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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. There's also two 521 tailgates in my area.
  2. Man, am I the only one trying to keep order around here? There's already a Craigslist thread and this has actually already been posted. Double fail. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/8297-post-craigslist-ads-here/page-285?do=findComment&comment=885270
  3. No it wasnt, hell Im not OG Ratsun and Ive been here almost 2 years. I dont care about post count as long as you take part in the community, but 4 months isnt a long time. For your build threads? Im on the edge of my seat
  4. You should do fine. Im 6'1'' with no issues and I know taller and larger guys that fit with no issues.
  5. If you can find one local to me, I can have a friend pack it in his luggage. Hes flying to Guam here in a few days...
  6. Not an elitest comment, but youve only been here for like 3 months... I dont know if "us longtime Ratsuners" would be the phrase I would use. Granted you have more posts than most of the new guys trying to buy 510s these days. Glad this went to a good home. Im sure anyone willing to spend the $15k will treat it right. BRE, what state is it going to?
  7. Thats a good point. Unless youre pullling out some of these backwater deals some are still getting 510s arent getting any cheaper.
  8. Oh so you didnt put the blocks in. I was going to say that the truck should be a lot lower... Progress so far is looking great!
  9. That actually wont be the first time Ive been threatened with that this week... Ask your dad, though Im sure he will say 'Nancy.'
  10. Wheres the rest of the pictures of the Coupe?
  11. Yeah, money is always good motivation, but another thought is its not like youve been poor this whole time. Youve had money... but you always just want to put it towards the 510. Maybe thats where your priorities really are. Im all about keeping Datsuns, but if the sitting there Z helps you achieve your goal of 510 bad-ass-dom then maybe you need to shuffle stuff around to free up some more funds. A thought.
  12. Im sorry for not knowing a JDM only 2 year car :rolleyes: Im sure you didnt know what it was until it showed up on your Tumblr feed. Get the fuck out of here with that.
  13. But he asked for peoples opinions. I never liked everyone responding with "do what you want, its your car." Obviously, I can do what I want... but I asked for opinions for a reason. Here is what I see on this situation. You havent touched the Z in forever and you said it yourself, that you like 510s more. It doesnt make sense to me to spend on this money on a project you dont really care for. I would do one of two things: 1. Just keep holding out for the right 510. 2. Possibly even sell the Z to add more money to the 510 fund. If youre not really excited about the Z at all, why keep sinking money into it? It just seems like a waste. It scrape whatever money together that you could and build the next 510 the way you really want it.
  14. Yeah I like how its all flat olive and then theres just two sections of black. No tiger stripe, no other camo pattern... then just a few meh sized designs. It looks like it took like an hour to paint the whole car.
  15. It looks like the Ford oval in the center of the tail lights.
  16. Your picture is sideways, but here:
  17. Sweet truck for sure. Hope you medically get better and GLWS.
  18. Dont be scared of autos... they are easy to change out for pretty cheap (most times) and when you exclude those, you lose out on some decent cars because everyone thinks autos suck. If youre really serious about getting into the Datsun game sack up. Auto swaps can be done in just a couple hours. Cake.
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