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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I think there is maybe only one or two people on here that go to StanceWorks. And yeah, a big JNC fan. Theres more JNC members here than StanceWorks. I figured it was your phone. It had a very Instagram look to it. I just cropped it for you in true CineScope aspects: This has always been one of my favorite "Ratsun" 510s... you better do right by her.
  2. It was driven into a ditch and a big tree branch fell on it... of course it was female owned.
  3. You should Cine-Crop that photo... The black bars dont seem to work with the almost square dimensions of the photo. The picture is great though... you take it?
  4. Hate to see a good dog (regardless of breed) destroyed. Good luck finding him a new home. You should post pictures to help tug on people heart stringss.
  5. If she hasnt been seeing anyone through all college, why didnt you ask her out then?
  6. I always look at eBay for some good ones. Its hard to find the 15s, but they usually have 14s. Let me see what I can dig up... http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/JDM-14-ASAHI-LEO-Wheels-Rims-4x114-3-S13-Datsun-KE70-AE71-AE86-Corolla-/280874523324?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item41656d1abc http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Genuine-JDM-SSR-Longchamps-14-Rim-4x114-3-4-Stud-S13-AE86-sx180-KE70-Wheel-S14-/290708901501?pt=AU_Car_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43af99ce7d http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-SPEED-STAR-SSR-Mark-1-DATSUN-510-Roadstar-AE86-Corolla-/330723672039?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item4d00aabfe7 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/JDM-SSR-Long-Champ-XR-C-15x7-12-4x114-RARE-COMPLETE-/251052313504?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3a73e24ba0 http://motors.shop.ebay.com/Wheels-/43953/i.html?LH_ItemCondition=2&rt=nc&Bolt%2520Pattern=4x114%252E3&_nkw=jdm%20rims&_catref=1&_dmpt=Motors_Car_Truck_Wheels&_fln=1&_ssov=1&_trksid=p4506.c0.m282
  7. Im Im thinking a few panos would be good. Ill still bring my gear and if the mood hits me, maybe we can set something up.
  8. Ha f*ck that... Yeah I wont be doing it for 150-200 cars. Thats a little too dedicated than I want to be. Ill still bring a small amount of gear with me and maybe will do it for the guys camping out. Or maybe just the Ratsun guys.
  9. I was thinking about running a "booth" to provide some car photography. I know people always like nice pictures of their cars, so I figured if the weather was nice I could do it. Depending on how many cars show up, I could say one shot (final shot, as I do multiple exposures) free and you could pay to have more if you wanted. It would be like prom pictures. I hear theres plenty of room at the grounds so I can find a spot with a decent enough background and just have cars roll through that spot, stop for ten or so minutes and then the next one could roll through. Ive done it for car meets in the past and its been successful for all parties. If there are too many people then my fun time relaxing down there would be ruined, but I dont mind snapping one of each car if its only a decent to good turnout and not a ridiculous turnout. We could set it up to have all 510s in a row, 610s in a row, blah blah blah for pano shots of the event. Ive never gone that crazy at events before, but it could be fun.
  10. Back to the top! Couple questions for the guys that have gone before: 1). Whats the weather usually like during this meet?- its the start of Summer, but its also the PNW so rain is always in question. 2). How many cars usually show up? Im thinking of offering a service at Canby, but depending on the weather and how many people show up it might not be feasible.
  11. I almost never go into individual sections... I just look at new content, so that how I came to this thread. It's not the front ends, it's the body sizing. Something about the front vs the cab vs the bed seem to be misproportioned to me. Same reason why I don't like any version of the Rams. I love the look of this wagon though... The cargo area evens it out IMO and I would even drive this.
  12. I do not like 521s at all, but that wagon looks awesome. Thanks for sharing! Do you have any engine or interior shots?
  13. With the wagon so low and next to that truck... it look tiny. Looking good man!
  14. You could always fill it and retap it for the right threads.
  15. If it makes you feel any better, I blew a tire yesterday on the freeway.
  16. One connection looks a little off, so let me take it to my car and check condition tomorrow. Ill screw the lights in and out to check condition.
  17. A few people have use tap handles for shifters before.... Ive always liked the look. And I dont think anyone will be able to tell anything from your picture showing the threads. Did you try to screw it on yet?
  18. Those are very interesting... too bad they arent the same pattern as your door panels (which are epic BTW).
  19. I just looked (my stash is mostly in my living room) and it looks like the twist connections are good. They are pretty dirty though...
  20. I think I have an extra set of buckets... Since I switched to GL tails, normal buckets no longer fit.
  21. Psh thats the cool thing. Its like calling a tiny dog Killer, or a big dog Tiny. Its fun... who cares if its not gender specific. It would be a funny explaination when you tell them your dogs name. Them: Wow big dog... You: Yeah, its a rott-mastiff mix Them: Huh, whats its name? You: Her name is Torque B) Them: Torque?- why would you call her Torque? You: Because if you dont brace yourself, Torque will rip you to shreds. Them: :blink:
  22. Whats the coil sleeves from?
  23. Can looks great overall, dont worry about it :D
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