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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I actually never even noticed youre from Canada. Huh, guess I should pay attention more. Glad to see any update on this thing.
  2. Favorite Nissan ever (followed closely by the 4dr. 2000 GT Skyline)... long live the butaketsu!
  3. I've had visors work on all the cars I've put them on... You just have make sure you don't open the windows beyond the bounds of the visors otherwise they obviously don't work. And I agree... If you don't install fender mirrors correctly, they don't work. You could say that about any product.
  4. They both function and look good. Do fender mirrors work any better than door mirrors?- no. But they work and look great. Visors function great if it's raining and they look good as well. I don't know what's not to understand...
  5. :D Ha I'm always jealous of the things you pick up.
  6. Nooooooooo!!!!!! I hate you John. I've been looking for a pair. It rains all the time here.
  7. Thanks man! Still needs some work, but it's come along way.
  8. Superstars... Not Starsharks. These are starsharks:
  9. Lol no defending... Only hugging I was doing was with the beauty in the black dress (I wish). Qtip and Skip know the girl.
  10. True... That plan would only work if he actually restored the car and didn't just leave it to rot.
  11. Unless he has the money to restore it because he lives in a trailer. I'm about to move into a shittier place to lower rent so I have more play money (read: Datto money).
  12. Still haven't I stalled them yet. I've been going to the JY with all my spare time it seems and although the horns are back together, I'm contemplating reading them apart to put gaskets in them. I has last night off, so maybe today I'll fix the horns.
  13. Did some general maintenance... New plugs and wires (plus a little more cleaning) No matter how much I clean up the bay, that battery/starter area kills it. I really need to take care of it. Also picked up these in a trade (better picture when I get them out of the car):
  14. I've known that it doesn't fit, but is it the reservoir that hits or the push rod sleeve (I don't even know what that's called)? Wildwood makes a remote dual master that only moves the reseviors. I was thinking of running that.
  15. Care to share the model of the single master cylindar? If its cheaper than effort I may just go that route. I'll still have to modify the cleaner for my needs, but at least I won't have to notch it for the BMC.
  16. What I find funny about ads like these is people list it for $3 but say make an offer. If that was a store selling the car legally they would be required to sell it at that price since that's what it's marked.
  17. That's not required. They just have to be taken from the same angle and when you scale the grille to fit, just make sure you constrain proportions.
  18. That just means you get it for a cheaper price. I doubt whatever the problem is will be hard to fix.
  19. That does look pretty sweet... But I don't know about cutting up a 73 grille.
  20. That links goes to managing your posts... Not a list of your posts.
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