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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Looking good! My only issue is that you have your wheels turned the wrong way for some of the images. Your wheels should always be completely visible in whatever angle youre viewing the car. Every time you post more pictures, I get more excited to see this in June.
  2. You should name her Torque, because if youre not careful it could twist your arm off... (when shes no longer a puppy lol)
  3. Tristin

    is this gay?

    He not saying Canadians are gay... Just that Canadian rap is ghey. Its a very valid statement.
  4. Tristin

    is this gay?

    I agree. I think its a little too AutoZone chrome sticker for my liking.
  5. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/691-how-to-post-pictures-and-keep-online-photo-albums/ Welcome to the site.
  6. Tristin

    is this gay?

    I sould probably change the title... Maybe something like "Is this Honderp-ish" or "Is this too VatoZone-ish?"
  7. Im debating whether or not I want to run centercaps on the rims. I was thinking of purchasing new valve stems, hardware, and centercaps... but havent fully decided yet. Now I just have to do a little research on some tips/tricks for lip polishing so I can do it myself. Then the rims should be done.
  8. Well yeah, he drives an actual 610 in that color lol.
  9. Lol I know... for some reason what I typed didnt show up. Stupid phone. What I originally typed was that his color 610 made me think of this clean b210.
  10. With the flares in the right place it looks a lot better. Great move (literally!).
  11. Thanks for the offer Jon, but I had it covered. A little scrambling to find a tire, but it worked itself out. I was so close to home that it was fine.
  12. Ha thanks for sharing that Jun... it ahad been awhile since I had seen that video.
  13. My day started out awesome. The weather was decent so it was a fun scenic drive down to Shelton to pick up my freshly powdercoated rims from Jrock. I get to his buddies place and we chit-chat a bit while he plays airplanes with his buddy. The decide that one of the planes needs to be stuck in the power lines, but then later realize they want to keep playing... so now they have to get it down: I scope out the wagon and blue 2dr... Talk a bit about the progress on both, check out all the work theyre putting into them, then load up my rims and head on back home: I back through Shelton into Allyn where I decide its time for lunch. I stop at a local favorite called Big Bubbas Burgers and grab a bite to eat. I thought about eating at their outdoor sitting, but I thought that since it was such a nice day out that I want to eat waterfront. While Im waiting for my food, the owner proceeds to tell me how his first car was a 510 and that he loved it... I get my food and cruise on down to the beachfront park and dock area. It was gorgeous so I rolled down all the windows, cracked the sunroof and just relaxed for a bit while I ate lunch. It was really refreshing. I ate all my food and decided it was time to head back home. I had some work to take care of so enough time was wasted sitting around in the car doing nothing. I make it about 15mins from the house and this happens: This is why backspacing and offset are important. I figured if I was going to blow a tire, it was going to be from the stretch or the fender rubbing. As you can see, its the inside of the tire that blew. Once I got the rim off I could see that I was rubbing against my shock body. Looks like Im going to have to get rubber for the new rims quicker than I planned originally. Thanks to Jrock for the awesome job on my rims and thats to Goonfan for the spare rim and tire (since I had neither).
  14. Well, quite a day. Had a great morning and then and then a not so great afternoon. On my phone, so when I get home I'll write more and post some oics.
  15. No one cares about the trail... we only want oics! :devil:
  16. Im a little late to the paint party, but why get rid of the two tone? I think it look phenomenal.
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