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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I dont know if this was an edit to the post, but I seem to have missed this part. Whats the issue with running poly? I usually replace any bushing I can with poly mounts. Hung out with Pumpkn yesterday. Worked on my carb a bit and seemed to work out a bunch of my stalling issues. I fixed them a couple weeks ago for about a couple days so Ill give it another day to make sure the problem doesnt come back. I trust Daves skills more than my own, so Im sure it will be fine. Scoped out his rides and helped him choose the new color for his KC. Its going to look really good whenhes done. I snapped a few pictures of the color choice, but Ill wait for him to post them up when hes ready.
  2. I like the white and blue... glad to see she has a good home now.
  3. For engines from 89.5-93 (6bolt) the NA and turbo variants are basically the same engine minus the turbo components. A lot of parts are interchangeable as long as you apply the concepts of NA engine building to it (i.e., you want higher compression versus the lower turbo compression)... but them cams are the same. You want be able to use the same profile types that the turbos run, but the cams are the same and Im sure you would still get the gains youre looking for by upgrading. Now when you get into the second generation of Eclipses, thats when the turbo and NAs, differ. The NAs, were Chrysler engines where as the turbos remained 4Gs. There are NA 4G63s in the Spyders though... as well as 6G64s (I think... not too familiar with the Spyders).
  4. Truf. I like the staggered design/sizes... Its a similar style to having mismatching rims, but for this particular setup they are both similar sets of SSRs coated the same color. So the rims match, but with a bit of a twist. Im sure not everyone likes it, but I do. The wagon looks great with them so as soon as Jon is down working his magiic with them, I can wait to put them on my 4dr.
  5. Do you really need two threads for this?
  6. Thats what Im trying to tell you... the turbo and non-turbo cars use the same cams. Just buy 4G63T cams in a profile adequate for your needs.
  7. I thought you were going to pick up SSR MKIIIs? I think I remember DatDoug having some of those... Hes the one I got my hubcaps from, and I think when he brought out what he had, there were a few of those in there.
  8. I'm not sure what they're asking for it, I guess I could look into it. I really don't have the room for it, but I might be able to store it at the shop. If anything, I can save it for someone to come pick it up. I just checked their inventory and it's a 77.
  9. Theres one here at the PnP next door... L20b decent-ish interior, same color blue.
  10. Well, I will admit that I do not like the body kit at all... I will give you respect in the fact that youre putting in work though. The 6-bolt NA block is the same as the turbo variant so they use the same exact cams.... You can buy any variety of cams for it and run them. Stock cam profiles for the NA are 254/248 I believe with the turbo version being 248/248. And you were probably wise to stay off Tuners; they are a bunch of tools.
  11. I will agree with what was already said. I am on a calibrated monitor though and the pictures dont look any better. My big tip for these specific pictures is that you need to tone down your post processing. Since these are just suppose to be nice looking "snapshots" then all you want your PP to do is make sure the picture matches what your eye saw IRL. Dont go all crazy making hyper-colors by jacking up the saturation/vibrancy. Take a look at pictures 5 and 7.... that sky is ridiculous. I can guarantee that the sky didnt look like that. Also, look at number 8. Look how flat (dynamically) the truck is, where as the rims and background just scream at you. You really dont want the background to be that bold, because it takes away from the main subject. You have a bunch of reflections that would be nice to get rid of. I dont know if you shoot with quality (or any) filters, but I would look at picking up a nice polarizer. You will get skies that look a billion times better and it will cut down on a bunch of reflections in the paint and glass. That would be my addition to the critique. I will go over the link stuff tomorrow when I wake up. Its 1240 here and I just got home from work, but I figured I would give you a little heads up. Since youre shooting Nikon I would suggest checking out Nikonians.org as well as FredMiranda.com/forum
  12. So what are the plans for this car? Youre running a non-turbo front wheel drive car with a ridiculous widebody kit on it... Where are you going with it? Are you on any other forums with this thing? Purity/Tuners/MM?
  13. Hes in California, what do you expect? People in that state sue for everything...
  14. Tristin

    Moar Low !

    Thats not a rake.... this is a rake!
  15. Ever since I saw the Rally Citroen on Top Gear, Ive wanted one of those wagons. Too bad they are nowhere to be found here in the states.
  16. I did buy it from a Datsun guy, but who knows if hes actually greased any boots or anything. I wasnt able to look at any of this today, but Im hopinh soon. My plan is to replace everything up front so Im hoping that happens soon. My live-in girlfriends postion at work just got phased out yesterday, so were now on a bit of a budget cut. Shes got a few interviews this week so Im hoping those paychecks can pick up right where the last one cut off, so theres no dampening in funds.
  17. These are 280zx brakes... You can tell the difference between what he has and what I have for calipers. His discs may just be aftermarket. The coilovers he bought are from Techno which have a 280zx/510 and a 510 option. Vorsach... whats wrong with the coils you already have installed on the car? They look pretty dirty, but I dont see anything broken on them. If they are blown, you might be able to just have the inserts rebuilt.
  18. This is the only Hotwheels Ive owned since being a child:
  19. Please keep this longer than the last owner. Im glad to see it made it back to Ratsun though...
  20. Well those brakes look like they are stock 510 brakes... Are you sure that those coilovers are not for a 510/280zx version? That would explain why your hubs and such will not mount up correctly.
  21. You're 100% correct in the fact that body mods are looked down on, in the DSM crowd. I've owned seven various DSMs and work for a shop that specializes in them. Stock body all the way! I'm hoping this thread turns out good... I'll be watching it.
  22. Yeah, I figured since Im looking at the front suspension, I might as well look at it all. Here soon I should be picking up all new adjustable LCAs and TCs. I figure with it being lowered quite a bit from stock, I should try to correct as much geometry as I can.
  23. Hmmm that's a good tip too. I'll check that after I look at the ball joints... I figure it might be a little more intrusive to check the steering rack than ball joints. Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Hopefully I can take a look tomorrow.
  24. Thanks man. Thats what Im mainly going for... I figure I like it and no one really does it.
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