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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I keep checking Toys R Us here. Its tight across the street from my house (in fact I can see it while I type this), but the new stuff hasnt shown up yet. Now that you say you see it in store, maybe they received something here. Ill walk over tomorrow and report my findings. Maybe Ill ask an associate if they can find out any info for me or something.
  2. Lol look at the package... does that really look like the quality that Hotwheels normally puts out? It doesnt even say "Hotwheels" on it.
  3. Tristin

    710's unite!!!!!!!!

  4. I dont think anyone has actually gone and looked at it.
  5. I agree with Hobbes... I almost bought it, but passed after looking at the wiring photos. If you need me to pass them along I can. It would be nice if you could save it from the scrapper. Youd even get a supposedly running L16 out of the deal.
  6. From the bit of research I've done, the smaller bumper overriders were only available in Australia on the higher-end trim levels. Since the 510 was marketed as an economy car, very few models were purchased with the overriders. Those coffin bars were produced by an American company called Amco. They were offered through the dealerships here... I'm not surprised they didn't make it over there.
  7. I was waiting for interior pics... Man if thats the case on interior and wiring I think I'll pass. I'm down for a project, but not a nightmare.
  8. Datwifey was looking for a black backseat. Hit her up.
  9. The longest one he has says reaches the bottom of his calf. All he does is sing in a band... he makes do.
  10. When I was running Linux, I only ran Ubuntu; I loved it. I never had any issues with it. I always recommended it to new Linux users and people who barely used the computer based on its crazy amount of specific need distributions.
  11. I was just curious what you were coloring. Im doing some searching now for diagram software and watched a tutorial using Visio; looks nice. Unfortunately for me, Windows only.
  12. As a previous automotive photographer (now without a camera), Im curious... what are you taking pictures with?
  13. Its not gay if youre underway...
  14. Shhh I never told anyone. Seal your lips before it gets out... youll be a pariah :rofl:
  15. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/52744-ratsun-meet-portorchard-aw-sat-march-16th-11am-2pm/
  16. What do you mean edit a B/W? Are you talking about adding color to a black and white line drawing?
  17. Its Paolo something. Edit: Paolo Musante... just looked it up.
  18. Much better photos! Night pictures can be hard. That 610 is looking great! Very jealous.
  19. If you want to make it super legit, get the contact info from the guy that did the DQ 510 wiring diagrams. Ask him what he used.
  20. You should have used Exel/Numbers/Open Office to make the diagram. Would probably be pretty easy to sketch up.
  21. I hate to dirty this thread up with dude pictures, but the only dreads I respect are from Brian Fairs from the band Shadows Fall. He has real dedication... he hasnt cut his hair since high school, over 20 years ago.
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