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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. A question for your guy making them:What is the best way to store a spare set to keep them from drying out?Also does this guy make the front & back winndscreen seals?I need everything,so i might as well shop at one place.
  2. It's been a long time.Goes back to the 80's when he was trying to get a track opened at Terminal Island.He had the right idea as the closest track was LACR and people needed something closer but his "attitude"& approach torpedoed it from the git-go.It's been too long to remember all the details.
  3. Cool.So A/C is the trigger for the color code.My truck is a dealer A/C truck,so it is WR.But the FSM calls out for WB with no mention of a change due to A/C.Well, i'm getting there. Thanks.
  4. The underhood "colors"don't jive with the FSM.Truck has WR,but the FSM calls for WB.Just trying to make sure before i energize things. BTW-did you get the"Toykyo rub"?
  5. istance.Can anyone with a 78 or 79 620 look at the "T"plug on the alternator and tell me the color combination?Also is the heavier wire going to the "top" of the "T"plug.ANd if you have a FSM,does it jive with what is under your hood. Thanks.
  6. [quote=JoeinCa; a place to hang out with other unsavory bastards. neato. Joe HEY!!!!I resemble that remark!
  7. SIX TWENTY FIVE?I assume you told them what to do with their "nuts"?
  8. Z-train

    280Z/ZX ECM tech

    I have been having an intermittent issue with the 810 shutting off for no reason.Also,it would go full rich and not start on other occasions.I'm partially bald now,thanks to this issue. A tug on one of the wires entering the ECM would make the car start.So i went thru the connectors and all related stuff.STILL would shut off.At this point the wife is vacuuming hair out of the car on a daily basis. Then i got the idea to take the ECM apart.And i found bad solder joints.In the pics you can see a row of solder joints(Xacto blade is pointing to them)Three of them were bad.The blades run thru the side of the box and then make a 90 degree turn and "land"on a circuit board.WHen the joints failed,there was a"hole"with the pin in the middle-so a little tug would either make or break the circuit and shut the car off.Adding to this is the fact that the ECM is on the drivers kick panel and would be effected by the door slamming shut. End result is so far so good.And there has been a slight change in the way the car runs.Really hard to quantify it.But the best i can come up with is,it's "smoother".So more than one issue was rectified with the re-soldering.You will need a magnifying glass to see ANYTHING on the board.
  9. They just have a yellow lense for the turn signal.
  10. Dan-this is what i was referring to in the PM.50 grills seems excessive.Now,50 PIECES for a run,i can see.If it turns out to be 50 Pieces,i can probably scrape up 10 myself.
  11. We need them OFF THE PLANET!!! :fu: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091220/lf_afp/lifestyleclimatewarminganimalsfood :blink:
  12. :blink: Some have both.:lol:
  13. Simplest would be to have your GF or wife sit in the passenger seat.Easily removeable if needed-just fling the door open and take a hard left turn.
  15. THe matchbox or the GM conversion are good ways to go.I wouldn't use Pertronix anything unless someone was pointing a gun at the family dog.And then...maybe.:blink:
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