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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. You can get them on eBay.
  2. Haha also know that the sidewall height is for both above the rim and below the rim. So there is 78.75mm of tire above the rim and 78.75mm below the rim. So in the instance I gave above, that tire and rim choice would yield a total height of 22.2 inches.
  3. Tristin

    1200's unite!!!

    Any sedans for sale? :D
  4. 225/70/R16 225= width of the tire in millimeters 70= is the height of the sidewall in percentage of the tire width (in this case 70% of 225 or 157.5mm) R16= is the width of the rim it fits
  5. Yeah and no. I volunteered in downtown Charleston for a "Tend the Homeless" event of something. Basically it was an open event for all homeless to come in and get free medical/dental check-ups, a toiletry kit, shower/haircut, and a specific number of clothing items (like one jacket, two pairs of pants, pack of socks, etc.). I was one of the "personal shoppers" who helped picked out clothes that fit. There were like 60 jam-packed racks of clothes all donated by the Goose Creek Goodwill. The manager said that whomever was a personal shopper could take a few items of clothing for helping out. I snagged those leather pants because I thought they were funny and I grabbed a sweet tuxedo shirt that I still wear to this day. I did however actually go into the Goose Creek Goodwill once because I heard they had a large collection of vintage video game consoles. There was a whole room devoted to them! I bought a SNES and like 40 games.
  6. Tristin


    All of the pin-up tattoos remind me that i need to finish mine. I have a busy outline that I need to color in. Soon...
  7. What are the length of Z20 rods? Are they the same as L20b/Z22?
  8. A bit of an old thread, but I just remembered where I saw the paint... http://datsunpartsllc.com/cart/index.php?p=product&id=205&parent=14
  9. Most places around the World are under 18...
  10. How underage? I like to think theres a grey area... If she wants it, who am I to deny it?
  11. In a nutshell, refinish my grille, buy new taillights, redo my torn up seats, im acquiring the pieces for a decent L-series build, eventually repaint a similar color... Those are the big ticket items. Im pretty happy with the way things are now, but it could always be better. Other than lowering, what are you endgame plans?
  12. Just ask A-Gang for a gallon of citric acid next time youre on the boat... they use it to clean out a lot of the equipment in the machinery spaces like the CO2 scrubbers.
  13. I do have a pair of leather pants... but Ive never work them outside the house before. I bought them at a Goodwill in S. Carolina back in like '05.
  14. I used to have a sweet pair of slip-on Vans in high school that a friend hand sewed a sequin design into... they were pretty sweet, but eventually they got ruined over time. And Im nowhere close to thug, so I steer clear of sequin and glitter pants.
  15. Im a good guy I promise. I just like the cut of female jeans :) Its not like I wear the ones with sequins, fancy embroidering, and ass-pocket flaps.
  16. So youre telling me that every Datsun thats been sold over the years has been in perfect condition? Not likely. A few problems here and there could be weird light issues, door bushings suck, some surface rust, AKA not a perfect car. Any 40+ year old car thats not a complete restore will have some problems here and there. It looked like that car was owned by a Dealer lot which Im sure doesnt have much Datsun knowledge. What may be simple for you and I to fix may be hard for them because they do know have access to the right knowledge or parts. Unless the car sounded like an absolute wreck, I wouldnt have passed up on that. It seems like theres a ton of cars fitting the OPs description, but hes being too picky. People come here and do that all the time... I want only a 1968 Datsun, with no rust, original paint, has to be a 5spd, perfect interior, a runner, and within 15mi. of my house. Its not going to happen. Once again, its a 40yr old car. I understand people not wanted a pil of rust and they want it to run, but eventually you need to put on your big boy pants and make a decision. There are plenty of nice projects out there for a decent price. Find one, build it how you want it, and enjoy.
  17. Youve been on Ratsun long enough to know that no single thread is about one single person. Even build threads get horribly derailed sometimes. Its the Ratsun way.
  18. Looks good Jason! Thats a nice subtle upgrade.
  19. And you guys said that I was trolling for a title... Goijira its not going to happen.
  20. Cast manifolds are great. The factory cast manifolds have 1000s of hours and 1000s of dollars invested in them for R&D. They are are shaped a specific way internally to maximize a lot of features. People that build tubular manifolds normall just make them equal length and call it a day. You will also see a cast manifold last the elements longer than any tubular manifold. There are a few aftermarket and factory manifolds that are great. The stock S13/14 manifold as well as the Evo unit are great.
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