleaning up the air-they are only interested in fleecing you & me for as much money as possible.AND they want to get rid of our cars PERIOD. I have to smog my Cummins RAM.I'm allowed 30ppm.I blow a ZERO every fucking time.All they want is my $12.00.
  6. If you've never lived in LA,then shut the fuck up.You are speaking out of school.But you have company.There are morons here in Tucson that say the brown haze in the DESERT sky is smog also.They some how manage to forget that the wind is blowing across the desert SAND. Don't lay you liberal PC bullshit on me-i'll say who needs killing or not.Here's a partial list: Lawyers enviro-NAZIs Liberals Muslims animal rights "nood-nicks" Sorry for the digression. BTW-you started it with":fu:".
  7. Apparently your head is so far up your ass that you need to have glass eye implanted in your bellybutton so you can see what the rest of us are looking at. SMOG is NOT brown.LA had smokey skies in the 1700s.No cars,no white man-connect the dots.
  8. Get up from the computer,walk outside,fall down & go fuck yourself. "Brown" in the air is DUST you twit.And i lived in L.A. for 20 years so i know the score. No one said oil is NOT finite.Another problem you have-reading comprehension.There is just a lot more of it than "they" are letting on. In L.A. a "smog alert" is triggered when particulate matter reaches 80 PPM.The air blowing on-shore is aready at 50 PPM.What does that tell you? And enviro-Nazis is accurate.If we really wanted to help,we would kill every fucking one of them. Next time do your homework before you open your yap and prove to the world that you're a safe distance from genius.
  9. A friend has one with a 350 Chevy in it.:blink::eek:
  10. No,they can't.This is something i forgot in my earlier post.In order for an exhaust to be "too loud",there must be a threshold.In other owrds a certain DB level must be deemed as too loud.And THEN,the cop must take a reading with a "DB meter". Take it to court and ask the cop to PROVE it was too loud.No DB reading-no proof.
  11. Install a resonator and have it checked.Then pull the resonator off.
  12. 2 sets here.They are available somewhere i saw them recently but they are 160-180 dollars for the pair.
  13. My Moms last car was a 710 Wagon.It was a medium/dark green.Thanks for the memories.
  14. A radiator is the last place you want to be cheap with.I've recently built two 70 Chargers with big blocks in them.Both had Griffins in them and during fire-up and break in,the temp never went above 200 degrees sitting in a garage in Arizona in July.You get what you pay for.
  15. For $500 or less you could have Griffin replicate one from aluminum.
  16. True-but these were entry-level econo-boxes.No frills at all.My dad had a 76 B210,then bought a 77 710 Wagon.
  17. Gee-Mike,at least you coulda hosed the cat piss off the wheel first.:blink: Nick-that car is perfectly legal in Kalifornia. My question is-where did he get all the parts?:confused:
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