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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. You mean the square one that comes with the Weber?- because it looks like crap.
  2. I'll probably just continue to run a manual choke and will just mill down adapters to be as thin as possible. The choke really isn't a pain as the real problem is smashing the air cleaner with the hood. That's no bueno.
  3. Q-tip, Just Joel, and myself have been discussing the L20b air cleaner with a Weber install as well... Q is attempting it without cutting up the cleaner right now. We shall see how it works out. I can't weld, so I might hit you up when the L20 goes in my car. Is that couch where JRock sleeps when he gets kicked out of the house?
  4. He's obviously going to pull the trailer with the trike to a show, park it, then put the trike on the trailer...
  5. I remember the interior being pretty good I think... The floors were shitty, but I think the rest was good.
  6. Man, didn't know everyone was hurting for parts. I'll scope everything out tomorrow and will give out more details.
  7. For some reason I'm loving that grille.
  8. Sweet color! Is that factory?
  9. Your power supply us probably toast... I would recommend picking up one that's correct for your model. Check out newegg.com Power supplies are pretty cheap for basic towers.
  10. If you don't know what a ZJ is, you can't afford it.
  11. February isn't that long... If people hate on your setup just tell them it's your winter gear. Then come the nice weather early next year you bust out some sweet steelies and caps. Like a bawse.
  12. Obviously not with gas powered propellant, but we used to do similar things on my boat (read: submarine) when we were out on deployments. We would save up or steal from other departments their 3-hole punch scrap (called dit-dots) and booby trap all sorts of things with them. Unsuspecting crew members would reach for something and trigger and explosion of 1000s of dit-dots straight to the face. It was always war between other watch sections to come up with über elaborate ways to scare the shit out of each other with dit-dot bombs.
  13. If he's parting, I wonder if I can snag a bench seat out of one of them.
  14. That's what bros are for. I also handle ZJs and the bookkeeping.
  15. The one I'm looking at is complete. One door is shit, but the rest looks decent after a little looking. I'm hitting the place up tomorrow for a more thorough inspection.
  16. What are the quick sale parts for a 521? I'm a little out of my element, but want to make sure I can help out other 521s.
  17. Yeah the back could use a little more width. Do you have any spacers?
  18. It would be nice without the writing, but the car looks great! Can't wait to see the rest.
  19. You should totally make it Jon. I can give you thar shit for Frank and Nana.
  20. That sounds like a good deal... You'll need road trip food for the move to Oregon.
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