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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. That will be cool. I'm glad you're still using the engine, would be a waste. Spitfire should be a fun build... Eventually Id like to pick up some sort of roadster.
  2. Somehow I missed this thread... Honestly car looked lame until those DR20s were thrown on. Too bad that A-series was giving you trouble, it sounds like a beast. I love BBrojects stuff. Now the 289 will be a good addition. Looking forward to the engine build as you always put out good work John.
  3. Man, this oil cooler is a slut. This is like the 3rd guy it's been with in such a short period of time.
  4. I wish there were more of these swap meets in the NW.
  5. Let's just let this bread get back on track :)
  6. They sit low. They were a little high when I first made them, and after someone pointed it out about the arm thing, I started cutting them low. I daily my car with a set and have no issues with the knobs.
  7. Haha I love Aussie dollars! (I think I still have some from my trip last year). It was funny when my boat (read: submarine) pulled into Perth, there were a few of us from Southern California. Perth and Freemantle looked exactly like a lot of the beach areas from Cali... Gorgeous blondes, the architecture, palm trees, and it was super sunny. Anyway, a friend (also from California) and I had the saying about Australia: Australia was great! It was just like So Cal, but everyone had funny accents and there was Bomar (my last name) colored money! Since I'm a little more effeminate that most guys, they thought I fit right in with all the highly decorative purple and pink money you guys had.
  8. Crap... Looks like I'll have to remove mine to see where they're at. Thanks again!
  9. I'll hit up the local Toys R Us tomorrow; I live right behind it. I'll see if there's anything good there.
  10. Owned. That's what happens when you price police in public... You get dominated in public. I tried to warn him. GLWS. I'm sure these will look good on whatever Z picks these up.
  11. I've barely sold any at this price... I might make a small batch later. I'm currently out of door pulls so when I get a chance, I'll make a few more sets. Thanks to those who got some.
  12. Those tabs are on all my emblems (1969). That's why I was curious when the change was... Not that it's really important.
  13. I didn't realize the locking mechanism was on the pin itself... That must be new. I wonder when they switched to that method.
  14. Perfect. You're the man! Now I can finish the back face of my model.
  15. Awesome thank you! I had my cleaner powder coated and I'd like to replace the worn stickers that were on it. I can't seem to find any though. Anyway, GLWS!
  16. He said his brother already bought it.
  17. I've seen a couple states that dont require that on all vehicles. If you owned a vehicle before seat belts were used then you don't need them... Also, think about school busses and limos, they don't have seat belts all the time. That's just one example. You also wouldn't need blinkers because you can use hand signals... Anyway, I would assume working wipers were just so when it rains the car doesn't turn into a 60mph death trap to other drivers since you can't see in the rain. Edit: I see that you said 'marker' and not 'blinker.' Disregard my last point.
  18. What is the OD of the pins? That way I can get center to center. Thanks for the info!
  19. Would I be able to get some high-res close ups of the stickers on the air cleaner?
  20. Yep, if there are already holes drilled, why not utilize them?
  21. This still didn't get taken care of? Why didn't you mention anything after PayPal had the wrong address? Don't say there's no communication when I was talking to you. I'm at work right now and will have it figured out once I get off. I didn't even know this was still a problem...
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